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[A] [Quester] Alliance 40 - 50 1.0.0

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About This File

Here is my first profile Ally 40-50 90% AFK, 100% Full Quests! 

You will have to take control at these steps:

- Level 42: Help bot for quest Just a Drop in the Bucket: Interact with Meraldar Plague Cauldron 
- Level 43: Help bot for quest Victory For Withing: Interact with right Portal because the bot around in circles
- Level 46: Help bot for quest Troggish troubles: the bot arrives until the 3rd wave, but it is better to take the hand to finish this quest (besides I am a taker if anybody can help me on this quest with a vehicle)
- Level 47: Help bot for the two game quests in tomb of the Watchers

It was made for characters without Heilrooms stuff ^^

Here is the profile path:

-Level 40 - 45: Eastern Plaguelands
-Level 45 - 48: Badlands
-Level 48 - 50: Searing Gorge

You have to download the 3 files and just run the 1st one, the bot will load the other profiles all by itself (be careful, these files must be in the Wrobot "Quester" folder)

For this profile you need the AddOn QuickQuest, you will find it here:  https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/quickquest , you have to download it and put it like any other addon wow, ie in the Interface \ AddOn folder of your WOW folder !!!

For FightClass, you will find very good here:  https://wrobot.eu/files/category/9-fight-classes/

Thank you for sending me your positive and negative feedback ;p

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Just a Drop in the Bucket: I set Range to 7.5 and it seemed to interact with the quest, but didnt know it was completed. Looks like it doesnt update the objectives?  I abandoned it to have the bot try it again, but it looks like there's no pickup for it :-(  Had to stop it again to go and pick it up manually. So looks like I can get it to interact with the cauldron but not go to next step.

Edit: also may want to put a /dismount before using item but after setting using mounts to false. I don't know if it was just me being mounted when picking up the quest 2nd time around for testing. Also I couldnt use the item around the quest giver. Had to move away until the minimap zone changed.

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Ally 40-45 EPL.xml

Made same changes, what do you think?   I'm not sure where exactly to put line 114 to pick up the quest, so I guessed.

Still not sure how to detect that the quest is completed tho :-/


Edit: i've had some time to test mine out. if you download this, make sure to delete like 114: the pick up quest for Just a Drop in the Bucket. Its an auto-accept one. Only need to pick it up if you abandon it.

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Came back to bot dying a lot in the Level 40 - 45: Eastern Plaguelands profile. It was in the middle of the Horde camp. Not sure why or how. I hearthed and flew back to the zone and seems to be ok. It did the same thing to me earlier in the STV profile. Kept going to close to the horde base camp at Grom Gol. I stopped, hearthed, flew back and restarted then too and it seemed ok. So far, I think its just a bug as not all characters are doing it.

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Also, it would be cool if you could manually add in the quest Argus' Journal for the 2% XP boost. Could be a pain having to do the shift key work and picking the right one. Not much but every little bit helps!

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