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  1. I saw two posts from You and in both posts you're judging matters people bring as "not urgent". Dude I bring this up not because I'm spending my nights wondering how to flood forum with useless topics but because something actually happened to me that made this subject an issue for me. If you don't consider situation I described few posts above as pretty much dangerous then I don't know what would be considered urgent by you. Anyway, for me ignoring PvP completely is indeed... pretty far fetched solution but adding specific players to ignore list would be handy because there are not many guys that would take effort to lure bot users into the ocean and the one that do that is a healer so I can afford ignoring him and just keep farming mobs (as DK I can heal up any dmg that healer monk is doing).
  2. Only effective on <91 lvl tho. Im 100. And yea I was lucky cause I was at the PC when this happened, I was already swiming and getting fatigue drained when I saw this so I paused bot immediately and went back to surface, he kept bugging me for few minutes but after I shown that im "human" with /wave /lol emotes he gave up. But he started doing that again later, at some point I just followed him into the water and once we started getting fatigue I just kept silencing him so he couldnt heal it off and he died with me:P Is there a way to blacklist a specific player? So that bot ignore pvp with that player only?
  3. Yea I agree it would be strange to stop all tasks and don't move when attacked, thats why I don't use "Pause bot if nearby player" but I see nothing suspicious in ignoring some1 that attacks you and keep farming. I'm asking because I met a guy from opposing faction that is attacking my char and since its a well geared healer he just heal himself while bot try to kill him and he just lure my char far into deep water where fatigue kills me while he keep healing himself.
  4. How to ignore pvp in grinder completely, so it doesn't even defend vs pvp, enemy pets etc.
  5. Thanks it works like I wanted. No, its a regular vendor, I use peddler autosell mod so I have to build my base of items I want to sell by marking them when they drop but hopefully after a day or two I'll have all possible drops marked so it will just talk to vendor and clear my bags. I like this addon cause it remembers my choices after relog//relaunch and sell items in 6-7 bulks so it takes like 5-10 seconds to sell all my gear. I do that because I read somewhere that using wrobot autosell is somewhat risky because it sell too fast and increase ban chances due to that. So I want to use out-of-bot selling solution. If that won't work I guess I can always use mailbox and send all items to alt and then sell it manually next day or something, but I'm not sure if there is some mail limit? Or mass mailing may be monitored as well as anomaly or sth. Taking safely measures here :) thanks for assistance.
  6. How to talk to Vendor NPC? with quester, I just want to open a sell/buy window so my addon can manage selling by itself. I tried using both "Interact with NPC" module or used "OverridePulseCSharpCode" with this "GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(new Vector3(-4184.616,-4716.014, 126.7977), 49603); return true;" and then Pulsed it in quest order editor but both ways doesn't work, it just stands and do nothing. Some reply from Droidz this time mby?:)
  7. Droidz can you give us some info? Is it possible to make grinder-like paths (linked hotspots that create a path from point A to point Z moving thru B C D E F G ...) ?
  8. Is it possible to load grinder profile with this? inside quester?
  9. Ok dont mind the first post, I got this covered already. But now I got a different problem, I want to expand the script so it starts from further away (from vendor place) so I set the next killandloot quest and marker it as "is grinder", added a lot of hotspots to fly to instance but when I launch it, it acts very crazy it flies up and down and doesn't manage to follow path marked by hotspots. So I made a grinder profile just to see if it can fly at all and it seems in grinder it has no problems to follow path strictly when I record it... so I compared xml files for both hotspots vectors in quester xml and in grinder xml and it seems they are nearly the same with the difference in that: grinder use <Vectors3> // </Vectors3> in its xml and puts all the other hotspots vectors inside it. In quester they are not brought together as a path hence it jumps around and fail to fly nice and easy. I tried to implement that feature into quester XML but then when I tried to open that file in quest editor it either haven't recorded ANY hotspots at all or produced compile error.
  10. Hi I want to make a simple profile for farming trash in instance but I struggle with finding proper way to set "if condition complete" for my trash killing part so it stops at some point and proceed to leave instance. I'm looking for a proper command that is like "after 40 mobs killed" or "When no mobs around for more than 1 minute". I dunno I'm not a programist so I have no clue how to invent these spells, all I have is some simple logic I follow but I don't have any "know-how" to back it up so... help me:P p.s i attach my file so you guys could review, i left if complete condition blank in my CLEARROOM part so now what it does is enter instance and leave right away. I can force it to kill mobs by using if complete condition return (wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.ContinentId != (int)wManager.Wow.Enums.ContinentId.GrimBatolRaid); but it makes it impossible to leave instance then (because this condition will never be true while inside GrimBatolRaid) so its just a half measure. Bastion.xml
  11. I opened wManager.dll in Visual Studio to see some functions in hope of finding something for me to deal with this but well... I don't really understand how to use these functions and how to make them as valid understandable condition. Tbh for me it should be as easy as typing "When 40 mobs are killed this entry" :D
  12. Hi I want to make a simple profile for farming trash in instance but I struggle with finding proper way to set "if condition complete" for my trash killing part so it stops at some point and proceed to leave instance. I'm looking for a proper command that is like "after 40 mobs killed" or "When no mobs around for more than 1 minute". I dunno I'm not a programist so I have no clue how to invent these spells, all I have is some simple logic I follow but I don't have any "know-how" to back it up so... help me:P p.s i attach my file so you guys could review, i left if complete condition blank in my CLEARROOM part so now what it does is enter instance and leave right away. I can force it to kill mobs by using if complete condition return (wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.ContinentId != (int)wManager.Wow.Enums.ContinentId.GrimBatolRaid); but it makes it impossible to leave instance then (because this condition will never be true while inside GrimBatolRaid) so its just a half measure. Bastion.xml
  13. Hello sorry for late reply, well i stopped using that cause it produce many different errors, sometimes it would stop at guards like I described and sometimes it would clear 2 ziggurats and keep coursing between them like it wouldn't already know they are cleared. I used this script as a learning hub.
  14. Hello, I've made a profile with a route on Isle of Giants, I recorded path and selected each single mob on the Island and added it to target section. Then I loaded profile and hit play and it just runs between points without targeting and attacking mobs, it doesn't it attack mobs that attacked me. Help plz. I compared it to profiles that I downloaded from forum and there's nothing different tbh except for level of mobs and pathing ofc. I'll attach the file so you can see how it looks. P.S its not my fighting class cause it works in other grinder profile. P.S Solved, it was my fault obviously, I haven't checked in advanced options so it target "elite mobs" ISLEOFGIANTS.xml
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