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File Comments posted by da8ball

  1. <p>I never rolled a Mage, but I got a friend's account with one today and tried your profile. The mage is 85 ilvl 388 equiped from LFR Dragon Soul.<br />
    <br />
    &lt;p&gt;It cant kill the Phyton Elites on the regular Jade Forest 85-90 grinder (which I think it's really bad for leveling anyway), keeps dying and it stays too close from the targets. Once again, never played a Mage before, but I think he's supposed to stay away from targets because of cloth, right?<br />
    <br />
    Tried another profile for 85 available here, grinding tigers and prcupines (lvl 84-85) It does a lil better, but It died a bit also.</p>

    <br />
    Overall it seems to cast everything you need, but the short distance is killing him ASAP.<br />
    Thanks for all your efforts !</p>

  2. It didnt work if I put in Grinder mode, so I switched to Gatherer and then it did. It is great, but I am having trouble when the destination is indoors, specially in the Temple of the Red Crane. I went in and found the scroll, but someway the it doesnt recognize and it keeps flying inside, getting stuck. Tried flying away close to another random destination manually, but it keeps going back to the temple. May be a way to skip the order is possible, going to the closest one instead than an order ?  Thank you !!

  3. In your /profile/grinder folder

    I think he meant the coordinates, wondering the same.

    Edit: 37.6, 78 is where I believe, but turning mining and herb gathering seems bad, eventually it will just wander off the cave, falling ang getting lost.

    Getting 1.9mil XP unrested/h at level 87, ilvl 381, DPS 13k.

  4. Great profile !! Only thing is if a pool gives you "No loot" it still fishes there till it's gone and it flew past a couple of nice located pools. Also if there are two close pools and you have to use an island, it swims instead of flying, getting stuck most of the times.


    Took me less than 30 min to get the 40 fish.

    Warrior - Fury [Loki]

       849    15

    Now warrios can use many skils for any spec, so Thunder Clap is usable by fury. I added myself, but I dont know about creating Fight classes, timers, etc so it uses every once in a while, but it helps, specially for low lvls when surrounded by mobs.

  5. Farm Dark Soil > 2371,497 ; -3022,575 ; 10,65455

    Also getting a lot of this...

    [Normal] 08:55 - Farm Onyx Egg > 2180,161 ; -3412,392 ; 1,48384 ; None

    [Normal] 08:55 - Node outside view

    [Normal] 08:55 - Farm failed

    Dont know if helps, but some locations of the eggs:

    /way 65.08, 26.20

    /way 66.64, 28.69

    /way 67.12, 24.94

    /way 65.18, 24.77

    /way 67.05, 33.81

    /way 66.61, 31.58

    /way 66.54, 32.20

    /way 63.09, 29.31

    /way 69.65, 31.64

    /way 70.53, 28.99

    /way 61.89, 30.20

    /way 66.18, 33.43

    /way 62.40, 32.36

    /way 65.63, 25.07

    /way 64.18, 23.92

    /way 63.39, 21.62

    /way 62.98, 21.95

    /way 62.37, 32.84

    /way 62.17, 31.75

    /way 62.19, 31.21

    /way 67.02, 32.68

    /way 62.46, 28.77

    /way 62.21, 29.29

    /way 62.00, 29.54

    /way 63.73, 21.90

    /way 62.30, 28.12

    /way 62.71, 29.78

    /way 66.43, 29.55

    /way 65.18, 24.77

    /way 65.24, 23.91

    /way 70.33, 28.63

    /way 67.06, 30.25

    /way 66.00, 30.71

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