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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. MMORobot's official opening MMORobot is now open publicly to all. I am pleased to welcome you.
  2. I'll found any solution for saving several licenses keys in wrobot.
  3. Use argument uninstall=true in update.exe for remove all bot files.
  4. can you send me your Digsites.bin file please, in the next update I'll convert .bin files to .xml
  5. Hi, Sorry I don't need more beta tester, I open wrobot tomorrow, You'll see on ownedcore I'll post a coupon reduce for the first users.
  6. Thanks for this "how to". If someone can also share its list of digsites (/data/Digsites.xml), if this list is complete, I'll add in default package wrobot.
  7. Droidz


    Bonjour. Le bot fait des injections mais ce n’est pas pour cette raison qu'il n'est pas sûr. Pour le moment il n'y as pas de version d'essai (à par 1 jours à 1 euro). Je pense ouvrir au public le bot mercredi, avec de grosses promotions (pendant quelques jours). Le bot est actuellement en beta (mais il est plus stable que certaine bot du marché), je vais laisser beta temps que le contenu (classes de combats et profils) manque.
  8. Hi, Thanks for the review.
  9. I have moved your topic because I have changed permissions of beta tester forum. This shortcut is created for users that launching wrobot directly in the wrobot folder, it is for this reason than this shortcut is created in wrobot folder. You can make this shortcut where you want, if he have no key or no launched wow process the program stop on login window (as if you launch wrobot without argument).
  10. Ok, I'll add option to uninstall in the update.exe Me I have also (probably old path, I have not update this path) "SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\World of Warcraft" > "InstallPath" (get wow folder path).
  11. I'll see if I found solution for uninstall properly wrobot. During uninstallation you can launch update.exe with arguments? You can found privacy and terms of use here: http://wrobot.eu/privacypolicy/ I have tested alpha 3 and np (windows 8 x64) Thanks
  12. Installation is finish when Update.exe process is closed, If he are one error, message box shown error by Update.exe.
  13. I have added silent install, use argument silent=true (Update.exe silent=true) ps: redownload updater
  14. hey, Option to add desktop shortcuts You can check if the download server is online if you can load this page: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/bin/updateinfo.php or if you can download this file: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/bin/WRobot.exe or this (xml, list all wrobot download files) : http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/bin/update.php For uninstall I haven't solution (I don't know what software do you use for make installer), but an batch can be good
  15. Happy New Year 2013
  16. Droidz

    Happy New Year 2013

    Happy New Year 2013
  17. https://www.virustotal.com/file/5444a76d92ad67621ae48fec8375e79d6f76f6e5e478df396cab8cb8ce3391aa/analysis/1356880427/ No problem with avast normaly. I have try (on windows 8) if you launch update.exe on desktop no problem, but if you launch update.exe on program file you need to use admin mode.
  18. Very Good, My suggestion: Add possibility to choose install path and and add option for make a shortcut to wrobot folder on the desktop I'll add Silent Installation in "Updater", for auto install wrobot if it is launched with your installer.
  19. Merry Christmas Everyone!
  20. Merry Christmas Everyone!
  21. If you want share an key with your friend I think the key license is best than you username and password (or for use multi license). If you don't have save your password it is indicated to write your license key in the textbox, but in the next version I'll add more information for helping new users.
  22. Pretty basic for now, but I will edit and elaborate as I find bugs and see fit. After launching WRobot, 1. Select the Archaeologist plugin from the drop down. 2. In general settings, and put a mount in both ground and flight, I used the same mount to simplify, in my case Armored Blue Wind Rider, please also take note this is case sensitive, and spelling is extremely important. Save and exit the settings tab. 3. Ingame, make sure to check show digsites on your map 4. Click Start on bot 5. Profit. By twizt3dkitty
  23. Ok, Update available
  24. You can launch lua script: string money = Lua.LuaDoString("money = GetMoney()", "money"); And you can use others structs: (sample of tnb customclass: http://pastebin.com/vqjFFJEE ) For create product (grinder, gatherer, ...) I use api of robotManager.dll and wManager.dll (like for fights class), you have acces at a lot of informations for create fights class.
  25. Hello, With "Hostile Unit Near" (in the next update I'll add "Hostile Unit Near Target")
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