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  1. On tauri and stormforge every fight class makes the game crash after 3-4 minutes
  2. Is there a way to make a trap bot on focus target? I've found this wManager.Wow.Helpers.ClickOnTerrain.Spell(1499, wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.FocusObj.Position); but the problem is when i use this in fight class, it will spam the trap no matter what instead of using it when i press my freezing trap. So is there a way to run this code when i press freezing trap? I appreciate every help, ty for your time.
  3. As i said, i tried without anything, just wrobot injected and still crashes after 4-5 minutes Also is there any way to prevent it from spamming? I made this xml with the fight class editor
  4. Hey, im pretty sure the problem is with the wRobot, i have tried other fight classes, and even created one and they all have the same result, they crash after 2-3 minutes. The attached fightclass is the one i created with the fight class editor, it spams this error: wrobot LuaBot > Current block is closed before end of file. If anyone could take a look at it and would have a clue why wow closes after 2-3 minutes i would really appreciate it. mw-orb.xml Edit: If wrobot is just injected and the bot is not "started" the game closes after ~5 mins
  5. And is there any way to fix it? im not really familiar with coding
  6. 970158339_18jn.202213H17.log.html 1221467676_18jn.202213H29.log.html
  7. So i just bought a subscription and after 3 minutes of using wrotation the game just crashes, any idea how to fix?
  8. @reapler Hey, the code just work fine for me, i was wondered if there is a way to add more spell instead of just Healing Sphere, for example: Freezing Trap, Angelic Feather ?
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