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Everything posted by Syinide

  1. The hat you just put the name of it in the Lure spot and in theory it should work. I got it to use the MoP charm as a lure that way. As far as the spear goes there isn't any way i can think of to get it to use it.
  2. I'll be testing this within the next few days and will let you know how it is!
  3. When I use a mount to travel around everything works fine. I can herb and kill stuff normally. Only problem it's still having is when I use Travel Form. It won't attack if I use it instead of a mount.
  4. If you post the log here by attaching the file to your comment the problem would get resolved quicker.
  5. Unfortunately it is not fixed. Here's an active log that is just repeating the same thing over and over. Also included is a slightly updated route for my frostfire ridge route if you wanted that too. One thing i did notice that happened right after i uploaded this comment is that it actually turned around to kill one of the Podlings that spawn from herbing. It wasn't doing that before. One other thing, i main a druid and use travel form to gather because it can run at mount speed. Not sure if that is a problem or not. 27 Nov 2014 19H07.log.html Herbing Frostfire Ridge v4.xml
  6. Currently this is still a problem for me as well while herbing in Frostfire Ridge. Droidz, you already have the profile I have been using if you needed it.
  7. Seems to have fixed it! Only other minor problem is that it takes the bot about 15-20 seconds to kill the mobs if they get aggroed onto it while using Gatherer.
  8. The most recent version i've been working on and the log file from testing it last night/early in the morning. Was up until 2am my time messing with it. Also i was using Gatherer with the implemented ability to target NPC's and loot them after they die. Since herbing occasionally spawns in podlings that drop 15-20 herbs of that type. Herbing Frostfire v2.xml nov 22 log.txt
  9. So i'm currently working on a frostfire ridge gatherer profile. It will randomly get an error and not follow the correct pathing i've set and gives me nothing but this error in the log. E] 01:19:57 - ThreadMovementManager()#2: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException() at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index) at wManager.Wow.Helpers.MovementManager.Seukun(Int32 oduoxequr) It says this over and over. Just wondering what it is and what is causing it so i can fix it! Basta saber o que é e o que está causando isso para que eu possa corrigi-lo ! Eu usei Traduz Google porque eu sei Inglês não é um monte de povos primeira língua. Desculpe se isso é incorreto !
  10. So I really want to farm dino bones with my hunter. I'm able to solo them no problem. But I need to stay at max range and keep agro on my pet. I also need to keep mend pet up on my pet at all times while in combat. I made my own dino profile so it runs a custom path and kills everything i want it to. But even though I have it set, Attack before being attacked doesn't seem to be working properly. My hunter keeps running into melee distance and dies to the larger dinos tail smash. Any help on how to get all this set up properly? Attached are my profile and fight class i use. Booshy 6.0 BeastMasterHunter.xml Dino Bone Farm.xml
  11. That's not a bug. He's trying to loot Dark Soil. To fix it, (hopefully) go to General Setting > Enter Advanced Settings > Looting and Farming options and then just uncheck Loot Chests. That should fix the problem. If not then it may just be the bot. But I doubt it!
  12. The bot doesn't have the ability to detect what level the pet is and change profile on its own. You will need to make individual profiles for each leveling area and manually swap the profiles yourself.
  13. Aquatic form Travel form and Flight all have been merged into Travel Form ability. The game now recognizes when it can use each one and appropriately uses the form that would be the fastest for the area you're in.
  14. You can try blacklisting the areas that have the water nodes? My main is a druid and i typically don't have problems with the water nodes. EDIT: or you can just try using a mount instead of flight form. Since you can't use flight form in water but you can mount. That might solve the problem.
  15. Most of the time it is. Lately it's been a little weird. It's most likely a problem with my ISP but it only started recently so I just wanted to question the bots stability as well just because there was an update recently.
  16. Attached is my log file from the last time I ran the bot. It ran for about an hour and 45 minutes then i got dced. The timing varies. Sometimes it's within 15 minutes others within a couple hours. 30 Sep 2014 23H51.log.html
  17. Thanks! I've asked Droidz and so has many other people for a working flawless LUA code but there isn't one atm unless you know how to write it to swap after one skill.
  18. Version 1.0


    So this is a very small profile I made that I use to power level my pets. I have the profile set up to only fight the Strider pets which are aquatic so it is highly recommended that you use Flying against them or pets that have good self healing abilities so the bot can run for as long as it possibly can. The LUA code that you absolutely need is: local PetAlly = 1; local PetEnemy = 2; local activePetEnemy = C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(PetEnemy); local typePetEnemy = C_PetBattles.GetPetType(PetEnemy, activePetEnemy); local activePetAlly = C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(PetAlly); local typePetAlly = C_PetBattles.GetPetType(PetAlly, activePetAlly); if activePetAlly == 1 and not (C_PetBattles.GetHealth(PetEnemy, activePetEnemy) == C_PetBattles.GetMaxHealth(PetEnemy, activePetEnemy) ) then for i = 1, NUM_BATTLE_PETS_IN_BATTLE do if C_PetBattles.GetHealth(PetAlly, i) > 0 and not ( i == activePetAlly) then C_PetBattles.ChangePet(i); break; end end end What this does is that it will make the pet that is first in your party swap out after it takes damage. The pet you want the power level absolutely needs to be in slot 1. And from personal experience I highly highly recommend that you do a few battles yourself to level it up to 7+ so that it is able to take a hit or two if the LUA code bugs out or something. If there's anything wrong with it just lemme know! Lemme get some reviews people!
  19. I was having similar problems. Pretty sure it's just my ISP but at the same time it happens pretty consistantly. I made a thread a week or two ago about the same thing.
  20. Version 1.0


    This is a very straight forward profile. It is used to farm the Emerald Proto Drake pet. It is a rare pet found in Scholozar Basin in the northern area around all the red proto drakes that are up there. The pet is a rare spawn and typically takes awhile to farm. Using this I was able to get 2 in a short amount of time. If you have your settings set up properly it will fly around in the small area and engage any emerald proto drakes it sees and it will catch it. With the settings available I believe you will have to catch every wild pet because you will most likely not find a rare emerald proto drake. If something is wrong with the pathing or it gets stuck on stuff just let me know and I can fix it!
  21. So after using the LUA script all day on multiple different pets (10+) it uses 2 abilities then swaps the pet out. Is there just a number i can swap out in the code to make it only use a single ability or something?
  22. After using that it seems that it randomly swaps between using 1 ability and using 2 on the pet i'm power leveling.
  23. Its extremely easy to create your own profile. Just use the profile creator. The first page that pops up just click record path and it will record wherever you fly. then just add the herb to the list of items to gather. it's extremely self explanatory once you're in the creator.
  24. Did you check the Do Not Sell boxes and make sure it only has the appropriate items? Or maybe add the items you're grinding for into the Force Sell boxes? I know the option works because i've left it on many times and forgotten about it and woke up to realzie while i was mining for the few hours i set it for only to have it sell everything to my vendors.
  25. Ok so I saw at least 1 thread, maybe 2 I can't remember, other threads about this. Basically the solution was using an LUA code that used to work. What I want to do is make the first battle pet in my party use 1 ability then swap it out right after and have it use my other 2 battle pets to kill the wild ones i'm against. But it seems to be too slow for the bot now. It clicks the swap pet button but then it doesn't register in game and uses another ability instead of swapping. Any chance someone could either rewrite a working LUA code or something? Now i've been using this: local minHealthPercent = 50; local PetAlly = 1; local PetEnemy = 2; local activePetEnemy = C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(PetEnemy); local typePetEnemy = C_PetBattles.GetPetType(PetEnemy, activePetEnemy); local activePetAlly = C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(PetAlly); local typePetAlly = C_PetBattles.GetPetType(PetAlly, activePetAlly); if C_PetBattles.GetHealth(PetAlly, activePetAlly) * 100 / C_PetBattles.GetMaxHealth(PetAlly, activePetAlly) <= minHealthPercent then for i = 1, NUM_BATTLE_PETS_IN_BATTLE do if C_PetBattles.GetHealth(PetAlly, i) * 100 / C_PetBattles.GetMaxHealth(PetAlly, i) > minHealthPercent and not (i == activePetAlly) then C_PetBattles.ChangePet(i); break; end end end
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