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Posts posted by thetaxi

  1. After many iterations and tries I have finally found a semi working solution to a custom debuff spell detection.  I have to use C sharp code to detect the buff.  However, there are multiple different buffs and so far I am creating a separate spell for each right now.  Is there a better way to do this?  Remember, I have to use spell IDs.

     new SpellState("CastSpellByName(\"Cleanse\");", 9, context => FightconfignameSettings.CurrentSetting.R && wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff (123456),
     new SpellState("CastSpellByName(\"Cleanse\");", 8, context => FightconfignameSettings.CurrentSetting.V && wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff (123457),
     new SpellState("CastSpellByName(\"Cleanse\");", 7, context => FightconfignameSettings.CurrentSetting.Z && wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff (123458), 


    This is what I am working with but it seems to be slowing down my rotation a lot.  Any ideas on how to improve the C code or even go to LUA.


    Thank You

  2. Working in XML and cannot get this to work.  I have tried both lua script and C#code and still not working.

       First the lua script



              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua">
                <LuaScript>anyCurse = false;
    for i=1,40 do
        local name, rank, icon, count, debuffAuraType = UnitAura("player", i);
        if debuffAuraType == "Magic" then
            anyCurse = true;


    Ive also tried this



              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua">
                <LuaScript>anyCurse = false;
    for i=1,40 do
        local name, rank, icon, count, debuffAuraType = UnitAura("player", i);
        if name and debuffAuraType and debuffAuraType == "Magic" then
            anyCurse = true;

  3. Reviving this from way back.  I am trying to do this but with magic and coming up empty.  This is for 3.3.5

              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionString">
                <Value>                                Lua.LuaDoString&lt;bool&gt;(@"
                                        for i=1,25 do 
                                        local _, _, _, _, d  = UnitDebuff('player',i);
                                        if d == 'Magic' then
                                        return true


    Ive also tried this

              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua">
                <LuaScript>anyCurse = false;
    for i=1,40 do
        local name, rank, icon, count, debuffAuraType = UnitAura("player", i);
        if name and debuffAuraType and debuffAuraType == "Magic" then
            anyCurse = true;



  4. Top

    Player position:

    Map name MPQ:  TempestKeepFactory
    My Position:  256.7376, 52.95427, 25.67882, "None"
    My Position Vector:  new Vector3(256.7376, 52.95427, 25.67882, "None")
    My Position: XML <Vector3 X="256.7376" Y="52.95427" Z="25.67882" Type="None" />
    My Rotation:  3.046692


    Player position:

    Map name MPQ:  TempestKeepFactory
    My Position:  256.7376, 52.95428, 0.2462578, "None"
    My Position Vector:  new Vector3(256.7376, 52.95428, 0.2462578, "None")
    My Position: XML <Vector3 X="256.7376" Y="52.95428" Z="0.2462578" Type="None" />
    My Rotation:  3.046692

  5. Is there a way to make the bot just stop if its in a zone that it shouldn't be?  Or even if its teleported.  I know you can have it exit but id rather just have it stop what its doing.   Maybe make a quest profile that if not in these areas it stops all action.  Or if automaton leaves start area it stops working.


    I'm trying to get a bot to follow another toon around and attack what he attacks.  The purpose is to boost xp.  I have tried doing macros with the party bot.  

    This is for vanilla.  I have an addon called focus frame that allows me to set a focus.  How can i add to the fight class to assist focus or even assist a player by name- i dont mind editing the profile as need for the name.  

    The focus frame command is /fassist


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