I created a custom profile for Alterac and i use a custom class (i am a rogue). I try to improve the bot behaviour but i didn't find how. Could you help me please ?
First question :
I would like to start Stealth ability when i get to a specific waypoint -> the alterac began, my bot follows a path road from the custom profile and when he is at a specific location he activated Stealth ability. Is-ti possible ? If not, do you know another way ?
Second question :
Today my bot follows always the same path. I would like to know if in the custom profile i can create a first path, then a second, etc -> Alterac began, i alway follow the same path until iceblood (all right). After that i go to the center of the map. If i am killed, i back to iceblood (all right). Then, from Ice blood i back to the center of the map and go to a tower, etc (all right). If i am killed back to iceblood grave. This time, i would like to "follow" another path. Is it possible ? If not, how do you do to "break" the bot routine ?
Thank you a lot ?