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Stuck in Dread wast


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I have an xml for my minning (this one http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwrobot.eu%2Ffiles%2Fgetdownload%2F1480-seus-ore-gatherer%2F&h=nAQFT7pUi ) and i'm always stuck in fight in dread wast and always at the same point. I have 42.4 - 9.4 in GPS and also 42.5 - 10.1  when it happen. As you can see in the pics it bugs with this two mobs so i'm looking for to delete this points of my xml but i don't find.


Thank you

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To blacklist go to tab "Tools".
You can use map (in "Map" tab) to help you to blacklist correctly zone (don't forget to activate "path" and "blacklist" landmarks in "More options" in map settings).
You can also remove nearest way point in profile creator.
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