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Fragen an euch ;) <<<<<<


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Grüße euch =)


Mich würde mal interessieren an welchen Fightclasses ihr Interesse habt?

Welche Klasse bevorzugt ihr bei eueren Bots?


Gibt es User die einem beim Fightclass schreiben unterstützen würden wenn es knifflig wird? LUA etc

Kann man euch in irgendeiner Weise helfen (wenn das wissen ausreicht ^^)


Ich freue mich auf eure Post´s

Liebe Grüße UserOffline

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For the first question, that's different for each user.

For the help, there are some snippet codes in the fightclass developer forum, but other than that, you won't find much help.

- but in general, to do "smart" fightclasses you need to code it in c# & lua. As the xml is really limited :)

For persons to help you with the harder parts, I don't think you will get anyone to "be a general helper" but post in the fightclass forum, if you need help with something specific.


Other than that, I believe you should post in English if at all possible, as most people don't understand German :)


Good luck 

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