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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, WRobot do not try to go to vendor/repair in your log. Do you use mining or herbs bags? if yes activate the option in advanced general settings. You can also, go to vendor/repair by time (with timer) (activate option "Go to vendor/repair/mailbox with timer" and settings timer duration in advanced general settings).
  2. Hello, You can use http://www.wowwiki.com/API_RunMacroText: RunMacroText("/cast Summon Black Ox Statue") RunMacroText("/tar Summon Black Ox Statue") RunMacroText("/cast Provoke") RunMacroText("/targetlasttarget") Or use full lua code: CastSpellByName("Summon Black Ox Statue") RunMacroText("/tar Summon Black Ox Statue") CastSpellByName("Provoke") TargetLastTarget() ps: I think you need to use RunMacroText("/tar Black Ox Statue") not RunMacroText("/tar Summon Black Ox Statue")
  3. Hello, Send a private message at Ohren , you can remove this spell with "Create Fightclass" (in tab "Tools") for wait fix.
  4. Hello, can you share full log file please. But WRobot seem cannot get connected to MmoRobot server, do you have disable your firewall (don't forget windows Firewall)?
  5. Hello, In "Product Settings" of the "grinder" bot click on button "Profile Creator". In new window click on button "Open" on the top menu and select the first profil. Click on button "Combine with" on the top menu and select the second profile. Now configure option "For character level X to X" (by sample, for first zone put "1 to 5", select next zone in "Zones" combo box and put "5 to 10"). Save your profile.
  6. Automaton est comme le bot grinder (selon la configuration) mais il fonctionne sans profil. Vous lancer le bot Automaton et il ce charge de générer un profil aléatoire autour de la position de départ dans un rayon configuré dans "Product Settings" (plus d'informations sur les configurations disponible ici) (si vous ne trouver pas de profils dans les téléchargements pour votre zone/level c'est une bonne alternative).
  7. Hello, In your profile (edit it with "profile creator") you can select level minimum/max of mobs at attack, use good settings for this. You can also add to the blacklist zones in the profile (don't forget to save change). In tab "Tools" of main WRobot window, click on button "Tools". In this window you can blacklist position (zone), mobs types or unit by unit.
  8. Hello, Read this: (don't forget to install slimDX) Do you use an administrator Windows session?
  9. Hello, I have credited your mmorobot account of price of your current subscription. You can use this credit to buy new subscription.
  10. Bonjour, Pour le moment les profils de quêtes ne couvrent pas tous les niveaux/classes. Vous pouvez utiliser le bot Grinder (ou Automaton), possible de le combiné avec le bot Battlegrounder, plus long que les quêtes mais ça fonctionne aussi.
  11. Hello, How you have replied in PM that problem is caused by "youtube pop up blocker". ps: Use AdBlock instead of "youtube blocker" for avoid this problem.
  12. Droidz

    reviv our pet

    Hello, What fightclass do you use? Do you have try another fightclass?
  13. Hello, If you don't use fightclass: Go to tab general settings and select an fightclass. You can download new fightclass here: http://wrobot.eu/files/category/11-druid/ (copy/extract download file in folder "WRobot\FightClass") If you use fightclass: The best way is to contact the creator of the fight class. You can also try another fightclass: http://wrobot.eu/files/category/11-druid/ Or try to edit fightclass to fix the problem.
  14. Hello, Can you share full log file please (you can found it in "Logs" folder)
  15. Hello, This don't works if you put item name in fisher product settings option "Lure Name"?
  16. Hi, I cannot test but try this code I have correct some errors. if (GetUnitSpeed("player") == 0) and not (UnitCastingInfo("player")) and not (UnitChannelInfo("player")) and not (UnitAffectingCombat("player")) and not (IsMounted()) and not (IsFlying()) and not (IsFalling()) and not (IsResting()) and not (UnitIsAFK("player")) then local timeLeftToCastAgain = 10*60; --[[ Searing Totem ]] local idTotem={3599} for i=1,#idTotem do local spellname=GetSpellInfo(idTotem[i]) for totemIndex=1,4 do local haveTotem, totemName, startTime, duration = GetTotemInfo(totemIndex); if (haveTotem and spellname == totemName) then local timeLeft = startTime+duration-GetTime(); if (timeLeft < timeLeftToCastAgain) then if (IsUsableSpell(spellname)) then local start, duration, enable = GetSpellCooldown(spellname) if (duration==0) then CastSpellByName(spellname); end end end break; end end end end
  17. Do you have try to follow player by name (you can config it in "Product settings" of party bot).
  18. In "Product Settings" check if location of "Ausgrabungsstätte von Sra'vess Ost" seem correct (not correct = 9.710005E+13 , correct = 897.980) If position is not correct, go to the dig site "Ausgrabungsstätte von Sra'vess Ost" in game, select line of this dig site in "Product Settings" and click on button "Selected dig site is at my current location". If problem is not resolved desactive this dig site.
  19. Bonjour, Je viens de répondre à votre message privé:
  20. Hello, Can you share your log please (of bugged session, you can found log file in "Logs" folder).
  21. 3500 is in ms. Prefer make your quests profiles with profile delivered with the bot is created in C# it is not easy). My game also is in French, not problem. To change profile automatically use action "Load Profile" in "Quest order editor".
  22. Hello, I have test to reproduce bug and not problem found. Can you send me screen shot of your battleground settings and your log please (of bugged wrobot session, you can found it in "Logs" folder)?
  23. Hello, I recommand to update your dig sites list: (or dig sites where WRobot bug to go there). If you can send me screen shot of your wow map where you have the problem. Thanks
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