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About This File

So this is a very small profile I made that I use to power level my pets.

I have the profile set up to only fight the Strider pets which are aquatic so it is highly recommended that you use Flying against them or pets that have good self healing abilities so the bot can run for as long as it possibly can.

The LUA code that you absolutely need is:

local PetAlly = 1;

local PetEnemy = 2;

local activePetEnemy = C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(PetEnemy);

local typePetEnemy = C_PetBattles.GetPetType(PetEnemy, activePetEnemy);

local activePetAlly = C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(PetAlly);

local typePetAlly = C_PetBattles.GetPetType(PetAlly, activePetAlly);

if activePetAlly == 1 and not (C_PetBattles.GetHealth(PetEnemy, activePetEnemy) == C_PetBattles.GetMaxHealth(PetEnemy, activePetEnemy) ) then


if C_PetBattles.GetHealth(PetAlly, i) > 0 and not ( i == activePetAlly) then






What this does is that it will make the pet that is first in your party swap out after it takes damage.

The pet you want the power level absolutely needs to be in slot 1. And from personal experience I highly highly recommend that you do a few battles yourself to level it up to 7+ so that it is able to take a hit or two if the LUA code bugs out or something.

If there's anything wrong with it just lemme know!

Lemme get some reviews people!

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EDIT: Got it working.


But i don't get this: Other wild pets are lvl.25. They one shot almost mine, so how you level up them? :/

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EDIT: Got it working.


But i don't get this: Other wild pets are lvl.25. They one shot almost mine, so how you level up them? :/

level them up manually or it says in notes min.level 7 " I highly highly recommend that you do a few battles yourself to level it up to 7+ so that it is able to take a hit or two if the LUA code bugs out or something."

testing it out now

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I haven't had an opportunity to test this since WoD has been launched but I don't see why it wouldn't work. Any problems just lemme know and i can work on fixing them.

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Not sure what you mean by "making" this profile. You stick it in the Pet Battle profile folder and select it in the bot. Follow the instructions up top and you should be good to go. I just finished leveling 2 toons to 92 with this along with a friend of mine just finishing his 3rd this way.

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don't work for jade tentacle for some reason wont swap out the rest do great idk why nvm works perfect just had to change some moves on pet 

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