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For some reason during quests the bot is blacklisting game objects to harvest. I tried to fix that by removing from the blacklist all of objects to harvest for the current quest.  But Quest.QuesterCurrentContext.Profile as Quester.Profile.EasyQuestProfile is always return null. I know that it could be much easier to implement what I wanted, for example, removing the objects to harvest from the blacklist if the bot is in the "harvesting" state near it for some time, but as it has already been done, it's done. The point is that it is not possible to get the necessary information for the log using EasyQuestProfile class. Or maybe I did something wrong?



13:23:32 - [Farming] Farm Burstcap Mushroom > 186.285 ; 8155.31 ; 22.5432 ; "None"
[N] 13:23:32 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 186.6675 ; 8105.65 ; 22.99214 ; "None" to 186.285 ; 8155.31 ; 22.5432 ; "None" (Expansion01)
[N] 13:23:32 - [Server] [Path-Finding] 186.6675, 8105.65, 22.99214 to 186.285, 8155.31, 22.5432 (Expansion01, ResultPartial=False, ResultSuccess=True, Path count=2, SkipIfPartiel=False, IgnoreServerRoadsWater=False, Time=0
[N] 13:23:32 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (49.66366y, 154ms, smoothed)
[D] 13:23:35 - [Farming] !MovementManager.InMovement
13:23:35 - [Farming] Farm failed

And this is code I made to fix that: code.cs

private void GetQuestObjectivesInfo()
		QuestObjectivesInfo = "";

		string QuestObjectivesLogString = "";

		var EasyQuestProfile = Quest.QuesterCurrentContext.Profile as Quester.Profile.EasyQuestProfile; // doesnt work?
		var OldTypeProfile = Quest.QuesterCurrentContext.Profile as Quester.Profile.QuesterProfile;

		if (EasyQuestProfile != null)
			var CurStep = EasyQuestProfile.QuestsSorted[CurStepNum];

			if (CurStep != null)
				string CurStepNameClass = CurStep.NameClass;

				if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurStepNameClass))
					var EasyQuest = EasyQuestProfile.EasyQuests.FirstOrDefault(q => q.NameClass == EasyQuestProfile.QuestsSorted[CurStepNum].NameClass);

					if (EasyQuest != null)
						string EntriesIdLog = "";
						string QuestTypeString = EasyQuest.QuestType.ToString();
						var BlacklistedObjects = new List<WoWGameObject>();

						if (EasyQuest.QuestType == EasyQuestType.Gatherer)
							Logging.Write("[GetQuestObjectivesInfo] CurStepClassNameOld: " + CurStepClassNameOld + ", QuestType: ["+ QuestTypeString + "]");

							var EasyQuestClass = EasyQuest.QuestClass as Quester.Profile.GathererEasyQuestClass;

							if (EasyQuestClass.EntryIdObjects.Count > 0)
								EasyQuestClass.EntryIdObjects.ForEach(entry =>
									if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EntriesIdLog))
										EntriesIdLog += "entries id objects to harvest: " + entry + "";
										EntriesIdLog += ", " + entry + "";

								BlacklistedObjects = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWGameObject().FindAll(o => EasyQuestClass.EntryIdObjects.Contains(o.Entry) && (wManager.wManagerSetting.GetListGuidBlackListed().Contains(o.Guid) || wManager.wManagerSetting.IsBlackListed(o.Guid) || wManager.wManagerSetting.IsBlackListedZone(o.Position)));

								QuestObjectivesLogString += EntriesIdLog;
						else if (EasyQuest.QuestType == EasyQuestType.GrinderGathererQuests)
							Logging.Write("[GetQuestObjectivesInfo] CurStepClassNameOld: [" + CurStepClassNameOld + "], QuestType: [" + QuestTypeString + "]");

							var EasyQuestClass = EasyQuest.QuestClass as Quester.Profile.GrinderGathererEasyQuestClass;

							if (EasyQuestClass.EntryGathererTarget.Count > 0)
								var ObjectsEntriesList = new List<int>();

								EasyQuestClass.EntryGathererTarget.ForEach(entry =>
									if (!ObjectsEntriesList.Contains(entry.Entry))

									if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EntriesIdLog))
										EntriesIdLog += "entries id objects to harvest: " + entry.Entry + "";
										EntriesIdLog += ", " + entry.Entry + "";

								QuestObjectivesLogString += EntriesIdLog;

								BlacklistedObjects = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWGameObject().FindAll(o => ObjectsEntriesList.Contains(o.Entry) && (wManager.wManagerSetting.GetListGuidBlackListed().Contains(o.Guid) || wManager.wManagerSetting.IsBlackListed(o.Guid) || wManager.wManagerSetting.IsBlackListedZone(o.Position)));
							QuestObjectivesInfo = "QuestType: is not gatherer";
							Logging.Write("[GetQuestObjectivesInfo] CurStepClassNameOld: [" + CurStepClassNameOld + "], QuestType: is not gatherer");

						// remove objects from blacklist while harvest
						if (BlacklistedObjects.Count > 0)
							string BlacklistedObjectsString = "quest: [" + CurStepClassNameOld + "], remove " + BlacklistedObjects.Count + " objects from blacklist: ";

							BlacklistedObjects.ForEach(o =>
								if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BlacklistedObjectsString))
									BlacklistedObjectsString += "[" + o.Name + "] " + o.Guid + "";
									BlacklistedObjectsString += ", [" + o.Name + "] " + o.Guid + "";

								if (wManager.wManagerSetting.IsBlackListed(o.Guid))
									Logging.Write("[GetQuestObjectivesInfo] remove guid of object [" + o.Name + "] " + o.Guid + " from blacklisted");

								if (wManager.wManagerSetting.GetListGuidBlackListed().Contains(o.Guid))
									Logging.Write("[GetQuestObjectivesInfo] remove guid of object [" + o.Name + "] " + o.Guid + " from GetListGuidBlackListed");

								if (wManager.wManagerSetting.IsBlackListedZone(o.Position))
									var BadBlacklistsForCurrentQuest = wManager.wManagerSetting.GetListZoneBlackListed().FindAll(bl => o.Position.DistanceTo(bl.GetPosition()) < 15);

									Logging.Write("[GetQuestObjectivesInfo] remove " + BadBlacklistsForCurrentQuest.Count + " bad blacklist areas for current quest");

									wManager.wManagerSetting.GetListZoneBlackListed().RemoveAll(bl => o.Position.DistanceTo(bl.GetPosition()) < 15);

									// return back removed blacklists after harvest
									Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
										while (IsLaunched)
											if (!Conditions.InGameAndConnected || me.Position.DistanceTo(o.Position) > 50)
												Logging.Write("[GetQuestObjectivesInfo] return back " + BadBlacklistsForCurrentQuest.Count + " bad blacklist areas for current quest to blacklist");

												BadBlacklistsForCurrentQuest.ForEach(bl =>
													if (wManager.wManagerSetting.GetListZoneBlackListed().Count(b => b == bl) == 0)

                          	QuestObjectivesInfo = QuestObjectivesLogString;
							SDM("" + info1 + ", " + BlacklistedObjectsString + ", " + info2 + "");
							SetCenterText(text: BlacklistedObjectsString, frameflash: true, CenterTextFrameUpdateTimeCD: 15, textcolor: "ff0000", force: true);
						QuestObjectivesInfo = "EasyQuest = null";
						Logging.Write("[GetQuestObjectivesInfo] CurStepClassNameOld: [" + CurStepClassNameOld + "], EasyQuest = null");
					QuestObjectivesInfo = "CurStepNameClass string is null";
					Logging.Write("[GetQuestObjectivesInfo] CurStepClassNameOld: [" + CurStepClassNameOld + "], CurStepNameClass string is null");
				QuestObjectivesInfo = "CurStep = null";
				Logging.Write("[GetQuestObjectivesInfo] CurStepClassNameOld: [" + CurStepClassNameOld + "], CurStep = null");
			QuestObjectivesInfo = "EasyQuestProfile = null";
			Logging.Write("[GetQuestObjectivesInfo] CurStepClassNameOld: [" + CurStepClassNameOld + "], EasyQuestProfile = null");
	catch (Exception e)
      	QuestObjectivesInfo = "? - exception";
		Logging.Write("[GetQuestObjectivesInfo] CurStepClassNameOld: [" + CurStepClassNameOld + "], GetQuestObjectivesInfo exception: " + e.ToString() + "");

private string CurStepClassNameOld
		string currentstep = "";

			var profile = Quest.QuesterCurrentContext.Profile as Quester.Profile.QuesterProfile;

			if (profile != null)
				if (profile.QuestsSorted[CurStepNum].NameClass != null)
					if (profile.QuestsSorted[CurStepNum].Action == QuestAction.RunCode)
						currentstep = "c# code";
					else if (profile.QuestsSorted[CurStepNum].Action == QuestAction.RunLuaCode)
						currentstep = "lua code";
					else if (profile.QuestsSorted[CurStepNum].NameClass.Length >= 50 || profile.QuestsSorted[CurStepNum].NameClass.Contains(Environment.NewLine))
						currentstep = "? - a lot of symbols";
						currentstep = profile.QuestsSorted[Quest.QuesterCurrentContext.CurrentStep].NameClass;
					currentstep = "? - NameClass is null";
				currentstep = "? - Profile is null";
		catch (Exception e)
			Logging.Write("CurStepClassNameOld exception: " + e.ToString() + "");
			currentstep = "? - exception";

		return currentstep;

private int CurStepNum
	get { return wManager.Wow.Helpers.Quest.QuesterCurrentContext.CurrentStep; }

private string QuestObjectivesInfo;


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