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WRobot Beta 7 Expaned Release Notes


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In this thread I basically go over the most recent release notes but in greater detail after thoroughly testing all of the new features.  This is more of a news column that details the changelog in a format a user can actually read and enjoy, but as always...


The most up to date build log can always be viewed at http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/bin/updateinfo.php


WRobot 1.0.0.BETA7

New products in this version


     There are no new products in Beta 7.


New Features in this version


     The Battlegrounder now has the possibility to use profiles and a profile creator was added to the product setting page.  The profiles are setup to run waypoints in a loop, the same way that the grinder bot does.  This is a new system to battlegrounder so we would appreciate your feedback on it over in the support forums.  If there is no profile found when starting the bot or you dont want to create a profile, Battlegrounder will run in the old manor, a profile is not needed to run.




     The databases that contain spells and digsites have had their file formats converted from bin to xml.  This will make updating them easier and provide a better compatibility across other bots.  Which means we will be able to import these from other bots as well.  Sharing is Caring.  I have sent my latest digsites file to droidz, so that will probably be uploaded to the bot repository shortly.

     Party Bot will now dismount if the group leader is not mounted.  In my testing I was trying to powerlevel a character from 1 with a 90 just killing things aimlessly with my 90 dragging my (now lvl3) toon along.  The xp from this was terrible, but I think it will be better from dungeons.  Ill report back again when i grind my lvl3 to lvl10



Hotfixes Added 01/22/2013:


     We have now added the ability to avoid elite mobs in profiles, rather to not engage in combat with them.  We don't want your character being murdered while grinding by a mob that is not meant to be killed repeatedly at its level.  This is of course an option so if you are 90 farming reputation, you can still include the elites.

     The Combo Point condition was added to the Fight Class creator as it is required for Rogues and Feral Druids, sorry about that guys :(


     Pet Battle bot will now correctly manage the npc to revive your pets.


and as always, translated by your twizt3dkitty <3


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