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Posts posted by libai

  1. thank you,  but is it  not work on 1.12? 

    local tooltip;
    local function CreateToolTipFrame()
        tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "MyTempTooltip", UIParent, "GameTooltipTemplate")
        tooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE")
    local function OnTooltipSetItemFromLink(itemLink)
        if itemLink then
            local numLines = tooltip:NumLines()
            if numLines > 0 then
                for i = 1, numLines do
                    local line = _G[tooltip:GetName() .. "TextLeft" .. i]
                    if line then
    local link = GetContainerItemLink(0,1) -- the hearthstone at 0,1
    CreateToolTipFrame() -- create the frame
    OnTooltipSetItemFromLink(link)  --then error says: [string "Areizogu.lua]:10 Unknown link type
     -- if i run it again error change to : Interface\FrameXML\MoneyFrame.lua:185: attempt to perform arithmetic on local `money'(a nil value)
    On 2/27/2024 at 5:00 AM, Nax said:
    local tooltip;
    local function CreateToolTipFrame()
        tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "MyTempTooltip", UIParent, "GameTooltipTemplate")
        tooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE")
    local function OnTooltipSetItemFromLink(itemLink)
        if itemLink then
            local numLines = tooltip:NumLines()
            if numLines > 0 then
                for i = 1, numLines do
                    local line = _G[tooltip:GetName() .. "TextLeft" .. i]
                    if line then



  2. HearthstoneID: 6948
    Binds when picked up
    Use: Returns you to <Inn>. Speak to an Innkeeper in a different place to change your home location.


    Hi,Is there any way to get where my current home is from Hearthstone?

    I don't known how to get the green color part of The item(Use: Returns you to <Inn>. Speak to an Innkeeper in a different place to change your home location.)

    it's nothing about green info  in itemlink

    ItemLink - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft (fandom.com)

    thank you .





  3. Thanks for Relogger, which has helped me easily manage Wr and Wow.
    However, as time goes on and I use it more deeply, I think I need more features. Here are some things I need your help with:

    • Is there an example of using "Additional WRobot args" in a task step when task type is Run?
    • Are there any conditions for controlling the task? If I create a DK character, it will be invalid until all the start area tasks are completed, but I don't know the exact time it takes to complete the tasks, so is there any logic for controlling the steps to enter or exit, rather than a vague estimate of time?
    • The most import is  If the character does not exist, I hope Relogger can help automatically create it (but I don't know how to operate the character interface, such as creating, deleting, switching characters...how should I operate it?).

    Thank you...

  4. DK start area, there is a quest ID of 12779, the quest content is riding a dragon to bombard, how can I use Wrobot to complete it?


    I tried to use the quest processing script written by  camelot10 , but the problem with this script is that it will be shot into a sieve,use item at start point then fly to target area   the HP rapidly decreases and then  run away back to start point ... endless loop.


    <p> I wonder if there is a way to capture the trajectory of the launched projectile and achieve long-range precision strike?  Like this youtube-link 

    </p>  many thanks

  5. On 7/25/2023 at 1:21 AM, Zer0 said:

    I have just tried with a brand new WRobot install and still had the freeze on login screen, even with one single instance. 

    But since you told me you weren't able to reproduce the bug, I thought it might come from my WoW client, so I tried with another one that was sitting on my computer, the client from Sunwell. No more freezes. Just to confirm I tried to launch my 5 instances with this client about 15 times and had no freeze. So that's it, the problem was the WoW client. Big relief. Thanks for your help.

    If anyone has this issue, try downloading another WoW client.


    I manually started wow.exe and Wrobot.exe without any issues.

    But if I use relogger to manage wow.exe and Wrobot.exe,  the relogger will frequently restart wow.exe and Wrobot.exe.


    On the same machine, manual startup is very ok, without any crashes, everything goes well. However, using relogger to manage wow.exe will repeatedly restart and restart. Is this also related to the wow.exe client?

  6. 11 hours ago, Nax said:

    You could consider creating a system where the decryption key is generated based on the user's IP address or hardware ID. To implement this, you'll need to delve into the field of cryptography and learn how to securely handle and manage these keys,


    i am currently researching this to give people able to protect their own fightclasses / profiles etc.


    fightclassed can be compile into dll and then use some tool to encrypt ... but how to do with files in profiles .. like quests  it seems no way to compile to dll 

  7. I have  many accounts that it took me many many time to config each one.

    I write a config copy tool  to copy files from Settings directory and modify the file name to match the role name and server name.

    But  the fields accountEmail and accountPassword in file  General-roleName-serverName.xml   are encrypted ,even i try to find a way to guess it's algorithm,but  it's not work on other machine , is there any guid to help me ?

    on one machine it like this, but when i change to other  the result also changes.

    a 603
    b 604
    c 605
    d 606
    e 607
    f 608
    g 609
    h 610
    i 611
    j 612
    k 613
    l 614
    m 615
    n 616
    o 617
    p 618
    q 619
    r 620
    s 621
    t 622
    u 623
    v 624
    w 625
    x 626
    y 627
    z 628
    0 554
    1 555
    2 556
    3 557
    4 558
    5 559
    6 560
    7 561
    8 562
    9 563


  8. On 10/30/2023 at 6:16 AM, Heidan said:

    Unfortunately, I didn't find any information on the forum and examples in free profiles.
    Please tell me how to get the bot to move to the next step in case of failure of the quest? For example, when it is necessary to protect the NPC or perform for a certain time. In this case, the bot continues to perform the quest indefinitely. I would like to make the transition to the next step in case of failure of the quest.

    You mean failure of quest  if some quests are timeout means failed ?  or some server bug prevent user  to complete it ?


    if timeout failed you can use  PlayerQuest.StateFlag to check quest status, if server bug then ...it hard to solve. maybe you write the quest id and use a plugin to skip it .


    anyway  you can try this to check if it works:   /script local q = C_QuestLog.SetSelectedQuest(32706); C_QuestLog.SetAbandonQuest(q); C_QuestLog.AbandonQuest()

  9. Hi all,When a hunter is fighting in Maladon, for example, with Entry:13596 at coordinates 40,-94,-201. At this moment, the hunter can only engage in close-range combat because they are underwater, and the combat mode that works normally on land cannot function properly underwater, resulting in inaccurate distance judgment. How can we make it work properly?

  10. I want to define some useful utility classes in plugins, which can be directly called in quester  when loaded.


    However, when I tested it, I found that restarting WR would result in the issue of duplicate classes.


    Is there any way to solve this problem? thx.


    ps: I don't want define classes in custome scripts.

  11. Vanilla server, during PVP, when I select a target and start an attack by Fight.StartFight(target.Guid,true,false,false) ,if the target player  counterattack me, i will lose the current target. I have to select the current target again and again ...

    anyone can help thanks.

  12. On 3/2/2023 at 5:26 PM, Droidz said:

    .net Framework 4.x (4.5 minimum).

    You can't use "$", bot compiler use old C# compiler (you can't use the new language features, or, you need previously to compile your code in dll).

    You can run your Lua code like that :

    var hello = "hello world";
    local index = string.find('" + hello + @",h');


    var hello = "hello world";
    Lua.LuaDoString("local index = string.find('" + hello + ",h');");


    thanks for your reply. my apologies for the delay.

  13. I'm playing on a vanilla server and I'm using quester mode to execute killandslot.

    when the monster dies, the log shows that it's time to go looting, but in reality the character is standing still.

    Even if I am using gototask to force to interact with the mob, there is another problem, i can not use the mouse to click lootbutton by Lua.LuaDoString(“LootBotton1:Click()”);

    even i use runcode  force keyboard to press shift and then talk with the npc and then release shift also not work perfect it need restart production .

    some items need to be bound to confirm, I use a plugin to handle it.


    but if confirm frame didn’t show how to let it show by mouse click on the loot option ?


  14. On 5/22/2023 at 8:58 PM, Matenia said:

    Is this for Vanilla? For Vanilla clock to move to work, you need to be at 60Hz. You can use Rivatuner Statistics Server to limit your Wow.exe to 60 fps for the same effect.
    Otherwise the timestamps internal to the client are off and it won't work.

    Just iterate the list and within each step, use blocking code that only succeeds and jumps to the next step in the loop if ObjectManager.Pet.Position.DistanceTo(Vector3) < 3

    Thanks a lot ,yesVanilla it is, but nothing changed when I locked the fps to 60 by Rivatuner Statistics Server. 

    by the way ,I want to check if mob is facing a vector3 position,how to do it? 

    sometimes I wanna go through a path where many low level mobs around . But I should be in attacked  if them face a position where I will move to. So is there any api ok?

    so wowunit.isfacing api seems not work well. 
    and movementmanager.isfacing is checksome about player itsself



  15. Hello everyone, I want to make the Hunter's pet follow a path after casting the "Aspect of the Beast" skill. After searching through the MovementManager, I found that it seems to only control the player and I don't know how to control the pet. 

    After extensive research, I found that I could use mouse clicks to move the pet. With the camera focused on the pet, I can click on the screen  or press keyboard like "w" to make the pet move. However, the issue with using mouse clicks is that the character doesn't always move to the exact spot I click on. Sometimes, I click far away, but the character only moves a small distance, which is strange! (I don't know if this is the only way to move the pet, if there are other methods, please let me know, thank you.)

    I tried calling the ClickToMove.CGPlayer_C__ClickToMove method, but I am currently facing an issue: I cannot accurately or immediately determine the vector3 list I am traversing through. Could you please help me take a look? Thank you.


  16. On 3/31/2023 at 5:03 PM, Zer0 said:

    The  reason your character only moves a little step is because you're still on the fight thread, so your code only executes for one fight loop iteration. The next iteration, you're back on the normal fight loop which forces you to get in your fight class range.

    There are two ways I know to prevent this.

    1 - Lock the thread in your method. Which in your case would mean calling MovementManager.Go(pathList); and the next line, lock the thread in a while (MovementManager.InMovement) loop. I wouldn't necessary recommend this, because you're blocking the entire fight loop and you will need mutliple conditions to set it right.

    2 - Cancel the fight event. This is my preferred option, but it's more complicated to set up. The code Nax has linked you is one I've written. It uses a manager that listens to multiple events.

    On the ObjectManagerEvents.OnObjectManagerPulsed event, I check and record a list of all the AOEs present in the object manager range.
    On MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse and MovementEvents.OnMoveToPulse I make sure I don't walk into an AOE, and make sure I never cancel an escape
    On FightEvents.OnFightStart, I make sure I don't start any fight during an escape

    This code doesn't really fit your need, because it avoids AOEs that stand on the ground (like a puddle of poison), and uses a "grid" to look for a safe position. In your case, you react to a single action.

    What you need to do is:

    - Detect the moment you need to escape.
    - Cancel the current fight, using cancelable.Cancel = true;
    - Calculate a safe route.
    - Turn an escape flag to true (a simple boolean)
    - Make sure you don't start a new fight during the escape using your flag
    - Turn back the flag to false when your safe condition is met

    Thank you for your detailed and patient explanation.

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