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Posts posted by Womble

  1. I suppose I should recreate this thread as a bug then because that's what it essentially is.


    @ Networkz - yeah it's a buff, I mean I've tried it as both but neither work. Cheers anyway!


    @Bugreporter - Yeah that's what I've been doing. It isn't a huge deal like I said but perhaps it can be fixed in future, who knows.

  2. It's not absolutely game breaking but I'm noticing sometimes my premeditation (adds 2 CP's to a target - usable in stealth), will be cast on the target before combat is engaged.


    I have tried the combat only condition and the setting that says 'combat only' as well, neither seem to stop it from being cast.



  3. Alright.


    What I want is to have Slice and Dice and Rupture on the target both with at least 10 seconds remaining before Shadow Dance activates.


    Remember that with my rotation most of my key CP building abilities and finishers will not work whilst Shadow Dance is available so that it fake pools in order to use it properly.


    What happens currently is the second Shadow Dance is available it ignores any conditions set by my rupture and slice and dice so they stop refreshing and I end up going into Shadow Dance and refreshing both Rupture and Slice and Dice. Obviously this is a loss (since Shadow Dance is only an 8 second buff - this is potentially 2/3 seconds wasted on globals). Now it doesn't always happen, it's just random and timing based but when it does happen it's quite a big loss.


    Anything I try basically stops my rotation because I can't generate CP's the second it comes off cd. Maybe a form of lua script to replace the 'is spell usable - shadow dance'. I'm really not sure.


    Bugreporter / Droidz - anyone else... can you think of anything I can do to work around this? Would much appreciate it.


    If you need anymore information about my rotation just ask and I'll get back to you asap.

  4. Nevermind, changed it myself to: -

          <SpellName>--combopoints instant</SpellName>
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua">
    local spell="nothing"
    if UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and (GetComboPoints("player")==0) then 
    	local spellname=GetSpellInfo(idRecuperate)
    	--[[ No CP and Recuperate ready? Then we have CP nearby ! ]]
    	local usable,noCP=IsUsableSpell(spellname)
    	if (usable) then
    		local idRedirect=73981
    		local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(idRedirect)
    		--[[ redirect ready ?]]
    		if (duration==0) then
    			local spellname=GetSpellInfo(idRedirect)
    			if (IsSpellInRange(spellname, "target")==1) then
    	if not (spell=="nothing") then 
    		print("cp : "..spell)

    Just removing the Marked for Death code. So far the redirects are working well without and pauses or rotation stops.


    Awesome. I'll keep testing it.

  5. I can't really do that for an effective Subtlety profile though.


    It seems perhaps the bot is just slow in regards to positioning? If so I doubt there's any point continuing with the subtlety profile because 99% of everything you do is behind the target and it needs to detect the entire area behind not just within a 5 degree angle (random example), and it can't only be 'shadowstep behind' either. I'm talking about 180 degrees behind the target that it's failing to pick up on numerous occasions.


    Sad times.


    We could really use better detection for behind / infront. Even if the calculations are correct they simply don't work properly which is a real shame because the rest of the fight class design is fantastic.

  6. Not sure why this persists but it does.


    Testing a full Siege run now, sometimes I can be anywhere behind a boss and it uses 'Sinister Strike' (Hemo for Sub), even though I have this C Sharp Code attached to the ability: -

    (System.Math.Abs(ObjectManager.Me.Rotation - ObjectManager.Target.Rotation) > 1.57f)

    The same goes for every ability from behind, so all my Backstab / Ambush and even Shadow Dance / Vanish: -

    (System.Math.Abs(ObjectManager.Me.Rotation - ObjectManager.Target.Rotation) < 1.57f)

    From a previous thread Droidz also told me about the following code, which I have also placed on my Backstab ability: -

    wManager.Wow.Helpers.MovementManager.IsFacing(ObjectManager.Me.Position, ObjectManager.Me.Rotation, ObjectManager.Target.Position, 1.57f)

    I'm not sure why but it just isn't reliable at all and is basically destroying my profile. Each boss, model size / shape seems to have different ideas of what 'behind' and 'in front' seem to be.




    If you have a sub rogue feel free to test the profile from fight class download section. It works perfectly on a dummy but in a raid it's horrible.

  7. Still not working.


    Alright, in my log, here's what I get inbetween the adds phase to when Immerseus re-emerges: -


    [E] 00:44:40 - GetReactionTowards(WoWFactionTemplate otherFaction): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at wManager.Wow.Helpers.WoWFactionTemplate.GetReactionTowards(WoWFactionTemplate otherFaction)
  8. Super.


    Could I also add an 'lua script' to that simple focus solution? I was thinking soemthing like this based on your tank one: -

    local idTotT=57934
    local spellname=GetSpellInfo(idTotT)
    	if (IsSpellInRange(spellname, "focus")==1)then

    Basically I just want a range check on it. Is that correct or am I missing something?

  9. Tried luascript condition on the ability 'Tricks of the Trade': -


    if target == worldboss then
      if focus != me then
        cast Tricks of the Trade on focus.
      if focus == tank then
       cast Tricks of the Trade on focus
    I set return value research to '1' and return value var to 'ret'.
    Doesn't seem to work.
    Would a focus only version not be something along the lines of
    if target == worldboss then
      cast Tricks of the Trade on focus.
  10. No TotT isn't stackable sadly.


    There's no need to tricks tanks anymore given all the threat boosts and so on. Needing tricks as a tank now really comes down to the tank not playing properly and seems impossible to loose threat outside of the pull as well nowadays.


    Best target for tricks is a DPS, more specifically a rogue because they benefit the most since tricks doesn't stack with most DPS abilities of other classes, i.e. Recklessness etc.


    I'll try that code now only changing 'targettarget' to 'focus' and see if it works in LFR.


    But the code you listed could be useful to have as a second macro for tanks.

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