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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hi, Put problems appear in wrobot for wow 5.3.0 here. (Don't forget to share your log) Current problems:
  2. Hi, 1: In spell name put "PetAttack();" and in spell setting active "Not spell, is lua script". 2: in spell setting turn off "Combat only" and add condition "Me in Combat" at false.
  3. Hello, We have received a large DDoS attack that have been mitigated, however, the bots connections to the servers have been somehow interpreted as a part of the attack because the bot does not use a real browser to requests infos. This will be fixed soon, I have asked them to stop filtering our IP because the attack is gone.
  4. Hello, Can you share your log please. I'll watch it.
  5. Hello, Your problem is strange. Can you share your log please.
  6. hi, Thanks I have noted your suggestion.
  7. Hi, Thanks theunseen13 for your help. I haven't started to works on this. If you need help I am here.
  8. Hi, I'll fix it (currently all news/changed maps is not supported by path finder).
  9. Droidz

    Archeology Big problem

    Hello, In general settings you can turn off this option (Use Spirit Healer). Say me if it is not the problem.
  10. Hello, Read this topic: If you play on European server you need to downgrade wrobot (wow 5.3.0 is only on US server).
  11. Hello, WRobot now support Wow 5.3.0. (For downgrade WRobot for wow 5.2 download and extract in wrobot folder this file: http://download.mmor...bot_for_5.2.zip )
  12. Hello, WRobot now support Wow 5.3.0. (For downgrade WRobot for wow 5.2 download and extract in wrobot folder this file: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/WRobot_for_5.2.zip )
  13. Hi, I attach grinder product project in this message (sample source code). You can create products, if you need help for understand api classes/functions tell me.Grinder.zip
  14. Hi, I have noted your suggestion but as the saying schneider466 you can found wow addons for it.
  15. Try to reinstall framework 4.0 and internet explore, if this don't works send me your skype by PM please.
  16. Hi, Try to disable your antivirus or firewall.
  17. Select "Archaeologist" product, click on "Product Settings", list of digsites appear, in colum "PriorityDigesites" increase number (the higher the number, the higher the priority area is)
  18. Hi, Wait the next update I have fixed problem. For adding Archaeology trainer you need to edit and in general settings turn on "Train new spell".
  19. Hi, You can disable digsite zones (in Product Settings) (Zone is named only when you have it in game).
  20. Hi, You need to use Grinder product for farm without fly mount.
  21. Hi, Thank you iiibinion for your feedback.
  22. Try with this spell: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=51128 (replace spell id 51124 by 51128)
  23. Droidz

    Bot movement in bgs

    Hi, Can you share your log please (of wrobot session when you have problem).
  24. Hi, If this option causing problem you can disable it in General Settings > Looting and Farming options > Detect nobes stuck.
  25. Droidz

    resurrection too fast

    Hi, Can you give me corps position (go to General settings > tab others > Dev tools > Get my position).
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