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Hey there, i just bougth the full lifetime key from this bot and a new legion game, so my plan is to bot on a sperat account to get atleast 200k per month, to pay this account + my main account.

Now my question, what is the best char to make this gold? I need to know what char i should make to use the lvl 100 boost from the legion addon... i think its a good way to make a tauren druid and let him grind herbs, isnt it? Because of the faster herb collecting and the travelmount? and if i do a druid, what specc should i use? feral or moonkin?  or maybe a DH because op?

So my next question is, what is the best way to make gold asap? Do i need to make lvl 110 or can i just start to grind from lvl 100 on?


Greetings and thx!


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if your going to farm herbs/ore you should create a tank because they cant be dismounted. dh and dk are very good for that job. i personally would recommend dk because of the permanent extra speed of 20% which can be increased by another 20% with the pathfinderachievement. taurendk with mining enchant sounds badass to me.

if you want to grind herbs/leather or whatever you should create a damageclass. frost dk is a good and easy option because high dmg and easy rotation; hunter works good as well. but keep in mind you need decent gear for that option.

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  On 1/28/2017 at 2:43 AM, Neowyn said:

The Pathfinder increase doesn`t stack with DK/Pally movementspeed. I also would recommend a Tank Pally - it`s not so obvious like a DK and has the 20% increased movementspeed too :D


it does, i tested it with a friend of mine; me dk + pathfinder and he paladin without that achievement

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  On 1/28/2017 at 2:50 AM, Neowyn said:

but btw - who would do the Pathfinder ACM on a bot account anyway? :biggrin:


depends on if you want to farm gold on your main account for things like the 2 million gold spider or if you just want to use a bot account ;)

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okok guys... what about the travel form thing? is this still a thing? its a complete new account, so i dont have a sky golem anyways...

and is it possible to farm from lvl 100 on? or do i need to lvl somehow up? And what is about the lvl 110 orderhall quests and artefaktquests.. are there any profiles for that?

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