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Posts posted by Syrenthia

  1. Droidz Is not asking you to pay 50 bucks a month for god sake , his not asking you to pay for just a gather or just w-rotation .. or any of his many functions that come along with the all together program I'm sure he works very hard to make sure everything works likes its meant to and then some group of (people) .. want to try there best to jack with him .. I want to say more.. but I will keep my mouth and fingers off the keys .. People like Droidz  are workers .. people who try there best .. and then there are others who (try there best) at destroying  this work from the inside out ..  If these people are so smart why not make something they can be proud of instead of destroying what every one makes

  2. On ‎11‎/‎15‎/‎2016 at 3:59 PM, Xothak said:

    Guys i was wondering if anyone know how to make money with suicide battlechest accounts? cuz atm i dont have enough money to spend on legion expacs.  

    Ty in advance for the advice.

    The easiest way to earn cash or gold is to join a realm that is low population and farm all the old stuff that is needed for mounts .. such a the Skygolem that takes 30 days to complete I know its a outdated thing to do . but if you don't want spend 50 bucks and then get banned 9 bucks seems better right .. So farm some of the hardest things to get a hold of such a ORE from Lk area's or in Outlands the (old one) 59- 65 stuff , also if your a enchanter you can run the dungeons and D/E all the stuff there to make great profit and since the realm is low population your not going to have much in the way of wining the auction sadly the Biggest draw back is (low population) but if your along side 1k other people trying to do the same thing and they have more time then you do you will loose in your sells but I also know that since its High population on flip side you will often sell your stuff before you leave the Auction house , but since its high population let again there are a lot of people who will farm the stuff them selves cause they don't want to pay the prices listed that's how bots start

  3. 4 hours ago, LARGOALCANCE said:

    hello guys I have a question,how send gold or item to my principal account safe mode?

    The best way to do that is to Auction house your stuff little by little as if your a buyer leveling your professions .. of course you need to use them as well .. you know like a follow up ... Think of it this way you would not buy gold on a realm when you only have a level 1 there and nothing other then him right ?..  this is the same principle.

  4. Been with this website using for  many years and not once have I been seen "caught' with it but yes the last ban wave took out 100k players from the game and any first timers , for over 6 months I repurchased and started over again but with Ref help  ,,, planning on using this new account to farm once its safe again .. (never really be safe enough to use) but if you get caught shopping lifting.. do you go back the next day so people remember your face or wait .. ? Lol ..  

  5. Good morning, I'm currently using the Archaeology function this morning, how ever I have noticed that the antivirus do mess with it quite often all depending on what you have for protection I simple just put wrobot on the white list or forgot list and all is great.

  6. I have a update on the Archaeology , I am currently having no problem's all I do is get to a spot and click start No problems here have you not added the area you want to farm under the settings < take a look

    I was talking about a flight path on the landing part.

  7. Hello and I run a multi box bot' without running 2 instances of the same bot on the same computer that  in a sense increase's your chance of getting caught,, If you would like details on why i say that pst me or ill check this post later i have however if you have only one laptop  then this would be your only choice  in the matter.

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