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This might of been better for general section of the forums, but my 2nd hard drive died! I lost some works in progress for the vanilla bot and almost anything else was doing wow, so lost a lot more than that was important. D:

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A friend gave me a new 500gb hdd he happened to have lying around, so Currently looking at a new pc sorta reusing my gpu, ssd, the new hdd and a gtx 960 https://pcpartpicker.com/list/3HJgpb

I just want something flashy/ over kill now since running a i5 2400 currently it'd be few weeks of saving and selling blood plasma ^^

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51 minutes ago, colderpotato said:

A friend gave me a new 500gb hdd he happened to have lying around, so Currently looking at a new pc sorta reusing my gpu, ssd, the new hdd and a gtx 960 https://pcpartpicker.com/list/3HJgpb

I just want something flashy/ over kill now since running a i5 2400 currently it'd be few weeks of saving and selling blood plasma ^^

Hey I'm on my phone and can't get to the download section. But dark shire needs some work and well dusk wood in general, the waypoints goes bonkers in dark shire if you start at the flight master. 13-40

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