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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Droidz

    programm freezes

    Hello, Thank you for the report, please wait next update.
  2. Hello, You have lua functions GetRaidTargetIndex and SetRaidTarget (or SetRaidTargetIcon) Samples: Launch the spell id 109259 on the first boss with skull icon: local SpellName = GetSpellInfo(109259) for i = 1, 4, 1 do local UnitIdString = "boss" .. i if UnitExists(UnitIdString) then if GetRaidTargetIndex(UnitIdString) == 8 then CastSpellByName(SpellName, UnitIdString) return end end end Launch the spell id 109259 on the first raid target with skull icon (this code check the target of raid members): local SpellName = GetSpellInfo(109259) for i = 1, 40, 1 do local UnitIdString = "raid" .. i .. "target" if UnitExists(UnitIdString) then if GetRaidTargetIndex(UnitIdString) == 8 then CastSpellByName(SpellName, UnitIdString) return end end end Launch the spell id 109259 on the first party target with skull icon (this code check the target of party members): local SpellName = GetSpellInfo(109259) for i = 1, 4, 1 do local UnitIdString = "party" .. i .. "target" if UnitExists(UnitIdString) then if GetRaidTargetIndex(UnitIdString) == 8 then CastSpellByName(SpellName, UnitIdString) return end end end ps: Replace 109259 by your spell id and add conditions to launch the spell, to launch the spell if mob health is lower than 50%: local SpellName = GetSpellInfo(109259) for i = 1, 4, 1 do local UnitIdString = "party" .. i .. "target" if UnitExists(UnitIdString) then if GetRaidTargetIndex(UnitIdString) == 8 then if UnitHealth(UnitIdString)/UnitHealthMax(UnitIdString)*100 < 50 then CastSpellByName(SpellName, UnitIdString) return end end end end ps2: Code no tested, do not hesitate to tell me if this don't works
  3. To upload your fightclass read this the log file by your fightclass file). You can try to configure "Timer" spell option for the spell "Arcane Blas" to avoid spam (or add good conditions, I don't know mage rotation).
  4. Hello, Try with latest WRobot update, if your problem is not resolved can you please.
  5. Hello, Install / Reinstall Redistributable Visual C + + 2010 (X86) et SlimDX (4.0 X86).
  6. Hello, Wait next update, the problem has been caused probably because this condition counted only mobs in combat with your character and not in combat (mobs in combat with party members are ignored). I have fixed it, now all hostile mobs are count. Tell me if you problem is resolved with next update.
  7. Hello, What is "Visual Programming" language: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_programming_language I want add system like: for quest profiles, fightclasses, plugins and custom profiles. Do you found this useful or useless? Do you think use it?
  8. Hello, No option to completely ignore Pvp combat, and it would strange if you character stop all tasks and don't move when you are attacked. You can try to activate option "Pause bot if nearby player" in advanced settings tab security.
  9. Hello, When Bugreporter have say, you cannot share your fightclass because you use unit and spell name (this don't works on wow french client by sample). local npcFollowers={"Aeda Brightdawn", "Defender Illona", "Delvar Ironfist", "Leorajh", "Talonpriest Ishaal", "Tormmok", "Vivianne"} for key,value in pairs(npcFollowers) do RunMacroText("/target " .. value) local targetName = UnitName("target") if targetName == value then CastSpellByName("Flash of Light" , "TARGET") TargetLastTarget() return end end You can also try this code (but not safe): local targetName = UnitName("target") TargetNearestFriend() local targetNameSecond = UnitName("target") if not (targetName == targetNameSecond) then CastSpellByName("Flash of Light" , "TARGET") TargetLastTarget() end
  10. Hello, Can you share your fightclass, do you have try to download others fightclass to see if the problem does not come from your current fightclass?
  11. Hello, Pathfinder works when your character is outdoors in the garrison, can you share your please.
  12. To cast spell on your bodyguard when health is smaller than 90%: - In spell list (where you add spell name) add this code: RunMacroText("/target Delvar Ironfist") CastSpellByName("Flash of Light" , "TARGET") (replace Delvar Ironfist by your bodyguard name and Flash of Light by your spell name) - In "Spell settings" put "True" at "Not spell, is lua script". - Add condition "Pet Health Percent", "Type" = "Smaller", "Value" = "90". ps: If your character wow class has pet, you can get problem with condition "Pet Health Percent" (false result), replace this condition by lua condition.
  13. Hello, this problem can be caused by softwares like teamspeak, mumble, amd gaming evolved, XSplit ... (all software that record or write information in game window).
  14. Bonjour, Pour le combat en Pvp de mascottes il suffit d'activer l'option "Pvp mode" dans "Product settings" du bot Pet Battle. Pour le moment WRobot ne permet pas de créer une rotation personnalisée (vous pouvez juste mettre en liste noire dans "Abilities at not using" les sorts que vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser), certains addon ou logiciel tiers permette cela.
  15. Hello, The game is stopped after x levels (not after the level x ). If you are level 94 and you want stop bot at the level 96 put "Stop game after 2 level".
  16. I don't think than mass selling (at npc vendor) or send mass mailing (without money) are monitoring. And fast sell don't increase ban chances (WRobot using same methods/api that wow addons), after use an wow addon can give more options or can be more easy at use.
  17. Rajoute un step RunCode entre les deux pulse avec ce code: if (ObjectManager.Me.IsSwimming) { Move.JumpOrAscend(Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 5000); // jump 5 sec System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(7000); // wait 7 sec }
  18. Ok, if pet condition does not works the best way is to use lua code.
  19. Hello, I have reply here: This post use the grinder bot but you can use Quester bot to create your profile (and add the quests support). All garrisons are dissimilar, this causes two problems, the first is the path finder, he don't works fine (in cave and building, he work outdoor), the second is an profile that works on your character has small chance to works on anothers character.
  20. Bonjour, Normalement le fait d'interagir avec un PNJ débloque le trajet, tu as ce problème avec tous les maitres de vol ou uniquement un?
  21. Bonjour, D'après wowhead 7 (et pas 10, mais remplace le 7 par 10 si je fais erreur). Ajoute ce code dans "Is Complete Condition": if (ItemsManager.GetItemCountById(15447) >= 7) // http://fr.wowhead.com/item=15447/pourriture-vivante { ItemsManager.UseItem(15454); // http://fr.wowhead.com/item=15454/mortier-et-pilon } return ItemsManager.GetItemCountById(15448) > 0; // http://fr.wowhead.com/item=15448/pourriture-coagulee
  22. Bonjour, Utiliser une quête de type "InteractWithNpc" (si le véhicule est un pnj) ou "Gatherer" (si le véhicule est un gameobject) et utiliser "Is Complete Condition": return ObjectManager.Me.InTransport;
  23. Hello, You can try for avoid this problem, go to "advanced general settings" tab "Mount..." remove "Aquatic" mount (leave empty).
  24. Salut, pour cette quête: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXOG2jSFMS8 Fait la première étape (ramasser l'épée) avec une "Is Complete condition" personnalisée: return ItemsManager.GetItemCountByIdLUA(38631) > 0; ou return EquippedItems.GetEquippedItem(WoWInventorySlot.MainHand) == 38631; (Utilise le premier code si il fonctionne). Puis la deuxième partie dans une nouvelle quête avec "objective count 1" à 1 (je pense qu'un type de quête "Gatherer" devrait faire l'affaire).
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