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[A] [Quester] Alliance 20 - 40 1.1.2

   (4 reviews)

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About This File

Here is my first profile Ally 20-40 99% AFK, 100% Full Quests!

You will have to take control at these steps:

- Level 33: On the Ally 30-35 Profile the "Kill-Collect" Quest you have to help the bot to click on the Ephram "Midriff" Moonfall NPC
- Level 37: For the quest: "This Means WAR (Wild Arachnid Roundup)" help the bot otherwise you will spend 1 day :)

It was made for characters without Heilrooms stuff ^^

Here is the profile path:

-Level 20 - 25: Duskwood
-Level 26 - 30: Northen Stranglethorn
-Level 30 - 35: The Cap of Stranglethorn
-Level 35 - 40: Western Plaguelands

You have to download the 4 files and just run the 1st one, the bot will load the other profiles all by itself (be careful, these files must be in the Wrobot "Quester" folder)

For this profile you need the AddOn QuickQuest, you will find it here:  https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/quickquest , you have to download it and put it like any other addon wow, ie in the Interface \ AddOn folder of your WOW folder !!!

For FightClass, you will find very good here:  https://wrobot.eu/files/category/9-fight-classes/

Thank you for sending me your positive and negative feedback ;p I will put the profile soon 1 - 20 Horde 100% AFK, 100% Full Quests!

What's New in Version 1.1.2   See changelog


Fixed quest: "Stranglethorn Fever"

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Found a problem with this one too:


[D] 20:15:46 - [Quester] IfHasQuest[75] (26674) | Result: True
[D] 20:15:46 - [Quester] New step (76): MistmantlesRevenge>Pulse
[N] 20:15:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -10533.17 ; -1210.293 ; 28.11758 ; "None" to -10368.44 ; -1257.344 ; 35.91 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 20:15:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (229.2618y)
20:15:48 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Spectral Steed
[D] 20:16:09 - [Quester] RunCode[77]: ItemsManager.UseItem(59363);
[D] 20:16:11 - [Quester] Wait[78]: 40000 ms
[D] 20:16:52 - [Quester] GoToStep: 79
[D] 20:16:52 - [Quester] GoToStep: 79
[D] 20:16:52 - [Quester] GoToStep: 79
[D] 20:16:52 - [Quester] GoToStep: 79


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[D] 23:49:38 - [Quester] New step (138): FollowpathtoMok>Pulse


Looks like this step tries to follow a path thats in the air above water or something. That or phasing wasnt right. It didn't get stuck since it eventually went on to next step, just looked weird.

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Found this error I just went there and added the npc and completed the quest

[E] 10:45:56 - Npc quest giver no found for TurnIn Quest: Learn To Ride

When I made my profile I did learn to ride between redridge and duskwood I found that I was always 20+ before I went to Duskwood

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14 minutes ago, Ruinit said:

Found this error I just went there and added the npc and completed the quest

[E] 10:45:56 - Npc quest giver no found for TurnIn Quest: Learn To Ride

This quest depends on what race you are. Each race has a different turn in spot. To fix it, that would require and IF for each race with a turn in NPC.


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6 minutes ago, nicozo said:

Hi Ruinit and thanks for your return i will fix that for tonight, i'm on lvl 40-50 profil ;)

Cool I have a lot of 40's to run tests let me know. I stopped mine at 40 because I was having a lot of little problems and I am not a coder and it was hard to get help .. lol

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57 minutes ago, Ruinit said:

I am leveling in human hunter so as it is a human profile it should be in there I would think. Just trying to help

Doesn't say Human on this profile, just his 10-20 one. I didnt have the problem because I think i learned riding early before profile did it for me.

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Keeps flying back and forth between bootybay for this quest plageuelands for this quest

[D] 09:54:25 - [Quester] New step (115): TheBattleforAndorhal28749>Pulse

Doesn't detect quest is complete.

I also had a lot of trouble in booty bay falling off into the water and not being able to get up the ramp. Bot would hit blockage limits and disconnect.

Could be meshes but just thought I would let you know

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Hi Ruinit, 

I fixed quest Learn To Ride!

I will see for the battle for andorhal

On the other hand for the navigation in bay booty I don't see what to do

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6 minutes ago, nicozo said:

Hi Ruinit, 

I fixed quest Learn To Ride!

I will see for the battle for andorhal

On the other hand for the navigation in bay booty I don't see what to do

Not sure when if anything can be done there it runs into buildings, falls off gets stuck there a lot. I just finished my second toon through plaguelands and it had the same problem on both toons :(

Also I forgot to mention the heart of mok quest is wonky it won't interact with npc to summon mok

I have a bunch of toons at 40's just waiting on 40-60 :) I don't mind some interaction I never could get some quests to work properly

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The level 20 profile seems buggy/broken. 
Keep trying to pick up a quest that isnt provided


[D] 15:22:14.957 - [Quester] New step (1): HerosCallDuskwood>PulseAllInOne

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I'm currently stuck on a never ending loop of picking up on a quest from a quest giver. I can't move on from that. Is there any way to fix this?

Thank you

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not really work on Private Servers 3.3.5 (wotlk) - NPC are there what he must be, and have a quest - BOT getting that quest and stuck..
This it looks like he want get the same quest take it again, and again, and again... there is no end

After some time, with the taken quest, he goes to the next NPC for the next quest and behaves identically


Any sugestion how check what he want do to?
Debug mode? or something.. I'm on 27 lvl and I'm now on Duskwood zone.

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