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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Like neg40 has said, you need to stop bot, change spot and start again (pause don't work). Check also if "Fish School" option is disabled in Fisherbot product settings.
  2. Hello, I am not sure to understand, but in product settings you can disable option "Manage character rotation..." to keep full control of your character. To disable in game "Click to move", launch this macro in wow chat: /run SetCVar("autoInteract", 0)
  3. Hello, "wManager.Wow.Helpers.Quest.CompleteQuest" works only if you have target quest giver (no on popup quest). To resolve your problem look this profile: (steps 10, 11, 12, 13). You need to, in "Quests order editor": Add steps type While with param : wManager.Wow.Helpers.Quest.HasQuest(35933) Add steps type RunLuaCode with param: RunMacroText("/click ObjectiveTrackerBlocksFrameHeader"); RunMacroText("/click QuestFrameCompleteButton"); RunMacroText("/click QuestFrameCompleteQuestButton"); Add steps type Wait with param: 1500 Add steps type EndWhile.
  4. Bonjour, Je ne peux pas tester je n'ai pas de Prêtre de haut niveau. Je pense que le nom que vous utilisez est incorrect, pour obtenir le nom du buff vous pouvez essayer de le chercher dans la liste des buffs. Pour cela: · Dans l'éditeur de fight classes cliquer dans le menu sur "Development Tools". · En jeu, faites le sort pour avoir le buff actif. · Dans la fenêtre "Development Tools" cliquez sur le bouton "Memory informations". · La zone de texte va se remplir. · Dans la zone de texte chercher "Auras:" qui se trouve dans "PLAYER INFO:" (vous pouvez trouver "Auras:" juste avant "TARGET INFO:"). · Chercher dans la liste des auras le sort qui correspond à votre buff.
  5. Hi, If option is activate. it is automatic, you can try to start from your garrison "Archaeologist" bot, if nearest dig site is far, WRobot will take taxi. (after than WRobot has taken taxi for the first time, you can edit taxi nodes in tab "Tools" button "Taxi database") You need to put spell name, SpellAffectedByAProc and IsSpellOverlayed is such (I added two names for the same condition because the name used by lua is IsSpellOverlayed, I find it hard to understand, SpellAffectedByAProc is more understandable).
  6. Hello, thank you, is done, download again profile.
  7. Hello, I have just released WRobot 1.5.0. A lot of change since last version, I have rewrites a lot of WRobot functions, fixed a lot of bugs, added a lot of suggestions, I also added Auction bot and Flight master support. To get all changes please read ChangeLog. I check several times if everything was good, but he may have a few bugs, if you get problem please report it ps: I have moved/changed/removed some WRobot functions, if you get problem to use your old plugins/profiles/fightclasses send me your file here, I'll fix it. ps2: If this version don't works correctly, you can download last WRobot version here.
  8. Hello, I have just released WRobot 1.5.0. A lot of change since last version, I have rewrites a lot of WRobot functions, fixed a lot of bugs, added a lot of suggestions, I also added Auction bot and Flight master support. To get all changes please read ChangeLog. I check several times if everything was good, but he may have a few bugs, if you get problem please report it ps: I have moved/changed/removed some WRobot functions, if you get problem to use your old plugins/profiles/fightclasses send me your file here, I'll fix it. ps2: If this version don't works correctly, you can download last WRobot version here.
  9. I have look lua code, the name of the button seem "ReadyCheckFrameYesButton".
  10. I have added it, wait next update.
  11. Hello, Is done, wait next update.
  12. Hello, "WarGuard" is feature to protect you, he check wow warden activity, and close wow if suspect action as found. "[WarGuard] Warden found, protection activated." that mean than WarGuard have found the Warden in memory, and start to check wow warden activity. ps: You can read this post: to get more info.
  13. Hello, Can you give me the name of the bouton please (to get butons names: ). ps: You can try to replace "TheButtonName" by the button name line 98 of this ArenaWinsForSecondCharacter.cs and use this profile on your second character.
  14. Hello, Can you share profiles please (you can try to use "Profiles Converters" product, if this don't works, in "Quester" product, go to "easy quest editor", in the tools you can found hb quest profiles converters)
  15. I'll make profile but I need Lvl 3 Fishing Shack (I need http://www.wowhead.com/achievement=9406/working-more-orders), and I have yet a lot of work to finish the next WRobot update. When next WRobot update is released I'll look it.
  16. Hello, Your log file is empty, can you remove all log files, launch WRobot (wait the problem) and send me your log file again. Do you have try to disable your antivirus/firewall?
  17. You can keep newer version and install older (the programs that uses visual c++ 2010 does not works with 2013), but general slimdx resolve your problem.
  18. Hello, Install Visual C + + 2010 (X86) and SlimDX (4.0 X86).
  19. Hello. Do you use windows administrator session ? Do you have installed required software ? wrobot.eu/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/
  20. Hello, I have reply here: 1. is ban process stepwise?(Is banwave finished?) I ignore, but it is possible that bliz takes several days to ban all flagged accounts. 2. IS WROBOT SAFE FROM BANWAVE? This ban wave does not affect the WRobot users.
  21. Hello, If you can wait next update and tell me if problem is resolved
  22. Hello, I have added this, wait next update.
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