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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Look UnitPower: To get current value of fightclass condition "Eclipse", go to: - Tab "Tools". - Click on button "Development Tools". - Paste this code in textbox: wManager.DevelopmentTools.OutPutCSharp = ObjectManager.Me.GetPowerByPowerType(wManager.Wow.Enums.PowerType.Eclipse).ToString(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(wManager.DevelopmentTools.OutPutCSharp); - Click on button "C# (ret...". (an message box appear with value of Eclipse)
  2. Version 1


    Fight Classes Switch This plugin add the feature to switch between several fightclasses quickly when WRobot is running (with keyboard shortcut). Don't forget to configure this plugin before activation.
  3. Pouvez vous partager le (après avoir lancé votre profil)
  4. ps: Pour poster un log (ou profil) à votre poste lisez ce tuto:
  5. Je viens d'essayer le début de votre profil fonctionne très bien, il va bien prendre la quête (avec un humain Démoniste). Voila un exemple avec la quête complète: (01-05)Humain Pierre modifié.xml
  6. Hello, Update WRobot, problem is resolved (if problem is not resolved please send me your log again with debug log activated). Thank you for report.
  7. Hello, Sorry for delay I have reply http://wrobot.eu/page/bug_tracker.html/_/pet-battles-bot-wont-run-any-pet-battle-profiles-r270yesterday.
  8. Bonjour, Votre configuration semble correcte, pouvez-vous partager votre profil que je regarde ce qui coince.
  9. Hello, Hello, Can you share of bugged session please
  10. Hello, Thank you for report and sorry for the troubles, this problem has caused by the changes on last update. Please update again WRobot, the problem is resolved.
  11. Droidz

    Update fail

    Close all WRobot process (restart your computer). If this don't resolve your problem try to disable your antivirus
  12. Salut, Je viens de tester de nouveau le code que j'ai écrit il fonctionne (il ne passe pas dans le while dans ton code car tu as enlevé le "Thread.Sleep(700);") Pour arréter le lancement d'un sort tu peux essayer: Lua.LuaDoString("SpellStopCasting()"); ou Move.Backward(); Move.Forward();
  13. Do you get this problem on all continents or only in Draenor?
  14. Hello, In your Wow map (key "M"), do you can view dig sites icon (if no, activate dig site option (top/right))?
  15. Hello, You can ignore this message if this don't cause problems. A lot of softwares use Wow process like WRobot (like http://raptr.com/, http://www.teamspeak.com/, http://www.mumble.com/, ... generaly this softwares draw in wow window).
  16. Hello, You can activate/deactivate manually dig sites by name (in tab "Product Settings" ), but no automatic way to bot only one dig sites type.
  17. Hello, Glad to hear that your problem is solved. I don't think that this problem has been caused by graphics settings change, but it is possible than one mesh file has been corrompus (download fail?).
  18. Hello, This dll is in folder "WRobot\Bin\" (robotManager.dll, wManager.dll, MemoryRobot.dll (add this files in project references)).
  19. Hello, Check if you haven't modified default settings of world map in game (if you don't use addon and digsite landmark is activated).
  20. How to go to The Temple of Atal'Hakkar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvM0s37YFgE
  21. Hello, For advanced user: - You can found sample of dungeon profile http://wrobot.eu/files/file/453-dungeon-the-temple-of-atalhakkar/ file description to get more informations) and https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3552-dungeon-profile-creation-tutorial-video/ For beginner users: - Install and activate this plugin: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/496-reset-instances/ - In "General Settings", disable option "Close bot if teleported". - Select product "Gatherer" or "Grinder" and activate option "Back to last profile position" in "Product Settings". - Now, use "Profile Creator" and record loop path (in your loop, go out of instance) (You can download gatherer profile sample of "Hellfire Ramparts" here) (you can use "Action" to add feature at your profile)
  22. 1071 downloads

    [Dungeon] The Temple of Atal'Hakkar This profile works with "Quester" product (copy downloaded file in folder "WRobot\Profiles\Quester\" and use it with product "Quester") (try to start near dungeon portal). ps: It is a dungeon sample profile, to get more informations about how to create dungeon profile, edit this profile with "Easy profile creator" and read step 0 in "Quests order editor".
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