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Patch 5.2


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Well 5.2 is here as some have waiting anxiously and some with dread, but one way or another we will endure.

WRobot will be updated as soon as possible, but in the mean time lets take a look at the patch notes if you haven't yet.


Feel free to discuss the Pros and Cons and your feelings towards the new content.


I for one cant wait to get started on the new legendary quest line, but I am kind of disappointed that all the work put into our sha weapons is now wasted.  I love the lore behind the legendary line, but just feel  it could have been better if we continued to upgrade the weapons we already have.



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Well, on Monday my internet crashed hard.. well, by crashed I mean my wife hit the pole with my truck and knocked it down...Don't worry, that got fixed on Tuesday...


On Tuesday, my computer decided to poo on me as I was loading it up to hopefully enjoy some 5.2... as it sits, I have not been on WoW in like 5 days... :( Currently posting here in safe mode with networking enabled, trying to get my computer fixed so I can be active again!! :P

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haha, as a former service tech for comcast cable, i can attest that poles being replaced happens more than it should, how long did it take your phone/cable co to get out to rehang the drops?

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It took them around 24 hours to be completely done. They ended up burying the cable from the last pole instead of putting a brand new one up, which I'm quite glad about. I still can't do much on this computer though. >.< Raiding started last night too. I might have to just buy a new computer, this one seems screwed.

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