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    testerXXX got a reaction from xiangaa for a file, DiscPriest FC MP 1.0.xml   
    DiscPriest FC MP 1.0.xml
    This is a new fight class for Disc Priest while using Droidz's Multi pull plugin that you can find in the Download Plugins section on this site.  This FC is made to put SW: Pain on every mob you pull.  In Droidz's Multi Pull plugin you can set the number of mobs to pull at a time.  Making this FC I was farming Shal'dorei Silk in the Stonedark Grotto in Highmountain.  The cords to the cave enterence are 42, 25.  I have made a Grinder profile for this cave as well that you can find in my files.  I have a path in that profile but the Deepcavern Murloc spawn so fast you never really move at all.  This is a great Grinder place because the Murloc are neutral so you only fight who you attack. While I haven't tried this FC without Droidz's Multi Pull plugin I wouldn't use it without because I believe you would use SW: Pain way too much in a 1 v 1 fight. 
  2. Haha
    testerXXX got a reaction from sakado for a file, DiscPriest FC 1.0   
    This is the update for DiscPriest FC update.  Sorry for so much renaming and re-uploading, I'm fairly new to this sort of stuff.  Updates from now on will be numerical from now on...1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and so on.  
    This update has a few minor tweaks.  The biggest is that penance is used more often for dsp.
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    testerXXX got a reaction from otllegerrt for a file, DiscPriest FC update   
    This is my Disc dps FC update.  I have changed mindbender to be used as dmg instead of mana regen because you don't really have mana issues while dps'ing.  I have also changed psychic scream to be use when/if you are at or below 40% health.  
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    testerXXX got a reaction from Droidz for a file, DiscPriest FC update   
    This is my Disc dps FC update.  I have changed mindbender to be used as dmg instead of mana regen because you don't really have mana issues while dps'ing.  I have also changed psychic scream to be use when/if you are at or below 40% health.  
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    testerXXX got a reaction from Droidz for a file, DiscPriest a.xml   
    After not finding many dps disc priest fightclass profiles I made this one.  It has a good rotation and uses shield, plea and SW: Pain.  It's not perfect but I haven't had any problems using it as is.  If you find something that you think needs more attention please let me know
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