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Files posted by slickrockstar
Arms Warrior
By slickrockstar in Fight Classes - MoP
This is an arms warrior fight class for MOP. Can be used for PVE and PVP. All the CD's and utilities defaulted to on. You can turn what you want off in the settings otherwise this fight class will pull all cd's and utilities. Trinket is now working as well but only for Stunned ATM. Make sure to put your medallion on the first trinket slot. If you use this for PVE make sure to turn off Disarm cause some npc's don't have weapons and it'll keep on wanting to disarm over and over. Arcane Torrent is used as a secondary disrupt if pummel is not available (if you're blood elf). You can turn it off in the settings if you don't have that racial. Your warrior will shatter iceblock and paladin bubbles automatically if shatter throw is not on DC.
feral pvp Feral Druid PVP with Bear form health recovery
By slickrockstar in Fight Classes - Cata
Have you seen some of those bad ass feral druids? Yes the ones that never dies or are so hard to kill. This fight class is that one. This fight class will be in feral cat for major damage and when you fall below a certain health it will automatically change to bear form and regenerate your health. Give it a test guys! It's not perfect but i just put it together from other fight classes and edited, added, amend it.
Cat form PVP rotation
1. Tiger's fury and Berserk is on by default and they are highest priority. Yes it will cast them even if you attack a bug. Why? Fast damage burst on first contact. (Can be turned off in the settings so you have control for those CD's if you like) for example no use of burst on a Paladin bubble right!
2. Cat form will keep up Mangle, Rip, Savage Roar, and rake at there highest combo points. Once those debuffs are on the target it will mangle like crazy with auto attacks in between but also keep the debuffs up as well.
Bear form HP Recover Mode
1. Bear form kicks in at 60% Health. That may seem too much health yet but I find that with the lag time it kicks in way below 60% health so if its set any lower then 60% you will be so close to dieing before bear form kicks in. (Can manually go into bear form yourself if below 60% too and it'll stay bear form)
2. Bear form dps rotation Frenzied Regeneration, Berserk if still available and engrage
3. Your bear will keep 3 stacks of Lacerate and when its about to expire it'll Lacerate once after that to keep it on.
4. It'll mangle as much as it can with Maul as a filler.
5. At 70% health your cat form will kick back in. (if he's above 60% you can manually go to cat form if you wish and it'll stay cat form until it drops below 60% again)
Mark of the Wild, innervate, and barkskin are used with both forms when they are available. (Barkskin if the Wrobot has not used it yet you can use it manually)
Mt Hyjal Herbing Route Flying only
By slickrockstar in Gatherer - Cata
This is a Mt Hyjal herbing route level 425 to 475 and it's definitely a flying route. Be at least level 85 there are 80's plus patrolling this area. This was made on Whitemane private server cataclysm and may work on other private servers. This area produced Stormvine, Cinderbloom, and Volatile Life proc with the herb you pick. Good luck and may the herbs keep you high!
Wintersprings Herbing Route Flying only
By slickrockstar in Gatherer - Cata
This is a flying only route wintersprings area cataclysm. You can try a ground mount it may work. Wintersprings is a level 270 to 300+ herging area. This was made on Whitemane private server but may work on other private servers as well. It produced Moutain Silverage and Icecap. Good luck and may the herbs keep you high!!
Felwood Herbing flying route only
By slickrockstar in Gatherer - Cata
The is a flying route only for herbing in felwood but likewise you could always try the ground mount. This will be a level 270 to 300 herbing route. This was made on Whitemane private server and may work on other private servers. This route is for Cataclysm expansion. This route produced Dreamfoil, Golden Sansam, Gromsblood, and purple lotus. Good luck and may the herbs keep you high!
The Hinterlands Herb flying route
By slickrockstar in Gatherer - Cata
This is a flying route for the hinterlands producing sungrass, ghost mushrooms, and a couple more herbs. It is a level 230 to 270+ herbling location and cataclysm expansion. This route may work with a ground mount as well. This route was done on Whitemane but may work for other private servers too. Good luck and may the herbs keep you high!
Arathi Highlands Flying herbing route
By slickrockstar in Gatherer - Cata
The route is Arathi Highlands for herbing level 170 to 205+ and on Cataclysm on Whitemane server. It may work for other private servers as well. It yeilds Goldthorn and other herbs. It is a flying route and can possible try ground mount as well since its all prairie lands. Good luck and hope the herbs keep you high!
- herb route
- herbing arathi highlands
- (and 4 more)
Stranglethorn Vale Herbing Route Flying ONLY
By slickrockstar in Gatherer - Cata
This is an herbing route from level 170 to 205 and flying only. This route is all of Stranglethorn Vale and whitemane server. It may work on other private servers as well. The expansion is Cataclysm. The route is flawless but weather you get stuck or not depends on where an herb grows. On whitemane it produced Fadeleaf, kingsblood, Liferoot, Bruiseweed, and Wild Steelbloom. Good luck and my the herbs keep you high.
Stonetalon Mountain Herbing Flying Only
By slickrockstar in Gatherer - Cata
This is an herbing route from level 115 to 170 and flying only. This route is all of stonetalon mountain and whitemane server. It may work on other private servers as well. The expansion is Cataclysm. The route is flawless but weather you get stuck or not depends on where an herb grows. On whitemane it produced Kinkgsblood, Swiftthistle, Earthroot, and wild steelbloom. Good luck and my the herbs keep you high.
Northern Barrens Flying Herbing Route
By slickrockstar in Gatherer - Cata
This is a flying herbing route only from level 70 to 115 in the Northern Barrens. You can try it with a ground mount but there's no guarantee it won't get stuck. This route is for whitemane private server and may work for other private servers too. Also it is for cataclysm expansion. This route will produce Earthroot, Mageroyal, Briarthorn, and Swiftthistle. Good luck and may the herbs get you high.
- northern barrens
- herbing
- (and 8 more)