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[Suggestion] Disenchant just like Prospect


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Hi guys!


Would it be possible to add a "disenchanting option" in the next update.

My guess is this would be supereasy to add to the bot since it should work just like prospecting,


/cast Disenchant

/use item:12345 (whatever you have in your "list") just like prospecting.


I have a macro for this ingame:


/cast Disenchant
/use item:83793
/use item:83794


This is for green rings/necks but I have to manually click the button every disenchant.

This is the part that I love with the prospect option since 100 stacks can take 30 min or so to prospect.

A simular function for disenchanting would be AWESOME!


Thanks guys for making things work!

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In the meantime, I'd suggest using Tradeskill Master and the destroying addon for it. I have it bound to '1' key and then just set a toggle on/off macro on my G19. I can do a bag full of items in just a few minutes.

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You can use the custom profile and macros options to do this very simply :)

I never tried that? I can customize the profiles that I already have ?


In that case Im gonna do Onyx Egg with dark soil blacklisted if thats possible. Would really speed up things.

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you can get a loot filter addon to blacklist certain items from being looted, and unless im missunderstanding you, in order to do this with a macro you need to enter the itemnumber of the item you want to disenchant, the bot would need to log all greens and blues and then convert them before this could even be considered, Good idea.... but I would just reconfigure your bot to mail all greens/blues to an alt "DEMEMULE" or somehting dumb like that, then mail them back when you get time.

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