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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Bonjour, Activer l'option du sort (dans "Spell Settings") "One pet Target" ps: Quelques info supplémentaires dans le guide page 59: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/guides/WRobot%20guide%20FR.pdf
  2. Bonjour, Créer un profil est vraiment simple, lisez ce guide: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/guides/WRobot%20guide%20FR.pdf(partie PROFILE CREATOR – CREER UN PROFIL page 51) Pour le fief c'est plus compliqué, les instructions sont donné sur ce poste:
  3. Droidz

    mine lvl 3

    ps: J'ai posté un plugin pour sauvegarder/charger rapidement la configuration du bot: éviter de devoir reconfigurer avant et après avoir utiliser un profil dans le fief).
  4. Bonjour, Merci de vérifier les minuscules/majuscules et si vous n'avez pas mis d'espaces en trop. Vérifiez également que l'option "(no item, is spell)" (onglet Food / Drink) est bien décoché. Si votre problème n'ai pas résolu merci de poster le d'une session buggé.
  5. Hello, Now map files are automatically downloaded.
  6. Hello, Install all required files:
  7. Try to reinstall slimdx: Try also to change directx version (in game).
  8. If you have only wmanager dll download previous/next version and replace in folder "Bin" wManager.dll file.
  9. Happy New Year 2015
  10. Droidz

    Happy New Year 2015

    Happy New Year 2015
  11. Hello, Thank you. Try this plugin: UseItemTimer.cs Put this file in folder "Plugins", open this file with notepad and replace Cheap Beer (line 10) by your item name and 60 (line 11) by the time in secondes to wait between two usage (don't forget to activate plugin tab "Plugins").
  12. Hello, it is an plugin, put this file in "Plugins" folder.
  13. Try this (in your fightclass): In spell name put: local name = GetSpellInfo(116694); RunMacroText("/cast " .. name); (change 116694 by your spell id) In "Spell Settings": "Timer" > Put cast time (in milliseconds) "Can move during cast" > No "Check if know spell, is usable and good distance" > False "Check if target is in view" > False "Combat only" > False "Not spell, is lua script" > True In "Spell Conditions": Add "Me In Combat" > value "False" Add "Health Percent" > type "SmallerOrEqual" and put at "value" the same value of your current setting "Food on x %" (80 by default). ps: If you have read before post, don't forget to restaure default value at "Food on" in advanced general settings tab "Food/Drink".
  14. Hello, please post your for wait check if you use Windows admin session.
  15. Compress files in .zip, or send file on website like https://mega.co.nz/
  16. Hello, Can you share your please. Do you have changed battlegrounder settings? If yes, please try to reinstall bot. You can also try to install/reinstall required file: Do you get problem with others WRobot products?
  17. Hello, In advanced general settings tab "Food/Drink" put 1 or 0% at "Food on" and on your fightclass in "spell settings" put "Combat only" at false.
  18. Hello, Bugged mobs are already blacklisted but this take more time than 5 secondes (It is delicate to found the good settings, by moment 5 secondes is good but not all the time). And if it is all time the same mob (on same zone) you can add mob/zone in blacklist.
  19. Hello, Don't start archaeology (or any bot) from your garrison.
  20. Hello, thank you. I have converted this profiles (not tested): hbprofile.zip at your reply I'll convert it if it is possible.
  21. Hello, thank you, You need to move downloaded profile in WRobot folder (not wow folder). For the grinder profiles move it in "WRobot\Profiles\Grinder\". For gatherer move it in "WRobot\Profiles\Gatherer\"...
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