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following all instructions none work


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i follow all instructions on how to launch wow in 32 bit mode does not work and when wrobot launches wow for you (supposedly in 32 bit mode) all realms are listed as (incompatable) ive got literally 30 hrs wasted on trying to get this bot to work for it to do anything it has done nothing absolutely nothing like i've wasted a whole months subscription on just trying to get this thing to be "compatable" with wow this is unreal man i need answers to why everything about this bot does not work i mean literally everything about this program does not work nothing at all the so called updater tells you when you start the program that a new version is available and it needs to run the updater then it shuts wrobot down and does literally nothing you start wrobot up again and it says the same thing it needs to update and then it shuts it down and does nothing so i redownloaded it and it gives you instructions on how to launch it in 32 bit mode you follow them and it tells you it will launch it for you in 32 bit mode but when it does you cant log into a server they are all listed as "incompatable" i just want my money back you guys this is unreal ive got literally days left on the sub and not once has it even been able to run with wow i feel like the only people on this site claiming that this thing actually works are the ones scamming you out of your money hoping you will sub just once more cause from what i see there is zero compatability and this thing does not do anything but pls  prove me wrong


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Well seeing as i have 5 accounts running right now, i can say it definitely DOES work.


How are you launching 32 bit wow? 

Did you use the -nolaunch64bit command line? (Right click wow.exe, go Properties, after the name WoW add that command line and save )

Where are your logs? Do you get error messages? Did you download/install correctly and make an exception in your antivirus? 

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