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Resto Druid MultiLanguage 1.0.5

   (1 review)

About This File


This is a try out to see if it works on non English games.

Let me know if it works, then I can work further on it.

I tested it in LFR and it worked for my English client.


What's New in Version 1.0.5   See changelog


Druid Healing Routine, without last talents. Used talents included.

Test it out and give feedback.

Use the 100 passive talent and it will work well.

Let me know if it support multi-language.

1.0.5 : enable or disable Efflorescence. Manual casting it is better, because it realy gives problems.



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5 hours ago, Relapse913 said:

mine spams efflorescence a million times, no matter what I put the setting to. 

you can turn that off in settings and use it manually


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On 11/18/2017 at 5:52 PM, lolface92 said:

you can turn that off in settings and use it manually


what settings? I don't see anything besides heal % you can input, and it still does what ever it wants.

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and what is the different between .cs files and .xml? because i cant change the fight on this one. and can someone please show me how to edit a .cs file?

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