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  1. My apologies everyone, I was saving changes I was tryign to push through to a different file that the changes were saved to. I've cleared and uploaded the appropriate file for download now.
  2. Version 1.0


    Hello Fellow Death Knights, Here is my first attempt at Fight Class development with WRobot. I intend to continue development and work in more situational specific logic (IE: Preemptive Damage Mitigation, Defensive Cooldown Chaining, CC Coordination Based on Recent Cooldowns Used by Party Members, Etc..) These profiles will be largely PvP tuned, however will most likely be a major contender with PvE DPS. Anyway, Here is a simple, yet high-output test release of my Frost Death Knight Fight Class. I haven't fully worked in defensive cooldowns, however I have added AMS and IF with limited conditions. Please be advised that these will be reworked with more sound logic at a later date. This Fight Class is merely meant to give an Idea of the damage out-put and seek advise from the community on what to improve/add/remove/what have you. Talent Build Used In Development: 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1 That's all for now. Let me know what you guys think in the comments below and together we can build this into an exceptional Fight Class
  3. So, if the buff is also in your spellbook, its better you program the condition with C#?
  4. So, I've been an Honorbuddy user for a long time. With their downtime getting worse and worse, I finally decided to give this bot a try, and I'm glad I did because the Fight Class creator included in this bot is exactly what I've been looking for. I was a big fan of PQR Rotation Bot back in the day so this just fits me like a glove. Now, I'm new to this bot but the configuration is pretty straight-forward. I created a simple Frost DK priority rotation system that does very nice dps. I have everything working as programmed except Howling Blast usage and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I want it to use Howling Blast when my target doesn't have Frost fever or Rime has procced. Now, It is working to keep Frost Fever up, I configured it with a check to reapply the debuff when the debuff is about to expire on the target. However, it seems to be using Howling Blast repeatedly when Rime has procced, even after it has consumed the proc. Anyone have any ideas or tips that might help me out here. Please keep in mind that I'm new to this bot, so please try to be as basic with responses until I have a firm grasp of the programming behind the Fight Class creator, which I am researching and trying to learn all I can on my own. I'm just a little stomped on this issue.
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