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Quests database 1.1

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About This File

Quests database

This profile contains a lot of quests.

To import an quest in your profile, unzip downloaded file in folder "WRobot\Profiles\Quester\", in "Easy Quests Editor" click on menu "Tools" > "Imports quests form other profiles", click on button "Load Profiles" and select "ReBot database.xml" or/and "TrinityCore_database.xml".

ps: I do not guarantee than all quests works fine, quests has been converted from ReBot  and TrinityCore, I am not the owner of this contant. If you are the owner of an quest and you don't want share it with wrobot.eumunity, thank you to send me a private message and I will remove this quest/file.

What's New in Version 1.1   See changelog


Update rebot database

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If you want add all quests in your profile the best way is to use this profile (instead of importing the quests in another profile), this profile is an normal profile, you need to add steps.

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Hello, I downloaded this package missions but, i don't know how correctly order the missions.
Are there any files that manage the steps in this package? Is there any guide that explains you step by step how to put each task in the right order?
Thanks, I am waiting impatiently for the answer.
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