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  1. Yeah it's not working. My guy just won't stick aroound a certin zone... Mine keeps going to Felwood for no reason... Any fixes luizkim ?
  2. Yes it seems that there was an option wrong for me and he didn't initiate battles. but the thing is that he always goes to Felwood...? :/ How can i know where to go and begin the bot...? :/ which area is what? :/ EDIT: This is quite silly... Hr always abandons the area that i got him pet battling.. and he goes to a nearby zone which is ether higher or lower than my pets...
  3. EDIT: Got it working. But i don't get this: Other wild pets are lvl.25. They one shot almost mine, so how you level up them? :/
  4. Any1 else having troouble with this? I tried other pet battle profiles and i still got the same problem... Any help...?
  5. This is so frustrating... I start the profile, the bot takkes over, but he just flies around... he doesn't land and start ANY pet battle... What am i doing wrong..!!?
  6. Omg m8. You really shock me (for real)... thank you so much in advance! :)
  7. So basicly my shadow priest is useless and from that list i take it will remain useless for a long long time.... :(
  8. Guys help me... WRobot never stays operational for more than a few minutes. Always after 30 to 45 minutes it will disconect my character back to the characte selection screen... What can i do to make it stay on? Obviously i don't have anything like "Stop wRobot after:"Something"..." And i must add that the client of wRobot doesn't close. it just logs me out to the character selection screen. And at the In-Game screen of the client in the last log it says relogger. And it stays there... My info in the relog tab are correct, i double checked them.
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