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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, WRobot support now World of Warcraft 6.0.3 (19102). You need only to accept WRobot update. More info about WRobot update: here More info about Wow 6.0.3: here ps: If you play on European server, don't update today WRobot, wait tomorrow, if you have update WRobot today you can download WRobot for wow 6.0.2 here.
  2. Droidz

    soil bot

    Hello, Can you share log file of an bugged WRobot session (you can found it in folder "Logs").
  3. Droidz

    New website theme

    @Seumas: Thank you. @flisin: I have fixed problem thank you.
  4. Hello, Can you send me log file of bugged WRobot session (you can found it in "Logs" folder).
  5. Hello, add object entry id in: Tab "General settings" Advanced general settings... Tab "Looting and Farming options" Add entry id in textbox "Harvest object (one id by line)" If you want id you can use wowhead or "dev tools" (tab "Tools"). If you need help to found id, give me complete object name.
  6. Wait next wrobot update (coming in few minutes) and if you can tell me if reloger works. Thank you.
  7. Bonjour, Vous devez mettre le nom dans la langue de votre client wow (donc en français si vous jouez en français). Pour que ça fonctionne, il faut faire attention aux majuscules/minuscules et accents (le mieux est de faire un copier/coller de wowhead). Pouvez-vous copier ici la liste d'objets que je vérifie ? Merci.
  8. Hello, I'll look this, I come back here after
  9. (if it is not problem please send me also debug and error logs)
  10. Hello, do you are near an dig site zone? If yes I cannot detect exactly if character is in zone, for detect if in zone, WRobot try to launch Survey spell 3 time, if he cannot launch spell WRobot go to dig site. Do you have try to wait?
  11. Hello, To add task, you need to double click on white textbox (I'll add button "Add" to avoid this problem).
  12. Droidz

    New website theme

    Hello, Private messages is in top/right of page
  13. Hello, I have add this, wait next update (in a few hours).
  14. Hello, In the last update, normally you can now use in the fight classes the spell name like he appear in game. Tell me if you get problem with an spell
  15. I have increment the number max of try to selling (8 to 12), can your tell me if this allows your character to sell all items.
  16. Try with new update. If you problem is not resolved use base (parent) spell name (to get base spell name use this script: ). I get this with my character: [D] 19:14:48 - Children spell found: Dark Soul: Instability (113858) (parent spell: Dark Soul (77801)) [D] 19:14:48 - Children spell found: Immolate (348) (parent spell: Corruption (172)) [D] 19:14:48 - Children spell found: Incinerate (29722) (parent spell: Shadow Bolt (686)) [D] 19:14:48 - Children spell found: Mortal Coil (6789) (parent spell: Crippling Shadows (175707)) [D] 19:14:48 - Children spell found: Rain of Fire (104232) (parent spell: Rain of Fire (5740)) Tell me if this works with normal spell name (Incinerate and Immolate).
  17. Hello, Do you speak about this script: ? If yes I have updated script here:
  18. Hello, I have noted your suggestions, to avoid to reset the current running time you can pause WRobot (instead to stop it).
  19. Get base (parent) spell name and the id: Launch this script (in tab "Tools" > "Development Tools" > copy script in textbox and click on button "Lua (return value in 'ret')). for i=1,1000 do local spellName = GetSpellBookItemName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); if not spellName then break; end local _, tid = GetSpellBookItemInfo(i, "player"); local spellNameReal = GetSpellInfo(tid); if spellNameReal and spellName ~= spellNameReal then print(spellName .. " > " .. "\124cFF4FF763" .. spellNameReal .. " (id: " .. tid .. ")"); else print(spellName .. " (id: " .. tid .. ")"); end end This write in wow chat list of spells of your spellbook and if exist (in green) the parent spell name. (By sample, http://www.wowhead.com/spell=12294/mortal-strike is the parent of http://www.wowhead.com/spell=78/heroic-strike ) ps: Now normally WRobot found automatically the childrens/parents spells.
  20. Get wow bouton/window name: /run print(GetMouseFocus():GetName()) or /run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetMouseFocus():GetName()) Copy this script in wow chat, put your mouse over an button and press enter key. In wow chat appear button name (you can use this like "/click TheButtonName" or "TheButtonName:Click()" or "RunMacroText("/click TheButtonName")" if you use it in fightclass). You can also use macro: /framestack More info: http://wow.gamepedia.com/Framestack
  21. Hello, You can share here useful lua scripts
  22. Hello, To create fightclass with support of all wow client language please do use directly the spell name or item name in your script. For get spell name use this: local name = GetSpellInfo(109259); GetSpellInfo (109259 is the id of http://www.wowhead.com/spell=109259 ) For get item name use this: local name = GetItemInfo(6256); GetItemInfo (6256 is the id of http://www.wowhead.com/item=6256/fishing-pole ) The spell/item name in the client language is in variable name, use it like: RunMacroText("/cast " .. name) (if you use direct the spell name of your client language this doesn't works on others languages).
  23. Hello forme de vol is replaced by http://fr.wowhead.com/spell=783now Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk
  24. Hello, This problem is probably by WoD, WRobot is too fast for Wow. I have try to fix problem. Update WRobot and tell me if this works now. Thank you for report
  25. Hello, You can download pre-installed version here. But I think it is an problem with your antivirus or firewall.
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