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Healing a Party 1.12

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I've been trying to setup a resto shaman fight class (I'm new to making fight classes) and I have another account with a warrior I was going to grind with. I'm having issues setting up a simple fight class where the shaman will just stay back or w/e and just lay down totems and also cast a heal whenever the warrior gets below a certain percentage. I've set up a blank fight class even, and in general settings enabled a macro to be hit every 1 second and I still cannot get it to work correctly. I'd like to set up a very simple just sit back lay totems and heal fight class and preferably use the Party mode in Wrobot to follow him around as the "Healer" (in Party mode options.) Can anyone help with this?

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Continued: I think I somewhat figured it out. I had to set "Force Cast On" to "Target" instead of "Party Member 1." Does that seem right? Is that how I should set all of my spells? I also had to set it on Healer mode.


But I still cannot figure out how to lay down totems...And idk if it's party mode or what, but when it's healing, sometimes it's flipping back and forth between mobs and the warrior and casts healing wave on the shaman sometimes when it casts it when targeting the mobs.

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Or now that I'm thinking about it, are those for ALL of the settings inside the main Partybot? I'm having difficulty figuring out where all the folders and files should go, maybe because it's so late, maybe because I genuinely cannot figure it out.

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Okay, I guess you've misunderstood. 
PartyHelper.dll is the plugin which you run in Party mode or wRotation on the "follower" (the main also has to run something). That's not what I was pointing towards.

There is a RestoShamVanilla.dll in there, which is a resto shaman fightclass for vanilla. If you want to modify it, I threw in the C# source as RestoShamVanilla.zip (entire Visual Studio project) there. 
However, if you don't know what you're doing, this isn't gonna of much use for you expect that it's a working fightclass and you don't have to make your own.

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I gotcha and I did get it working. Thank you. I do have another question while I have your attention though. Since I'm running in a party, I'm assuming green loot+ when it's on Group Loot isgoing to be an issue. Is there a plugin that automatically greeds items?

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3 minutes ago, tbaker4979 said:

I gotcha and I did get it working. Thank you. I do have another question while I have your attention though. Since I'm running in a party, I'm assuming green loot+ when it's on Group Loot isgoing to be an issue. Is there a plugin that automatically greeds items?

Either set loot threshold to epic with party loot enabled or find an addon that auto greeds. No plugin for that.

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