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1-20 Alliance Droidz Modified by JimmyN v1.0

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OK for this you will need to be Human to get to 20 and I also have a level 25 guild which gives me exp bonus. SO if you do not, then chances are you will be short getting to 20 with this profile. Also I have about 4 quests in Redridge I could not figure out how to move the profile along. One requires you to actually complete it rest require a click and wala. Droidz may be able to look at my profile and figure it out since his was pretty spot on.

Anyhow requires:

Human race from 17-20 for this part

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Since I'm pretty new with this tool, can you explain me how to add a vendor. Because actually he's getting sutcked around lvl 8-10 with no room in his bags :D

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mine seems to be going along perfect and just keeps grinding murlocs lol for quest "Hot on the trail: murlocs" its completed it but yet keeps grinding them ??

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