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  1. sure, already check, for feral, only change is healing touch exchange for regrowth and i already made it, bear profile didnt need any change and it doesnt work.
  2. My feral Wrotation profile doesnt work, in fact, any wrotation profile for feral doesnt work, other characters work just fine. My bear profile doesnt work. 25 oct. 2016 19H38.log.html
  3. Calculate/interact combat distance by target must be active when you face big hit boxes or you dont hit them unless you are in the center of the hit box.
  4. yes, its look like you have to be inside the bosses when you dont have this option activated for the rotation to start.
  5. Calculate/interact combat distance by target seems to be the problem.
  6. Yes, never stop targeting and in optimal range(melee)
  7. Ok, this problem is new. I use this fight class in the past (a couple of months ago) and it goes very good. I came back to wow recently, pay for the bot again (mainly because i use wrotation and the bot is safe), i cant seem to make rotation work on my main. Note that the problem only presents during raid/dungeon(not in the dummy or lvling). In the Gorefiend fight it didnt work at all, i dont know the reason, it use to work there. Im gonna add the fightclass file and the log. But i didnt found anything there. And they use to work good in the past. Is there any solution to this that i didnt found in the forum? i have try many changes in the options like "unlock fps limit" and "improve combat rotation speed" but still doesnt work. Thanks in advance. 8 jul. 2016 03H03.log.html WOD FDRUID WROT sin interrupt 2.0.xml
  8. works very well, sometimes got bugged.
  9. Sorry, been working for the last 16 days all day :D. Fixed with last update. <script type="text/javascript" src="/pagespeed_static/js_defer.pbrP1whUgE.js"></script>
  10. Awesome.
  11. If you dig only fossil, then u gonna end with no digsites at all, you have to dig them all to let them renew.
  12. Any chance for a way to change fightclasses with a hotkey?. Cause i try to make a single and aoe dps in a single fightclass but it doesnt work, "hostile unit near" or "hostile unit near target" does not work very well. Right now my Feral single dps is perfect, but i cant make the Aoe work.
  13. Only on Draenor, already checked on other continents and it work just fine.
  14. checking on default ui and its like -100---0----+100, but i dont know
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