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They ban bots all the time but not for detection, Wrobot doesn’t modify any memory. Wrobot use HWBP which is harder to detect if at all possible. The inject if I am correct is via endscene which every single video captured uses.


they ban because people are watching bot do weird shit.


sharp turns, weird directions etc 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

definitely detected on Onyxia. I attempt to login to a fresh character, fresh account with wrobot active. I just stand still at the starting area for a couple minutes and get banned. I then log in with a different fresh account with no wrobot active, and do not get banned.

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2 hours ago, kdubbin said:

definitely detected on Onyxia. I attempt to login to a fresh character, fresh account with wrobot active. I just stand still at the starting area for a couple minutes and get banned. I then log in with a different fresh account with no wrobot active, and do not get banned.


Did you change your IP address using a VPN or proxy? Also, did you use a relogger? Some servers might use a LUA function called 'Reportbug,' which can send back details about your computer, potentially flagging any new accounts created and connected by the same hardware.

The reason I ask about the relogger is that @Droidz said mentioned here that reloggers ensure WoW doesn’t send back your PC name.


ReportBug Pseudocode

char __cdecl SendBugOpcode(int type, char *description)
    int v2; // eax
    unsigned int v3; // eax
    unsigned __int64 v4; // rax
    unsigned __int64 v5; // rax
    double v6; // st7
    double v7; // st6
    char v8; // al
    unsigned __int64 v9; // rax
    unsigned __int64 v10; // rax
    const char *v11; // esi
    const char *v12; // eax
    _DWORD *v13; // eax
    _DWORD *v14; // esi
    int v15; // edi
    int v16; // ebx
    int v17; // eax
    const char *v18; // edi
    __int64 v19; // rax
    char *v20; // ecx
    char *v21; // eax
    int v22; // edi
    int v23; // eax
    void *v24; // eax
    char *v25; // eax
    unsigned int i; // ebx
    int v27; // edi
    _BOOL1 v28; // zf
    char *v29; // eax
    int v30; // esi
    int v31; // edi
    __int64 v33; // [esp+10h] [ebp-14F0h]
    unsigned __int64 v34; // [esp+18h] [ebp-14E8h]
    double v35; // [esp+18h] [ebp-14E8h]
    SpellRec v36; // [esp+2Ch] [ebp-14D4h] BYREF
    char v37; // [esp+2D4h] [ebp-122Ch] BYREF
    char Dst[4095]; // [esp+2D5h] [ebp-122Bh] BYREF
    char Buffer[256]; // [esp+12D4h] [ebp-22Ch] BYREF
    int a1[64]; // [esp+13D4h] [ebp-12Ch] BYREF
    unsigned int v41; // [esp+14D4h] [ebp-2Ch] BYREF
    CDataStore v42; // [esp+14D8h] [ebp-28h] BYREF
    DWORD nSize; // [esp+14F0h] [ebp-10h] BYREF
    float v44; // [esp+14F4h] [ebp-Ch] BYREF
    unsigned __int64 v45; // [esp+14F8h] [ebp-8h]

    if ( !description || !*description )
        return 0;
    if ( !s_clientServices )
        goto LABEL_46;
    v37 = 0;
    memset(Dst, 0, sizeof(Dst));
    nSize = 256;
    if ( sub_86B4A0(Buffer, &nSize) )
        SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "Username:\t%s\n", Buffer);
        SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
    nSize = 256;
    if ( sub_86B480(Buffer, &nSize) )
        SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "Computer:\t%s\n", Buffer);
        SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
    v2 = OsGetNumberOfProcessors();
    SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "Processors:\t%u\n", v2);
    SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
    v3 = v41;
    if ( v41 > 4 )
        v3 = 0;
        v41 = 0;
    SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "Processor vendor:\t%s\n", off_AD93C0[v3]);
    SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
    v4 = sub_86AE70();
    if ( v4 >= qword_AD93B8 )
        v9 = v4 / 0xF4240;
        v6 = (double)(v9 & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFi64);
        v45 = __PAIR64__(HIDWORD(v9) & 0x80000000, 0);
        v7 = (double)__SPAIR64__(HIDWORD(v9) & 0x80000000, 0);
        v8 = 71;
        v5 = v4 / 0x3E8;
        v6 = (double)(v5 & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFi64);
        v45 = __PAIR64__(HIDWORD(v5) & 0x80000000, 0);
        v7 = (double)__SPAIR64__(HIDWORD(v5) & 0x80000000, 0);
        v8 = 77;
    SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "Processor speed:\t%6.2f%cHz\n", (v6 - v7) * 0.001, v8);
    SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
    v10 = sub_86B4C0();
    SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "Memory:\t%uMB\n", (unsigned int)(v10 >> 20));
    SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
    SStrCopy_0(&v37, "OS:\t\t", 4096);
    sub_86B430((char *)a1, 256);
    SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
    SStrCopy_0(&v37, L"\n", 4096);
    SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "Version:\t%s\n", "WoW [Release] Build 12340 (Jun 24 2010 23:54:57)");
    SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
    v11 = byte_C79620 != 0 ? &byte_C79620 : 0;
    if ( v11 )
        v12 = (const char *)GetRealmName();
        SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "Realm:\t%s\n", v12);
        SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
        SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "Account:\t%s\n", v11);
        SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
        if ( ClientServices::GetCurrent() )
            if ( *((_DWORD *)ClientServices::GetCurrent() + 3029) )
                v13 = ClntObjMgrGetActivePlayerObj();
                v14 = v13;
                if ( v13 )
                    v15 = v13[52];
                    v16 = ClientDB::GetRow((int)&g_ChrRacesDB.funcTable2, *(unsigned __int8 *)(v15 + 68));
                    v17 = ClientDB::GetRow((int)&g_ChrClassesDB.funcTable2, *(unsigned __int8 *)(v15 + 69));
                    if ( v17 )
                        v18 = *(const char **)(v17 + 16);
                        v18 = "Unknown";
                    if ( v16 )
                        HIDWORD(v19) = *(_DWORD *)(v16 + 56);
                        HIDWORD(v19) = "Unknown";
                    LODWORD(v19) = v14[52];
                    v20 = off_AD6628[*(unsigned __int8 *)(v19 + 70)];
                    LODWORD(v19) = *(_DWORD *)(v19 + 192);
                    v34 = __PAIR64__((unsigned int)v18, (unsigned int)v20);
                    v33 = v19;
                    v21 = CGUnit_C::GetObjectName_0((int)v14, 0, 1);
                        (char *)a1,
                        "Character:\t%s (level %i %s %s %s)\n",
                        (const char *)HIDWORD(v33),
                        (const char *)v34,
                        (const char *)HIDWORD(v34));
                    SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
                    v22 = CGPlayer_C::GetNewContinentID();
                    v23 = ClientDB::GetRow((int)&g_MapDB.funcTable2, v22);
                    if ( v23 )
                        SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "Map:\t\t%u (%s)\n", v22, *(const char **)(v23 + 4));
                        SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "Map:\t\t%u\n", v22);
                    SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
                    if ( dword_BD0788 && *(_BYTE *)dword_BD0788 )
                        SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "Zone:\t\t%s", (const char *)dword_BD0788);
                        SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
                        if ( dword_BD0784 && *(_BYTE *)dword_BD0784 )
                            SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, " - %s", (const char *)dword_BD0784);
                            SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
                        SStrCopy_0(&v37, L"\n", 4096);
                    (*(void (__thiscall **)(_DWORD *, float *))(*v14 + 44))(v14, &v44);
                    v35 = ((double (__thiscall *)(_DWORD *))*(_DWORD *)(*v14 + 52))(v14);
                    SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "Position:\t%f %f %f, %f\n", v44, *(float *)&v45, *((float *)&v45 + 1), v35);
                    SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
                    if ( CGGameUI::m_lockedTarget )
                        v24 = ClntObjMgrObjectPtr(CGGameUI::m_lockedTarget, TYPEMASK_UNIT);
                        if ( v24 )
                            v25 = CGUnit_C::GetObjectName_0((int)v24, 0, 1);
                            SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "Target:\t%s\n", v25);
                            SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
                    SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "Auras:\n");
                    SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
                    for ( i = 0; i < CGUnit_C::GetAuraCount(v14); ++i )
                        v27 = CGUnit_C::GetAuraSpellId(i);
                        if ( v27 )
                            v28 = ClientDb::GetLocalizedRow(&g_SpellDB, v27, &v36) == 0;
                            v29 = v36.m_name_lang;
                            if ( v28 )
                                v29 = "UNKNOWN";
                            SStrPrintf((char *)a1, 256, "\t%s(%d)\n", v29, v27);
                            SStrCopy_0(&v37, a1, 4096);
    v30 = SStrLen(&v37) + 1;
    v31 = SStrLen(description) + 1;
    v42.vTable = (CDataStore_vTable *)off_9E0E24;
    v42.m_buffer = 0;
    v42.m_base = 0;
    v42.m_alloc = 0;
    v42.m_size = 0;
    v42.m_read = -1;
    CDataStore::PutInt32(&v42, CMSG_BUG);
    CDataStore::PutInt32(&v42, type);
    CDataStore::PutInt32(&v42, v30);
    CDataStore::PutBytes2(&v42, (int)&v37, v30);
    CDataStore::PutInt32(&v42, v31);
    CDataStore::PutBytes2(&v42, (int)description, v31);
    v42.m_read = 0;
    if ( !s_clientServices )
        sub_8889B0((int)&byte_9E14FF, (int)&byte_9E14FF, 0);
    SendPacket((int)s_clientServices, &v42);
    v42.vTable = (CDataStore_vTable *)off_9E0E24;
    if ( v42.m_alloc != -1 )
        CDataStore::InternalDestroy(&v42.m_buffer, &v42.m_base, &v42.m_alloc);
    return 1;


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Today I tried to make a route for killing mobs, it took place in a cave and I succeeded, but in some places the bot returned 5-6 times there and back, it is very bad that the points that I put on the route are still processed by something, the bot does not follow the points literally, it goes along its processed route and this is sad, the more I use the bot, the more upset I become

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  • 2 months later...

2 days = 2 permaban
I think warmane upgraded warden or what? anyone have some problem?
Today tested it with next mode (my thoughts about upgraded warden)> in chat red: ninja looting etc. I immediately stop my 2 windows with bot but 1 dont stoped specially. After 2-3 mins next wave red chat permabanned 10 accs (botting), my runnig window banned too 😄
What do u think about it? My PC/IP claimed or really warmane changed something? 

P.S. Before this, my accounts had experienced a lot of banwaves. 

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dont forget they check this forums aswell, so be a little incognito 😄
my bots are working 2 days straight. No bans. Also I didnt see any banwaves, so my personal thoughts that people just reports you, and after they do bans (so as not to show why and at what moment you were banned).
My friend is using another bot tho, and he has no bans on onyxia at all. His chars are alive for 3-4 month. If this time my bots would be detected, I'm gonna move to his bot aswell.

Btw I'm using a lot of plugins making me human, maybe thats the reason


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On 1/16/2025 at 11:25 AM, permanent888 said:

dont forget they check this forums aswell, so be a little incognito 😄
my bots are working 2 days straight. No bans. Also I didnt see any banwaves, so my personal thoughts that people just reports you, and after they do bans (so as not to show why and at what moment you were banned).
My friend is using another bot tho, and he has no bans on onyxia at all. His chars are alive for 3-4 month. If this time my bots would be detected, I'm gonna move to his bot aswell.

Btw I'm using a lot of plugins making me human, maybe thats the reason


idk. -3 accounts today: 2 gathering, 1 grind. all worked at clear different IP (proxy) and started via Reloger. 
total 5 accounts permabanned in 7 days, i think it 2much..

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32 minutes ago, TechMecca said:


Warmane utilizes an RCE exploit to enable the loading of custom content. Additionally, they run a modified Warden system. I'm currently investigating the extent of these modifications. Further updates to follow.

Oh, it turns out I was right about the warden.
I’m eagerly waiting for some good news from you.
I’d really like to resume using wRobot as soon as possible, but until there’s an update, I’ll have to put it on pause. Losing 2-3 accounts with 60-70 level characters per day is just too frustrating.

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2 hours ago, knub said:

are u observing ur bots? are there collectable items u get stuck on? 

Ofc, max safe botting.
Im working on 1 monitor, and near i have 3 windows with wrobot on second monitor. When ppl come to spot i can /wave, buff, helping with quests or pause bot and play 3-5 min. Also i see on the wrobot radar to find and check nearby players. 

Dude, my accs changed the spots every 30-40 mins, and take break for 5-10 mins after spots. 
Gathering location A 30 min ->wait 5-7 min -> gathering location B 40 min ->wait 5-10 min -> grinding location C 35 min 🙂 

Need wait update wRobot for warmane. Botting now is casino for ban, u acc can live 1-2 day or 30 min. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think some private servers are implementing a check to see if EndScene or any main thread function is hooked. The list likely stays very short, ideally fewer than 40 at any given time. They might teleport to the character to determine whether they are screen recording or botting based on their behavior.


Using the RCE exploit, this is something they can do, maybe @Droidz can provide some feedback on this ?

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