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    ildoctore got a reaction from Hatmud in Clave Private server   
    No deberia darte problema si la acabas de comprar. prueba a mandarle un mensaje a droidz no tarda en contestar
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    ildoctore reacted to da8ball in Gather ore   
    General Settings > Enter Advanced Settings > Stop Game/Bot/Security > Pause Bot if Nearby Player
    Ypu have the options for search radius and time to stop the bot after he finds another player.
    Also, this is not recommended, you can get banned much faster if you ignore all players.
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    ildoctore got a reaction from jasminejp60 in herbalist Dont unmount when use GOLEM, HOW TO DO?   
    hi, you can add the option for the new versión to dont unmount when we gatherer herbs using golem? is this ítem 95416 on wowhead.
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    ildoctore got a reaction from Droidz in Tundra Mamut how to use?   
    no, it dont try go to vendor....
    I will upload the log in a few time.
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    ildoctore got a reaction from Bear T.O.E. in What is lua script? what it do and when use it?   
    ok, thanks you, i only needed read a little more. :)
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    ildoctore reacted to ildoctore in Run Wrobot on mac   
    hi, i like run Wrobot on mac but i don't know how to do, i only know wine and it don't work fine to me at the moment, you have any beta version or something to work it on mac? thanks
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    ildoctore reacted to Bear T.O.E. in What is lua script? what it do and when use it?   
    an LUA script is exactly what is says it is. LUA is the prgramming language of most of the game. There are sites dedicated to helping you know the codes and help you build addons and macros.
    This is just one of them.
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