While in WOW go to the Create Macro screen and create a macro with just the following info:
/use Abyssal Gulper Eel Bait
/use Blackwater Whiptail Bait
/use Blind Lake Sturgeon Bait
/use Fat Sleeper Bait
/use Fire Ammonite Bait
/use Jawless Skulker Bait
/use Sea Scorpion Bait
Now drag this new button/icon to your toolbar.
In WOW go to your keybind settings and setup a keybind for it. I selected "=" on the main action bar because it was available. You can use what ever you want.
Before you continue test the macro to make sure that it works.
Now, go to WRobot > General Settings > Enter advanced settings... > My Macros
Here, create a like pictured
The Wrobot macro will push the keybind you set every 5 minutes. This may not be useful if you're running around looking for nodes but that's up to you.