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WRobot Beta 9 Expanded Release Notes


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In this thread I basically go over the most recent release notes but in greater detail after thoroughly testing all of the new features. 
This is more of a news column that details the changelog in a format the user can actually read and enjoy, but as always...


The most up to date build log can always be viewed at http://download.mmor.../updateinfo.php


WRobot 1.0.0.Beta9


New Product:

     -A new product, "Custom Profile", has been added to the bot.  With this you can create and run a profile written in C#  (this profile will have full access to the wrobot API).  This is basically the first step towards a 'Questing Bot'  You can have this product create a profile that will use items and interact with npcs.  A great example would be a profile that automatically buys Empty Grocery Containers from Merchant Cheng, then uses them to turn your excess fish, vegetables, or meat into a Bundle of Groceries.  Then have the bot automatically turn these in to Nam Ironpaw, in exchange for Ironpaw Tokens.  Note this is still in its preliminary stages and may have some bugs, and this profile is not included, just given as an example.


Core Program Update:


     The bot was recompiled to support Visual C++ 2010 as a dll required in wrobot folder was missing in some cases.  This should fix a pleathora of bugs and install issues we were having, but as always, please submit any further bugs you come across.


     An option to press a particular key (for ingame macros) was added in a tab "My Macros" in General Settings.  This will also help with the new Custom Profiler bot.


     The unstuck commands and procedures were also improved.


License Key Management

     In order to expand upon party bot and multi botting, we have redesigned how lincese keys are saved in the bots memory.  I for one am a big fan of this chnage, then again I also own three licenses.  When launching the bot it will bring up the License Key Management screen, from there you can add as many keys as you purchase.  And please remember, you Need 1 key per botting session,  So if you wish to multibot across two seperate wow processes, you require two keys.


     The 'trial' key is now saved as the default key when the bot is installed to make testing easier for new members.  Again we ask you to remember that this key is limited to a 30minute session and closes automatically after your 30 minutes is up.  You may then restart the bot for another 30 minutes if you wish.  We do ask that you support our product if you enjoy using it and purchase a full license key.


Fisher Bot

     If running a grinder profile, and a fishing trainer is added or included to your profile, and the NpcDB.xml, wrobot now learns the new fishing skill level.  The error relating to "You cannot fish here" or "water too shallow" now forces the bot to recast until fishing is successful.  Enjoy your chairs fisherman :)



Pet Battles

     Two spam errors were fixed, PetJournalGetHealth(int petActiveId) and GetContainerNumFreeSlots.  Hopfully this will make this product run much smoother.

Archaeology Bot

     The return to last position problem hase been fixed, and general improvements to the bot as a whole, and how it opperates, were made as well.  The unstuck enhancements will also be seen here.






It seems Custom Profiler made it into the release notes, but was not added to the product drop down yet, working on a fix now, stay tuned.




Custom Profiler was hotfixed into the bot as of today, 2-5-13

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