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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Not problem. I have added you to "Support/beta tester" group. Thank you.
  2. Hello, If you can send me logs of crashed WRobot (edit first post). Do you have this problem frequently?
  3. Hello, try to download preinstalled verison: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/tmp/WRobotPack.zip
  4. Droidz

    Fishing in Pools

    Hello, Thank you for report, I have probably fixed problem (bug in WRobot function "GetEquipedItemBySlot(InventorySlot slot)"). Wait next update and tell me if is good.
  5. Droidz

    Fishing in Pools

    Hello, Can you share your (of bugged WRobot session) (edit first post to attach log)
  6. Hello, WRobot support Wow build 20201. Kind regards, Droidz.
  7. Hello, WRobot support Wow build 20201. Kind regards, Droidz.
  8. Hello, If you want bg and manage player movement manually, use "WRotation" bot. If you want make BG 100% AFK use product "Battlegrounder" (don't forget to read info in "Product Settings").
  9. Freeze is an AOE spell? If yes, wait next update, I have added AOE support for lua script (put "True" at spell setting "AOE Spell")
  10. Hello, Can you share full log file please (edit first post to attach l). Do you have try to change dig site position (in tab "Product Settings")? To wait fix, you can disable (uncheck "Active" in tab "Product Settings").
  11. Hello, You can found your license key here: http://wrobot.eu/index.php?app=nexus&module=clients&section=purchases
  12. Hello Warden and GM does not have common point. If the warden finds you, your account is directly flagged as cheater, and after a few days / weeks, he has a ban wave (if you are detected all users of the same bot will too). GM comes after a report of players, if you sell a large quantity of items to AH (don't sell at the same time that you use bot), if it finds your behavior suspicious ... and then it can test you in many ways (like teleported to view your reaction, send pm...).
  13. Hello, I found this strange, I have tried and not problems. Can you share logs of two characters please (logs of two sessions at the same time, from start to freezes/crash)
  14. Hello, This problem can be caused by programs like teamspeak, mumble, AMD Gaming Evolved, open broadcaster, xsplit, fraps ,... (programs that record/drawing in game). Close programs, or if this don't crash Wow or WRobot, just ignore this message.
  15. Hello, thank you, You can do this with the bot "Quester", like this: testZone.xml (to change spot size, change the option "Search radius" in tab "General Settings").
  16. Do you have try to use spell condition "CooldownEnabled"? Can you share the fightclass please. Try to use this spell name: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=161691
  17. Hello, You can make quickly your own profile with "Grinder" or "Gatherer" bot. - Make the path with profile creator (tab "Product settings"). - Download and active this plugin: . - Activate option "Back to last profile position" in "Product Settings".
  18. Hello, What is your character level? If you want leveling mining, the best way is to use flymount to leveling quickly (you can found here a lot of profiles (or delivred with WRobot)). If you want use low level character you can use profile like Look also this post and
  19. Hello, I tried and this works correctly. You get this problem only in Tanaan Jungle?
  20. Hello, WRobot works with last small update (Wow Kind regards, Droidz.
  21. Hello, WRobot works with last small update (Wow Kind regards, Droidz.
  22. Hello, All old versions is here: Try this versions:
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