Supported Wow versions
Classic 1.12.1 build 5875
The Burning Crusade
Tbc 2.4.3 build 8606
Wrath of the Lich King
Wotlk 3.3.5a build 12340
Cata 4.3.4 build 15595
Mists of Pandaria
Mop 5.4.8 build 18414 & 5.4.7 build 18019
Warlords of Drarnor
WoD 6.2.4 build 21742 & 6.2.3 build 20886/20779
Legion 7.3.5 build 26972
Battle for Azeroth
BFA 8.3.7 build 35662 & 8.2.0 build 31478
SL 9.2.7 build 45745
Before buying a subscription, to verify that the bot works correctly on your server, download WRobot and use the trial version with the key "TRIAL".
This bot is not compatible with current game versions, it only works with older versions that are no longer managed by Blizzard.