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Everything posted by caramon

  1. Are the name's going to come with it or does the bot have to do that?
  2. i run at 150 fps in game not my problem i tryed to disalbe the dig site's i still get the same problem.
  3. almost 90 times in 5 mins stuck and the moving system spouse to be better than before..................
  4. [D] 11:06:29 - Log file created: 10 Sep 2014 11H06.log.html [D] 11:06:29 - WRobot Version: 1.2.4 for wow: 5.4.8_18414 [D] 11:06:29 - Offical website: http://wrobot.eu/ [D] 11:06:29 - Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 [D] 11:06:29 - Lang: English (Canada) [F] 11:06:30 - D3D9 found: 6A 14 B8 48 4A C8 65 E8 47 4D [F] 11:06:30 - D3D11 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 83 EC [D] 11:06:30 - D3D11 used 11:06:33 - Select game process: 192 - Ano... 11:06:33 - Initialize Archaeologist Complete [D] 11:06:33 - Blacklist added, 0 uniques Npcs, 1 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True). [F] 11:06:33 - CustomClass = [KingSmilie] Blood Death Knight 5.4.xml ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = Abyssal Seahorse ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = False ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = True ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 150 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = True ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.Int32] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.Int32] ; AutoMakeElemental = False ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 60 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 90 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 6 ; CloseAfterXBlockages = 200 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = False ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = True ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeaths = 10 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = True ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = True ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 90 ; LatencyMax = 400 ; AddToNpcDb = True ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; [D] 11:06:33 - Wow Version: 18414 [D] 11:06:33 - Player found: True 11:06:33 - Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds) 11:06:33 - Initialize SpellBook Finished (113 spell found) [D] 11:06:33 - List of id found in spellbook: Auto Attack (6603) Corpse Explosion (127344) Every Man for Himself (59752) Mobile Banking (83958) Revive Battle Pets (125439) Armor Skills (76282) Battle Fatigue (134732) Battle Pet Training (119467) Cash Flow (83941) Cold Weather Flying (54197) Diplomacy (20599) Dual Wield (674) Fast Track (78632) Flight Master's License (90267) For Great Justice (118483) Guild Mail (83951) Hasty Hearth (83944) Honorable Mention (83960) Languages (79738) Mace Specialization (20864) Master Riding (90265) Mount Up (78633) Mr. Popularity (78635) Reinforce (83943) Ride Like the Wind (117983) Sword Specialization (20597) The Doctor Is In (118076) The Human Spirit (20598) The Quick and the Dead (83950) Weapon Skills (76292) Wisdom of the Four Winds (115913) Working Overtime (83949) Anti-Magic Shell (48707) Army of the Dead (42650) Blood Boil (48721) Blood Presence (48263) Blood Tap (45529) Bone Shield (49222) Chains of Ice (45524) Control Undead (111673) Conversion (119975) Dancing Rune Weapon (49028) Dark Command (56222) Dark Simulacrum (77606) Death and Decay (43265) Death Coil (47541) Death Gate (50977) Death Grip (49576) Death Strike (49998) Death's Advance (96268) Empower Rune Weapon (47568) Frost Presence (48266) Gorefiend's Grasp (108199) Blood Strike (45902) Horn of Winter (57330) Icebound Fortitude (48792) Icy Touch (45477) Mind Freeze (47528) Necrotic Strike (73975) Outbreak (77575) Path of Frost (3714) Pestilence (50842) Plague Strike (45462) Raise Ally (61999) Raise Dead (46584) Rune Strike (56815) Rune Tap (48982) Runeforging (53428) Soul Reaper (114866) Strangulate (47476) Unholy Presence (48265) Vampiric Blood (55233) Blood Parasite (49542) Blood Plague (59879) Blood Rites (50034) Crimson Scourge (81136) Frost Fever (59921) Improved Blood Presence (50371) Mastery: Blood Shield (77513) On a Pale Horse (51986) Parry (82246) Plate Specialization (86524) Purgatory (114556) Riposte (145676) Roiling Blood (108170) Sanguine Fortitude (81127) Scarlet Fever (81132) Scent of Blood (49509) Vengeance (93099) Veteran of the Third War (50029) Will of the Necropolis (81164) Symbiosis (110498) First Aid (74559) Blacksmithing (110396) Cooking (3102) Cooking Fire (818) Smelting (2656) Toughness (102163) Fishing (131474) Archaeology (110393) Survey (80451) Abyssal Seahorse (75207) Acherus Deathcharger (48778) Black Stallion (470) Brown Horse (458) Chestnut Mare (6648) Corrupted Fire Hawk (97560) Dread Raven (155741) Fossilized Raptor (84751) Hearthsteed (142073) Pinto (472) Swift Purple Gryphon (32292) Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade (54729) 11:06:33 - Please wait, loading spellbook... 11:06:33 - Loading Digsites.xml 11:06:33 - 284 Archaeology Digsites Zones in the data base. 11:06:33 - Spellbook loaded. [D] 11:06:33 - Keybindings: Sit / Stand: X Backward: S Forward: W Jump: SPACE Strafe Left: Q Strafe Right: E [F] 11:06:34 - CustomClass = [KingSmilie] Blood Death Knight 5.4.xml ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Acherus Deathcharger ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = Abyssal Seahorse ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; FoodIsSpell = False ; DrinkIsSpell = False ; LootMobs = False ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = True ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = False ; HarvestMinerals = False ; HarvestHerbs = False ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 7 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 150 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = True ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.Int32] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.Int32] ; AutoMakeElemental = False ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; UseMammoth = False ; ToTownTimer = 60 ; ToTownTimerActivated = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = True ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = True ; SellGreen = True ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 90 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 6 ; CloseAfterXBlockages = 200 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = False ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = True ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = True ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeaths = 10 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = False ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = True ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = True ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = False ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = True ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = True ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; SecurityShutdownComputer = False ; LatencyMin = 90 ; LatencyMax = 400 ; AddToNpcDb = True ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ; [D] 11:06:34 - Blacklist added, 0 uniques Npcs, 1 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True). [D] 11:06:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Survey, Id found: 80451, Name found: Survey, NameInGame found: Survey, know = True [F] 11:06:35 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\test\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\[KingSmilie] Blood Death Knight 5.4.xml [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Horn of Winter, Id found: 57330, Name found: Horn of Winter, NameInGame found: Horn of Winter, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Vampiric Blood, Id found: 55233, Name found: Vampiric Blood, NameInGame found: Vampiric Blood, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Rune Tap, Id found: 48982, Name found: Rune Tap, NameInGame found: Rune Tap, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Death's Advance, Id found: 96268, Name found: Death's Advance, NameInGame found: Death's Advance, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Raise Dead, Id found: 46584, Name found: Raise Dead, NameInGame found: Raise Dead, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Remorseless Winter, Id found: 115001, Name found: Remorseless Winter, NameInGame found: Remorseless Winter, know = False [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Death Grip, Id found: 49576, Name found: Death Grip, NameInGame found: Death Grip, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Death Grip, Id found: 49576, Name found: Death Grip, NameInGame found: Death Grip, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dancing Rune Weapon, Id found: 49028, Name found: Dancing Rune Weapon, NameInGame found: Dancing Rune Weapon, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Icebound Fortitude, Id found: 48792, Name found: Icebound Fortitude, NameInGame found: Icebound Fortitude, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Empower Rune Weapon, Id found: 47568, Name found: Empower Rune Weapon, NameInGame found: Empower Rune Weapon, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Bone Shield, Id found: 49222, Name found: Bone Shield, NameInGame found: Bone Shield, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Anti-Magic Shell, Id found: 48707, Name found: Anti-Magic Shell, NameInGame found: Anti-Magic Shell, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Mind Freeze, Id found: 47528, Name found: Mind Freeze, NameInGame found: Mind Freeze, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Strangulate, Id found: 47476, Name found: Strangulate, NameInGame found: Strangulate, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Soul Reaper, Id found: 114866, Name found: Soul Reaper, NameInGame found: Soul Reaper, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Pestilence, Id found: 50842, Name found: Pestilence, NameInGame found: Pestilence, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Icy Touch, Id found: 45477, Name found: Icy Touch, NameInGame found: Icy Touch, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Plague Strike, Id found: 45462, Name found: Plague Strike, NameInGame found: Plague Strike, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blood Boil, Id found: 48721, Name found: Blood Boil, NameInGame found: Blood Boil, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Heart Strike, Id found: 79885, Name found: Heart Strike, NameInGame found: Heart Strike, know = False [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Heart Strike, Id found: 79885, Name found: Heart Strike, NameInGame found: Heart Strike, know = False [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Path of Frost, Id found: 3714, Name found: Path of Frost, NameInGame found: Path of Frost, know = True 11:06:35 - Start Archaeologist Complete [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blood Presence, Id found: 48263, Name found: Blood Presence, NameInGame found: Blood Presence, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Horn of Winter, Id found: 57330, Name found: Horn of Winter, NameInGame found: Horn of Winter, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Outbreak, Id found: 77575, Name found: Outbreak, NameInGame found: Outbreak, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Vampiric Blood, Id found: 55233, Name found: Vampiric Blood, NameInGame found: Vampiric Blood, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Rune Tap, Id found: 48982, Name found: Rune Tap, NameInGame found: Rune Tap, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Death's Advance, Id found: 96268, Name found: Death's Advance, NameInGame found: Death's Advance, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Raise Dead, Id found: 46584, Name found: Raise Dead, NameInGame found: Raise Dead, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Remorseless Winter, Id found: 115001, Name found: Remorseless Winter, NameInGame found: Remorseless Winter, know = False [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Death Grip, Id found: 49576, Name found: Death Grip, NameInGame found: Death Grip, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dark Command, Id found: 56222, Name found: Dark Command, NameInGame found: Dark Command, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dancing Rune Weapon, Id found: 49028, Name found: Dancing Rune Weapon, NameInGame found: Dancing Rune Weapon, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Icebound Fortitude, Id found: 48792, Name found: Icebound Fortitude, NameInGame found: Icebound Fortitude, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Empower Rune Weapon, Id found: 47568, Name found: Empower Rune Weapon, NameInGame found: Empower Rune Weapon, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Bone Shield, Id found: 49222, Name found: Bone Shield, NameInGame found: Bone Shield, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Anti-Magic Shell, Id found: 48707, Name found: Anti-Magic Shell, NameInGame found: Anti-Magic Shell, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Mind Freeze, Id found: 47528, Name found: Mind Freeze, NameInGame found: Mind Freeze, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Strangulate, Id found: 47476, Name found: Strangulate, NameInGame found: Strangulate, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Soul Reaper, Id found: 114866, Name found: Soul Reaper, NameInGame found: Soul Reaper, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Pestilence, Id found: 50842, Name found: Pestilence, NameInGame found: Pestilence, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Necrotic Strike, Id found: 73975, Name found: Necrotic Strike, NameInGame found: Necrotic Strike, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Icy Touch, Id found: 45477, Name found: Icy Touch, NameInGame found: Icy Touch, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Plague Strike, Id found: 45462, Name found: Plague Strike, NameInGame found: Plague Strike, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blood Boil, Id found: 48721, Name found: Blood Boil, NameInGame found: Blood Boil, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Death Strike, Id found: 49998, Name found: Death Strike, NameInGame found: Death Strike, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Death Strike, Id found: 49998, Name found: Death Strike, NameInGame found: Death Strike, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blood Strike, Id found: 45902, Name found: Blood Strike, NameInGame found: Blood Strike, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blood Strike, Id found: 45902, Name found: Blood Strike, NameInGame found: Blood Strike, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Rune Strike, Id found: 56815, Name found: Rune Strike, NameInGame found: Rune Strike, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blood Boil, Id found: 48721, Name found: Blood Boil, NameInGame found: Blood Boil, know = True [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Path of Frost, Id found: 3714, Name found: Path of Frost, NameInGame found: Path of Frost, know = True [F] 11:06:35 - Cast Horn of Winter (Horn of Winter) [D] 11:06:35 - Digsite zone found: Name: Ruins of Khintaset Digsite - Distance =5123.26 [D] 11:06:35 - Digsite zone found: Name: Solarsal Digsite - Distance =45.03078 [D] 11:06:35 - Digsite zone found: Name: Eastmoon Ruins Digsite - Distance =8060.059 [D] 11:06:35 - Digsite zone found: Name: River Delta Digsite - Distance =8209.5 [D] 11:06:35 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Survey, Id found: 80451, Name found: Survey, NameInGame found: Survey, know = True [F] 11:06:35 - Cast Bone Shield (Bone Shield) [F] 11:06:36 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:06:39 - Load finish: C:\Users\test\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_25_41.tile [F] 11:06:41 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:06:44 - Loot Night Elf Archaeology Find [F] 11:06:47 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:06:50 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade 11:06:55 - Dismount [F] 11:06:56 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:06:59 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade [N] 11:07:03 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:07:03 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:07:05 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:07:05 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:07:08 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:07:08 - Flying UnStuck - Statistics.Stucks updated, new value: 1. [D] 11:07:08 - Flying UnStuck - lastPost = -4892.218 ; 3546.653 ; 46.10956 ; "Flying" [D] 11:07:10 - UnStuckFly() done. [N] 11:07:10 - Waypoint timed out 11:07:11 - Dismount [F] 11:07:13 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:07:15 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade [N] 11:07:20 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:07:20 - Trying something funny, hang on 11:07:24 - Dismount [F] 11:07:25 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:07:27 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade 11:07:34 - Dismount [F] 11:07:34 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:07:39 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:07:43 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:07:47 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:07:50 - Loot Night Elf Archaeology Find [F] 11:07:54 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:07:56 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade 11:08:02 - Dismount [F] 11:08:03 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:08:09 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:08:14 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:08:16 - Loot Night Elf Archaeology Find 11:08:19 - Player attack before being attacked by Hatecrest Sorceress (lvl 36) [F] 11:08:20 - Cast Death's Advance (Death's Advance) [F] 11:08:21 - Cast Raise Dead (Raise Dead) [F] 11:08:21 - Cast Death Grip (Death Grip) [F] 11:08:21 - Cast Dark Command (Dark Command) [F] 11:08:21 - Cast Dancing Rune Weapon (Dancing Rune Weapon) [F] 11:08:22 - Cast Anti-Magic Shell (Anti-Magic Shell) [F] 11:08:23 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 11:08:23 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:08:33 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:08:33 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:08:34 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:08:34 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:08:35 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:08:37 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 2. [N] 11:08:37 - Waypoint timed out [F] 11:08:41 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:08:43 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade 11:08:49 - Dismount [F] 11:08:50 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:08:52 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade [N] 11:08:58 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:08:58 - Trying something funny, hang on 11:09:01 - Dismount [F] 11:09:02 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:09:04 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade 11:09:10 - Dismount [F] 11:09:11 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:09:13 - Download map "Kalimdor\Kalimdor_25_40.tile" [N] 11:09:14 - Load finish: C:\Users\test\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_25_40.tile 11:09:15 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade 11:09:20 - Dismount [F] 11:09:21 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:09:25 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:09:30 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:09:34 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:09:37 - Loot Night Elf Archaeology Find [F] 11:09:41 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:09:51 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:09:51 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:09:52 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:09:52 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:09:53 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:09:55 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 3. [N] 11:09:55 - Waypoint timed out [F] 11:09:55 - Cast Horn of Winter (Horn of Winter) [F] 11:09:59 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:10:06 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:10:10 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:10:14 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:10:19 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:10:21 - Loot Night Elf Archaeology Find 11:10:23 - Stop Archaeologist Complete [D] 11:10:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Survey, Id found: 80451, Name found: Survey, NameInGame found: Survey, know = True [F] 11:10:27 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\test\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\[KingSmilie] Blood Death Knight 5.4.xml [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Horn of Winter, Id found: 57330, Name found: Horn of Winter, NameInGame found: Horn of Winter, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Vampiric Blood, Id found: 55233, Name found: Vampiric Blood, NameInGame found: Vampiric Blood, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Rune Tap, Id found: 48982, Name found: Rune Tap, NameInGame found: Rune Tap, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Death's Advance, Id found: 96268, Name found: Death's Advance, NameInGame found: Death's Advance, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Raise Dead, Id found: 46584, Name found: Raise Dead, NameInGame found: Raise Dead, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Remorseless Winter, Id found: 115001, Name found: Remorseless Winter, NameInGame found: Remorseless Winter, know = False [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Death Grip, Id found: 49576, Name found: Death Grip, NameInGame found: Death Grip, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Death Grip, Id found: 49576, Name found: Death Grip, NameInGame found: Death Grip, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dancing Rune Weapon, Id found: 49028, Name found: Dancing Rune Weapon, NameInGame found: Dancing Rune Weapon, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Icebound Fortitude, Id found: 48792, Name found: Icebound Fortitude, NameInGame found: Icebound Fortitude, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Empower Rune Weapon, Id found: 47568, Name found: Empower Rune Weapon, NameInGame found: Empower Rune Weapon, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Bone Shield, Id found: 49222, Name found: Bone Shield, NameInGame found: Bone Shield, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Anti-Magic Shell, Id found: 48707, Name found: Anti-Magic Shell, NameInGame found: Anti-Magic Shell, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Mind Freeze, Id found: 47528, Name found: Mind Freeze, NameInGame found: Mind Freeze, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Strangulate, Id found: 47476, Name found: Strangulate, NameInGame found: Strangulate, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Soul Reaper, Id found: 114866, Name found: Soul Reaper, NameInGame found: Soul Reaper, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Pestilence, Id found: 50842, Name found: Pestilence, NameInGame found: Pestilence, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Icy Touch, Id found: 45477, Name found: Icy Touch, NameInGame found: Icy Touch, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Plague Strike, Id found: 45462, Name found: Plague Strike, NameInGame found: Plague Strike, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blood Boil, Id found: 48721, Name found: Blood Boil, NameInGame found: Blood Boil, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Heart Strike, Id found: 79885, Name found: Heart Strike, NameInGame found: Heart Strike, know = False [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Heart Strike, Id found: 79885, Name found: Heart Strike, NameInGame found: Heart Strike, know = False [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Path of Frost, Id found: 3714, Name found: Path of Frost, NameInGame found: Path of Frost, know = True 11:10:28 - Start Archaeologist Complete [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blood Presence, Id found: 48263, Name found: Blood Presence, NameInGame found: Blood Presence, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Horn of Winter, Id found: 57330, Name found: Horn of Winter, NameInGame found: Horn of Winter, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Outbreak, Id found: 77575, Name found: Outbreak, NameInGame found: Outbreak, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Vampiric Blood, Id found: 55233, Name found: Vampiric Blood, NameInGame found: Vampiric Blood, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Rune Tap, Id found: 48982, Name found: Rune Tap, NameInGame found: Rune Tap, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Death's Advance, Id found: 96268, Name found: Death's Advance, NameInGame found: Death's Advance, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Raise Dead, Id found: 46584, Name found: Raise Dead, NameInGame found: Raise Dead, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Remorseless Winter, Id found: 115001, Name found: Remorseless Winter, NameInGame found: Remorseless Winter, know = False [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Death Grip, Id found: 49576, Name found: Death Grip, NameInGame found: Death Grip, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dark Command, Id found: 56222, Name found: Dark Command, NameInGame found: Dark Command, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dancing Rune Weapon, Id found: 49028, Name found: Dancing Rune Weapon, NameInGame found: Dancing Rune Weapon, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Icebound Fortitude, Id found: 48792, Name found: Icebound Fortitude, NameInGame found: Icebound Fortitude, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Empower Rune Weapon, Id found: 47568, Name found: Empower Rune Weapon, NameInGame found: Empower Rune Weapon, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Bone Shield, Id found: 49222, Name found: Bone Shield, NameInGame found: Bone Shield, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Anti-Magic Shell, Id found: 48707, Name found: Anti-Magic Shell, NameInGame found: Anti-Magic Shell, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Mind Freeze, Id found: 47528, Name found: Mind Freeze, NameInGame found: Mind Freeze, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Strangulate, Id found: 47476, Name found: Strangulate, NameInGame found: Strangulate, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Soul Reaper, Id found: 114866, Name found: Soul Reaper, NameInGame found: Soul Reaper, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Pestilence, Id found: 50842, Name found: Pestilence, NameInGame found: Pestilence, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Necrotic Strike, Id found: 73975, Name found: Necrotic Strike, NameInGame found: Necrotic Strike, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Icy Touch, Id found: 45477, Name found: Icy Touch, NameInGame found: Icy Touch, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Plague Strike, Id found: 45462, Name found: Plague Strike, NameInGame found: Plague Strike, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blood Boil, Id found: 48721, Name found: Blood Boil, NameInGame found: Blood Boil, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Death Strike, Id found: 49998, Name found: Death Strike, NameInGame found: Death Strike, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Death Strike, Id found: 49998, Name found: Death Strike, NameInGame found: Death Strike, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blood Strike, Id found: 45902, Name found: Blood Strike, NameInGame found: Blood Strike, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blood Strike, Id found: 45902, Name found: Blood Strike, NameInGame found: Blood Strike, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Rune Strike, Id found: 56815, Name found: Rune Strike, NameInGame found: Rune Strike, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blood Boil, Id found: 48721, Name found: Blood Boil, NameInGame found: Blood Boil, know = True [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Path of Frost, Id found: 3714, Name found: Path of Frost, NameInGame found: Path of Frost, know = True [F] 11:10:28 - Cast Horn of Winter (Horn of Winter) [D] 11:10:28 - Digsite zone found: Name: Ruins of Khintaset Digsite - Distance =5282.175 [D] 11:10:28 - Digsite zone found: Name: Jaedenar Digsite - Distance =10399.71 [D] 11:10:28 - Digsite zone found: Name: Eastmoon Ruins Digsite - Distance =8185.032 [D] 11:10:28 - Digsite zone found: Name: River Delta Digsite - Distance =8370.075 [D] 11:10:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Survey, Id found: 80451, Name found: Survey, NameInGame found: Survey, know = True 11:10:28 - Go to Digsite Ruins of Khintaset Digsite 11:10:28 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade [N] 11:10:30 - Long Move distance: 5281.947 [D] 11:10:57 - Digsite zone found: Name: Ruins of Khintaset Digsite - Distance =4386.377 [D] 11:10:57 - Digsite zone found: Name: Jaedenar Digsite - Distance =10821.59 [D] 11:10:57 - Digsite zone found: Name: Eastmoon Ruins Digsite - Distance =7345.314 [D] 11:10:57 - Digsite zone found: Name: River Delta Digsite - Distance =7475.268 [D] 11:12:18 - Digsite zone found: Name: Ruins of Khintaset Digsite - Distance =1723.322 [D] 11:12:18 - Digsite zone found: Name: Jaedenar Digsite - Distance =12379.32 [D] 11:12:18 - Digsite zone found: Name: Eastmoon Ruins Digsite - Distance =4951.678 [D] 11:12:18 - Digsite zone found: Name: River Delta Digsite - Distance =4805.516 [D] 11:12:39 - Digsite zone found: Name: Ruins of Khintaset Digsite - Distance =1026.423 [D] 11:12:39 - Digsite zone found: Name: Jaedenar Digsite - Distance =12854.25 [D] 11:12:39 - Digsite zone found: Name: Eastmoon Ruins Digsite - Distance =4370.937 [D] 11:12:39 - Digsite zone found: Name: River Delta Digsite - Distance =4097.513 [N] 11:13:14 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:13:14 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:13:16 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:13:16 - Trying something funny, hang on 11:13:18 - Dismount [F] 11:13:18 - Cast Bone Shield (Bone Shield) [F] 11:13:18 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:13:21 - Load finish: C:\Users\test\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_31_48.tile 11:13:21 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade 11:13:27 - Dismount [F] 11:13:28 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:13:35 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:13:40 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:13:40 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:13:42 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:13:42 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:13:43 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:13:44 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 4. [N] 11:13:44 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:13:45 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:13:45 - Trying something funny, hang on [F] 11:13:47 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:13:48 - Cast Horn of Winter (Horn of Winter) [F] 11:13:51 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:13:56 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:13:56 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:13:57 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:13:57 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:13:59 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:14:00 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 5. [F] 11:14:00 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:14:04 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:14:04 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:14:05 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:14:05 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:14:06 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:14:08 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 6. [F] 11:14:09 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:14:11 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade [N] 11:14:15 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:14:15 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:14:17 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:14:17 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:14:19 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:14:19 - Flying UnStuck - Statistics.Stucks updated, new value: 4. 11:14:19 - Dismount [D] 11:14:19 - Flying UnStuck - lastPost = -8753.147 ; 340.5331 ; 347.6406 ; "Flying" [D] 11:14:21 - UnStuckFly() done. [F] 11:14:21 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:14:22 - Player attack before being attacked by Peregrine Statue (lvl 84) [N] 11:14:26 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:14:26 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:14:27 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:14:27 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:14:28 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:14:30 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 8. [N] 11:14:30 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:14:31 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:14:31 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:14:32 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:14:32 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:14:33 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:14:35 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 9. [N] 11:14:35 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:14:38 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:14:38 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:14:39 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:14:39 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:14:40 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:14:42 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 10. [N] 11:14:42 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:14:44 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:14:44 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:14:45 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:14:45 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:14:46 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:14:50 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 11. [N] 11:14:50 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:14:52 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:14:52 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:14:54 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:14:54 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:14:55 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:14:57 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 12. [N] 11:14:57 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:14:59 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:14:59 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:15:00 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:00 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:15:01 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:15:03 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 13. [N] 11:15:03 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:15:06 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:06 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:15:07 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:07 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:15:08 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:15:09 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 14. [N] 11:15:09 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:15:11 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:11 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:15:12 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:12 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:15:13 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:15:15 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 15. [N] 11:15:15 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:15:17 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:17 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:15:18 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:18 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:15:19 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:15:20 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 16. [N] 11:15:20 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:15:21 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:21 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:15:23 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:23 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:15:24 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:15:25 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 17. [N] 11:15:25 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:15:27 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:27 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:15:28 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:28 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:15:29 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:15:32 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 18. [N] 11:15:32 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:15:33 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:33 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:15:34 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:34 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:15:35 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:15:36 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 19. [N] 11:15:36 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:15:38 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:38 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:15:39 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:39 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:15:40 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:15:42 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 20. [N] 11:15:42 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:15:44 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:44 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:15:45 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:45 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:15:46 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:15:47 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 21. [N] 11:15:47 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:15:48 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:48 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:15:49 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:49 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:15:50 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:15:51 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 22. [N] 11:15:51 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:15:54 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:54 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:15:55 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:55 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:15:56 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:15:57 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 23. [N] 11:15:57 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:15:59 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:15:59 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:16:00 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:00 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:16:01 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:16:02 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 24. [N] 11:16:02 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:16:04 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:04 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:16:05 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:05 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:16:06 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:16:10 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 25. [N] 11:16:10 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:16:11 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:11 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:16:12 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:12 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:16:13 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:16:16 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 26. [N] 11:16:16 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:16:17 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:17 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:16:18 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:18 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:16:19 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:16:20 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 27. [N] 11:16:20 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:16:21 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:21 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:16:22 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:22 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:16:23 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:16:24 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 28. [N] 11:16:24 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:16:25 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:25 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:16:26 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:26 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:16:27 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:16:29 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 29. [N] 11:16:29 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:16:31 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:31 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:16:32 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:32 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:16:33 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:16:34 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 30. [N] 11:16:34 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:16:36 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:36 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:16:37 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:37 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:16:38 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:16:40 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 31. [N] 11:16:40 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:16:42 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:42 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:16:43 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:43 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:16:44 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:16:46 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 32. [N] 11:16:46 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:16:49 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:49 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:16:50 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:50 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:16:51 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:16:52 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 33. [N] 11:16:52 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:16:54 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:54 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:16:55 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:55 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:16:56 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:16:57 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 34. [N] 11:16:57 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:16:59 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:16:59 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:17:00 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:00 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:17:01 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:17:02 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 35. [N] 11:17:02 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:17:04 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:04 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:17:05 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:05 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:17:06 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:17:08 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 36. [N] 11:17:08 - Waypoint timed out [F] 11:17:08 - Cast Horn of Winter (Horn of Winter) [N] 11:17:11 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:11 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:17:12 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:12 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:17:13 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:17:14 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 37. [N] 11:17:14 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:17:16 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:16 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:17:17 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:17 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:17:18 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:17:19 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 38. [N] 11:17:19 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:17:20 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:20 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:17:21 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:21 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:17:22 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:17:25 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 39. [N] 11:17:25 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:17:28 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:28 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:17:29 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:29 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:17:30 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:17:32 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 40. [N] 11:17:32 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:17:33 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:33 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:17:34 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:34 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:17:35 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:17:37 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 41. [N] 11:17:37 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:17:39 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:39 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:17:40 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:40 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:17:41 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:17:45 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 42. [N] 11:17:45 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:17:46 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:46 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:17:47 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:47 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:17:48 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:17:52 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 43. [N] 11:17:52 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:17:53 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:53 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:17:54 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:54 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:17:55 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:17:56 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 44. [N] 11:17:56 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:17:58 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:58 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:17:59 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:17:59 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:18:00 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:18:01 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 45. [N] 11:18:01 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:18:03 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:03 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:18:04 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:04 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:18:05 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:18:06 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 46. [N] 11:18:06 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:18:07 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:07 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:18:08 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:08 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:18:10 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:18:12 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 47. [N] 11:18:12 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:18:14 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:14 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:18:16 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:16 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:18:17 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:18:18 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 48. [N] 11:18:18 - Waypoint timed out [F] 11:18:18 - Cast Bone Shield (Bone Shield) [N] 11:18:21 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:21 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:18:22 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:22 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:18:23 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:18:24 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 49. [N] 11:18:24 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:18:26 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:26 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:18:28 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:28 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:18:29 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:18:30 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 50. [N] 11:18:30 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:18:32 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:32 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:18:33 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:33 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:18:34 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:18:37 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 51. [N] 11:18:37 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:18:38 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:38 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:18:39 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:39 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:18:40 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:18:41 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 52. [N] 11:18:41 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:18:42 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:42 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:18:43 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:43 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:18:44 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:18:47 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 53. [N] 11:18:47 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:18:49 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:49 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:18:50 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:50 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:18:51 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:18:53 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 54. [N] 11:18:53 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:18:55 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:55 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:18:56 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:18:56 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:18:57 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:19:01 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 55. [N] 11:19:01 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:19:03 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:03 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:19:04 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:04 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:19:05 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:19:06 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 56. [N] 11:19:06 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:19:07 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:07 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:19:08 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:08 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:19:09 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:19:11 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 57. [N] 11:19:11 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:19:13 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:13 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:19:15 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:15 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:19:16 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:19:17 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 58. [N] 11:19:17 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:19:19 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:19 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:19:20 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:20 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:19:21 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:19:23 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 59. [N] 11:19:23 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:19:24 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:24 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:19:25 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:25 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:19:26 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:19:27 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 60. [N] 11:19:27 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:19:29 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:29 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:19:30 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:30 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:19:31 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:19:32 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 61. [N] 11:19:32 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:19:35 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:35 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:19:36 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:36 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:19:37 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:19:39 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 62. [N] 11:19:39 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:19:42 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:42 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:19:43 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:43 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:19:44 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:19:45 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 63. [N] 11:19:45 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:19:46 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:46 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:19:47 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:47 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:19:48 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:19:51 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 64. [N] 11:19:51 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:19:53 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:53 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:19:54 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:54 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:19:55 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:19:57 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 65. [N] 11:19:57 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:19:58 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:58 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:19:59 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:19:59 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:20:01 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:20:02 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 66. [N] 11:20:02 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:20:04 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:04 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:20:05 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:05 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:20:06 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:20:08 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 67. [N] 11:20:08 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:20:10 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:10 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:20:11 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:11 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:20:12 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:20:13 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 68. [N] 11:20:13 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:20:15 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:15 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:20:17 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:17 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:20:18 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:20:20 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 69. [N] 11:20:20 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:20:22 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:22 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:20:23 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:23 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:20:24 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:20:28 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 70. [N] 11:20:28 - Waypoint timed out [F] 11:20:29 - Cast Horn of Winter (Horn of Winter) [N] 11:20:29 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:29 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:20:30 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:30 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:20:31 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:20:32 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 71. [N] 11:20:32 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:20:34 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:34 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:20:35 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:35 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:20:36 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:20:39 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 72. [N] 11:20:39 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:20:41 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:41 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:20:42 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:42 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:20:43 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:20:44 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 73. [N] 11:20:44 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:20:46 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:46 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:20:47 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:47 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:20:48 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:20:49 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 74. [N] 11:20:49 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:20:50 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:50 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:20:51 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:51 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:20:52 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:20:55 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 75. [N] 11:20:55 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:20:56 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:56 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:20:57 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:20:57 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:20:58 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:21:01 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 76. [N] 11:21:01 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:21:03 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:03 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:21:04 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:04 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:21:05 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:21:07 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 77. [N] 11:21:07 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:21:09 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:09 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:21:10 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:10 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:21:12 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:21:15 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 78. [N] 11:21:15 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:21:17 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:17 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:21:18 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:18 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:21:19 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:21:22 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 79. [N] 11:21:22 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:21:24 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:24 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:21:25 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:25 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:21:26 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:21:27 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 80. [N] 11:21:27 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:21:29 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:29 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:21:30 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:30 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:21:31 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:21:32 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 81. [N] 11:21:32 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:21:34 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:34 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:21:35 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:35 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:21:36 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:21:40 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 82. [N] 11:21:40 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:21:42 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:42 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:21:43 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:43 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:21:44 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:21:46 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 83. [N] 11:21:46 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:21:48 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:48 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:21:49 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:49 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:21:50 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:21:51 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 84. [N] 11:21:51 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:21:53 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:53 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:21:54 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:54 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:21:56 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:21:56 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 85. [N] 11:21:56 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:21:58 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:58 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:21:59 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:21:59 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:22:00 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:22:03 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 86. [N] 11:22:03 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:22:04 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:04 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:22:05 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:05 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:22:06 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:22:07 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 87. [N] 11:22:07 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:22:09 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:09 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:22:10 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:10 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:22:11 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:22:13 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 88. [N] 11:22:13 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:22:15 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:15 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:22:16 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:16 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:22:17 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:22:18 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 89. [N] 11:22:18 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:22:19 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:19 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:22:20 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:20 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:22:21 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:22:22 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 90. [N] 11:22:22 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:22:24 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:24 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:22:25 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:25 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:22:26 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:22:27 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 91. [N] 11:22:27 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:22:28 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:28 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:22:30 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:30 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:22:31 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:22:34 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 92. [N] 11:22:34 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:22:35 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:35 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:22:36 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:36 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:22:37 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:22:40 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 93. [N] 11:22:40 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:22:42 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:42 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:22:43 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:43 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:22:44 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:22:46 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 94. [N] 11:22:46 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:22:49 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:49 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:22:50 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:50 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:22:51 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:22:52 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 95. [N] 11:22:52 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:22:54 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:54 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:22:55 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:22:55 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:22:56 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:22:58 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 96. [N] 11:22:58 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:23:00 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:00 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:23:01 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:01 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:23:02 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:23:03 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 97. [N] 11:23:03 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:23:05 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:05 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:23:07 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:07 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:23:08 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:23:09 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 98. [N] 11:23:09 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:23:10 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:10 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:23:11 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:11 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:23:12 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:23:13 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 99. [N] 11:23:13 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:23:15 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:15 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:23:17 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:17 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:23:18 - UnStuck() started. [F] 11:23:19 - Cast Bone Shield (Bone Shield) [D] 11:23:21 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 100. [N] 11:23:21 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:23:24 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:24 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:23:25 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:25 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:23:26 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:23:28 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 101. [N] 11:23:28 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:23:29 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:29 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:23:30 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:30 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:23:31 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:23:32 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 102. [N] 11:23:32 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:23:34 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:34 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:23:35 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:35 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:23:36 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:23:40 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 103. [N] 11:23:40 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:23:41 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:41 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:23:42 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:42 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:23:43 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:23:46 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 104. [N] 11:23:46 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:23:49 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:49 - Trying something funny, hang on [F] 11:23:49 - Cast Horn of Winter (Horn of Winter) [N] 11:23:50 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:50 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:23:51 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:23:54 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 105. [N] 11:23:54 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:23:55 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:55 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:23:56 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:23:56 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:23:57 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:23:58 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 106. [N] 11:23:58 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:24:00 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:00 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:24:01 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:01 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:24:02 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:24:04 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 107. [N] 11:24:04 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:24:05 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:05 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:24:06 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:06 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:24:07 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:24:09 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 108. [N] 11:24:09 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:24:11 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:11 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:24:12 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:12 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:24:13 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:24:15 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 109. [N] 11:24:15 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:24:17 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:17 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:24:18 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:18 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:24:19 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:24:20 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 110. [N] 11:24:20 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:24:22 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:22 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:24:23 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:23 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:24:24 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:24:27 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 111. [N] 11:24:27 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:24:29 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:29 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:24:30 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:30 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:24:31 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:24:32 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 112. [N] 11:24:32 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:24:33 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:33 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:24:34 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:34 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:24:36 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:24:36 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 113. [N] 11:24:36 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:24:39 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:39 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:24:40 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:40 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:24:41 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:24:42 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 114. [N] 11:24:42 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:24:45 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:45 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:24:46 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:46 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:24:47 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:24:50 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 115. [N] 11:24:50 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:24:51 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:51 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:24:52 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:52 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:24:53 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:24:55 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 116. [N] 11:24:55 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:24:56 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:56 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:24:57 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:24:57 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:24:58 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:25:00 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 117. [N] 11:25:00 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:25:01 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:25:01 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:25:02 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:25:02 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:25:03 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:25:04 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 118. [N] 11:25:04 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:25:05 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:25:05 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:25:06 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:25:06 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:25:07 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:25:10 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 119. [N] 11:25:10 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:25:11 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:25:11 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:25:12 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:25:12 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:25:13 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:25:14 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 120. [N] 11:25:14 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:25:16 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:25:16 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:25:17 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:25:17 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:25:18 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:25:20 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 121. [N] 11:25:20 - Waypoint timed out [N] 11:25:22 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:25:22 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:25:23 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:25:23 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:25:24 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:25:27 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 122. [N] 11:25:27 - Waypoint timed out [D] 11:25:28 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Archaeology, Id found: 110393, Name found: Archaeology, NameInGame found: Archaeology, know = True [F] 11:25:37 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:25:42 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:25:42 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:25:43 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:25:43 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:25:45 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:25:47 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 123. [N] 11:25:47 - Waypoint timed out [F] 11:25:48 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:25:53 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:25:57 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:26:02 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:26:06 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:26:10 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:26:10 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:26:12 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:26:12 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:26:13 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:26:15 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 124. [F] 11:26:16 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:26:20 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:26:24 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:26:29 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:26:33 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:26:38 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:26:42 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:26:46 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:26:51 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:26:55 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:26:55 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:26:56 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:26:56 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:26:58 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:27:00 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 125. [F] 11:27:00 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:27:04 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:27:04 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:27:05 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:27:05 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:27:06 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:27:08 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 126. [F] 11:27:08 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:27:10 - Cast Horn of Winter (Horn of Winter) 11:27:10 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade [N] 11:27:14 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:27:14 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:27:16 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:27:16 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:27:18 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:27:18 - Flying UnStuck - Statistics.Stucks updated, new value: 124. 11:27:18 - Dismount [D] 11:27:19 - Flying UnStuck - lastPost = -8752.763 ; 340.4699 ; 341.6461 ; "Flying" [D] 11:27:20 - UnStuckFly() done. [F] 11:27:21 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:27:25 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:27:25 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:27:26 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:27:26 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:27:27 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:27:29 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 128. [N] 11:27:29 - Waypoint timed out [F] 11:27:30 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:27:33 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:27:33 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:27:34 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:27:34 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:27:35 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:27:38 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 129. [F] 11:27:38 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:27:40 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade [N] 11:27:45 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:27:45 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:27:47 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:27:47 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:27:49 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:27:49 - Flying UnStuck - Statistics.Stucks updated, new value: 127. [D] 11:27:50 - Flying UnStuck - lastPost = -8754.56 ; 342.3701 ; 370.156 ; "Flying" [D] 11:27:51 - UnStuckFly() done. [N] 11:27:51 - Waypoint timed out 11:27:52 - Dismount [F] 11:27:53 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:27:56 - Loot Tol'vir Archaeology Find [F] 11:28:00 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:28:02 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade [N] 11:28:07 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:28:07 - Trying something funny, hang on 11:28:10 - Dismount [F] 11:28:11 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:28:12 - Player attack before being attacked by Invisible Stalker (Cataclysm Boss, Ignore Combat, Floating) (lvl 88) [N] 11:28:15 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:28:15 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:28:16 - BlackList Invisible Stalker (Cataclysm Boss, Ignore Combat, Floating) during 60 sec 11:28:16 - Player attack before being attacked by Invisible Stalker (Cataclysm Boss, Ignore Combat, Floating) (lvl 88) [N] 11:28:18 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:28:18 - Trying something funny, hang on [F] 11:28:19 - Cast Bone Shield (Bone Shield) [N] 11:28:19 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:28:19 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:28:20 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:28:20 - BlackList Invisible Stalker (Cataclysm Boss, Ignore Combat, Floating) during 60 sec 11:28:21 - Player attack before being attacked by Invisible Stalker (Cataclysm Boss, Ignore Combat, Floating) (lvl 88) [D] 11:28:21 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 131. [D] 11:28:25 - BlackList Invisible Stalker (Cataclysm Boss, Ignore Combat, Floating) during 60 sec 11:28:25 - Player attack before being attacked by Obsidian Colossus (lvl 85) [D] 11:28:29 - BlackList Obsidian Colossus during 60 sec [F] 11:28:29 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:28:32 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade [N] 11:28:38 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:28:38 - Trying something funny, hang on 11:28:40 - Dismount [F] 11:28:41 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:28:46 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:28:48 - Loot Tol'vir Archaeology Find 11:28:52 - Loot Tol'vir Archaeology Find [F] 11:28:55 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:28:57 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade 11:29:05 - Dismount [F] 11:29:05 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:29:17 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:29:22 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:29:26 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:29:31 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:29:35 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:29:38 - Loot Tol'vir Archaeology Find [F] 11:29:41 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:29:45 - Loot Tol'vir Archaeology Find [F] 11:29:49 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:29:51 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade 11:29:57 - Dismount [F] 11:29:58 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:30:10 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:30:13 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:30:13 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:30:15 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:30:15 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:30:16 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:30:18 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 132. [N] 11:30:18 - Waypoint timed out [F] 11:30:21 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:30:26 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:30:26 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:30:27 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:30:27 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:30:28 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:30:29 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 133. [N] 11:30:29 - Waypoint timed out [F] 11:30:30 - Cast Horn of Winter (Horn of Winter) [N] 11:30:31 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:30:31 - Trying something funny, hang on [F] 11:30:32 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:30:35 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade 11:30:41 - Dismount [F] 11:30:44 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:30:48 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:30:51 - Loot Tol'vir Archaeology Find [F] 11:30:55 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:30:57 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade 11:31:03 - Dismount [F] 11:31:06 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:31:08 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade 11:31:13 - Dismount [F] 11:31:16 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:31:18 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade 11:31:24 - Dismount [F] 11:31:25 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:31:28 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:31:31 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:31:33 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:31:36 - Go to Digsite Ruins of Khintaset Digsite 11:31:36 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade [N] 11:31:38 - Long Move distance: 198.5963 11:31:50 - Dismount 11:31:50 - Black List Digsite: Ruins of Khintaset Digsite [D] 11:31:50 - Digsite zone found: Name: Ruins of Khintaset Digsite - Distance =0.01118464 [D] 11:31:50 - Digsite zone found: Name: Jaedenar Digsite - Distance =13556.16 [D] 11:31:50 - Digsite zone found: Name: Eastmoon Ruins Digsite - Distance =3642.76 [D] 11:31:50 - Digsite zone found: Name: River Delta Digsite - Distance =3115.728 11:31:50 - Go to Digsite River Delta Digsite 11:31:50 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade [N] 11:31:53 - Long Move distance: 3116.13 [D] 11:31:57 - Digsite zone found: Name: Ruins of Khintaset Digsite - Distance =103.3155 [D] 11:31:57 - Digsite zone found: Name: Jaedenar Digsite - Distance =13619.13 [D] 11:31:57 - Digsite zone found: Name: Eastmoon Ruins Digsite - Distance =3589.164 [D] 11:31:57 - Digsite zone found: Name: River Delta Digsite - Distance =3035.635 [D] 11:31:58 - Digsite zone found: Name: Ruins of Khintaset Digsite - Distance =120.7892 [D] 11:31:58 - Digsite zone found: Name: Jaedenar Digsite - Distance =13634.23 [D] 11:31:58 - Digsite zone found: Name: Eastmoon Ruins Digsite - Distance =3576.327 [D] 11:31:58 - Digsite zone found: Name: River Delta Digsite - Distance =3015.65 [D] 11:32:35 - Digsite zone found: Name: Ruins of Khintaset Digsite - Distance =1305.728 [D] 11:32:35 - Digsite zone found: Name: Jaedenar Digsite - Distance =14549.83 [D] 11:32:35 - Digsite zone found: Name: Eastmoon Ruins Digsite - Distance =2947.98 [D] 11:32:35 - Digsite zone found: Name: River Delta Digsite - Distance =1810.031 [D] 11:33:22 - Digsite zone found: Name: Ruins of Khintaset Digsite - Distance =2879.706 [D] 11:33:22 - Digsite zone found: Name: Jaedenar Digsite - Distance =15814.03 [D] 11:33:22 - Digsite zone found: Name: Eastmoon Ruins Digsite - Distance =2781.727 [D] 11:33:22 - Digsite zone found: Name: River Delta Digsite - Distance =249.2542 [N] 11:33:29 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:33:29 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:33:31 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:33:31 - Trying something funny, hang on [D] 11:33:33 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:33:33 - Flying UnStuck - Statistics.Stucks updated, new value: 131. [D] 11:33:34 - Flying UnStuck - lastPost = -11176.16 ; -1685.95 ; 34.97777 ; "Flying" [D] 11:33:36 - UnStuckFly() done. [N] 11:33:36 - Waypoint timed out 11:33:38 - Dismount [F] 11:33:39 - Cast Bone Shield (Bone Shield) [F] 11:33:39 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:33:41 - Download map "Kalimdor\Kalimdor_35_52.tile" [N] 11:33:43 - Load finish: C:\Users\test\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_35_52.tile 11:33:43 - Player attack before being attacked by Ferndweller Wasp (lvl 83) [F] 11:33:44 - Cast Raise Dead (Raise Dead) [F] 11:33:44 - Cast Death Grip (Death Grip) [F] 11:33:45 - Cast Death's Advance (Death's Advance) [F] 11:33:47 - Cast Dark Command (Dark Command) [F] 11:33:47 - Cast Dancing Rune Weapon (Dancing Rune Weapon) [F] 11:33:48 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 11:33:50 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:33:51 - Cast Horn of Winter (Horn of Winter) [N] 11:33:52 - Download map "Kalimdor\Kalimdor_35_53.tile" [N] 11:33:53 - Load finish: C:\Users\test\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_35_53.tile 11:34:00 - Player attack before being attacked by Neferset Crocolisk (lvl 82) [F] 11:34:01 - Cast Dark Command (Dark Command) [F] 11:34:01 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 11:34:03 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:34:05 - Load finish: C:\Users\test\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_34_52.tile 11:34:16 - Player attack before being attacked by Marsh Serpent (lvl 83) [F] 11:34:17 - Cast Death Grip (Death Grip) [F] 11:34:17 - Cast Death's Advance (Death's Advance) [F] 11:34:18 - Cast Dark Command (Dark Command) [F] 11:34:19 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 11:34:19 - Launch LUA script: RunMacroText("/Use 13") [F] 11:34:20 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:34:23 - Download map "Kalimdor\Kalimdor_34_53.tile" [N] 11:34:24 - Load finish: C:\Users\test\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_34_53.tile 11:34:32 - Player attack before being attacked by Oasis Crocolisk (lvl 84) [F] 11:34:33 - Cast Dark Command (Dark Command) [F] 11:34:33 - Cast Path of Frost (Path of Frost) [F] 11:34:33 - Launch LUA script: RunMacroText("/Use 14") [F] 11:34:34 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 11:34:36 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:34:38 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade 11:34:44 - Dismount [F] 11:34:45 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:34:45 - Player Attacked by Marsh Serpent (lvl 84) [F] 11:34:46 - Cast Death Grip (Death Grip) [F] 11:34:47 - Cast Dark Command (Dark Command) [F] 11:34:48 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 11:34:48 - Cast Death's Advance (Death's Advance) [F] 11:34:49 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:34:59 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:35:02 - Player attack before being attacked by Oasis Crocolisk (lvl 83) [F] 11:35:03 - Cast Dark Command (Dark Command) [F] 11:35:04 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 11:35:05 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:35:07 - Mounting aquatic mount Abyssal Seahorse [F] 11:35:10 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:35:12 - Mounting aquatic mount Abyssal Seahorse [F] 11:35:14 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:35:16 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade 11:35:22 - Dismount [F] 11:35:23 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:35:27 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:35:30 - Loot Tol'vir Archaeology Find [F] 11:35:34 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:35:36 - Mounting fly mount Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade [N] 11:35:42 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:35:42 - Trying something funny, hang on 11:35:46 - Dismount [F] 11:35:47 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:35:49 - Mounting aquatic mount Abyssal Seahorse [D] 11:35:51 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:35:52 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 135. [F] 11:35:52 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:35:55 - Mounting aquatic mount Abyssal Seahorse [D] 11:35:56 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:35:57 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 136. [F] 11:36:00 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:36:02 - Mounting aquatic mount Abyssal Seahorse [D] 11:36:04 - UnStuck() started. [D] 11:36:07 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 137. [F] 11:36:08 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:36:12 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:36:15 - Loot Tol'vir Archaeology Find [F] 11:36:19 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:36:34 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:36:34 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:36:35 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:36:35 - Trying something funny, hang on [F] 11:36:36 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:36:43 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:36:51 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:36:55 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:37:00 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:37:02 - Loot Tol'vir Archaeology Find [F] 11:37:06 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:37:07 - Player attack before being attacked by Marsh Serpent (lvl 83) [F] 11:37:08 - Cast Raise Dead (Raise Dead) [F] 11:37:08 - Cast Death's Advance (Death's Advance) [F] 11:37:09 - Cast Death Grip (Death Grip) [F] 11:37:09 - Cast Dark Command (Dark Command) [F] 11:37:09 - Cast Dancing Rune Weapon (Dancing Rune Weapon) [F] 11:37:10 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 11:37:10 - Launch LUA script: RunMacroText("/Use 13") [F] 11:37:11 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 11:37:12 - Cast Horn of Winter (Horn of Winter) [F] 11:37:13 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:37:18 - Player attack before being attacked by Oasis Crocolisk (lvl 84) [F] 11:37:19 - Cast Dark Command (Dark Command) [N] 11:37:22 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:37:22 - Trying something funny, hang on [F] 11:37:23 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:37:35 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:37:38 - Player Attacked by Marsh Serpent (lvl 83) [F] 11:37:38 - Cast Bone Shield (Bone Shield) [F] 11:37:39 - Cast Death's Advance (Death's Advance) [F] 11:37:39 - Cast Death Grip (Death Grip) [F] 11:37:39 - Cast Dark Command (Dark Command) [F] 11:37:40 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 11:37:42 - Cast Survey (Survey) [N] 11:37:46 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:37:46 - Trying something funny, hang on [N] 11:37:47 - Think we are stuck [N] 11:37:47 - Trying something funny, hang on [F] 11:37:59 - Cast Survey (Survey) 11:38:05 - Player attack before being attacked by Marsh Serpent (lvl 83) [F] 11:38:06 - Cast Death Grip (Death Grip) [F] 11:38:06 - Cast Dark Command (Dark Command) [F] 11:38:07 - Cast Death Strike (Death Strike) [F] 11:38:09 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 11:38:15 - Cast Survey (Survey)
  5. When your farming or herbing what ever your doing I would like to get some idea's for making a pluging for Rare's NPC's for the bott to start attacking like the Tlpd or camel in uldum or many other's. Tell me what you would like to coming with this plug-in.
  6. anyone want to do this for arena today message if u do?
  7. or is it just me. is there a way to adjust long way moveing for this product so it just moves in small moves?
  8. I think the Meashes are kinda bugged for Kalimdor this is for Archaeology product. Not sure about other product setting's but I pretty sure if meashes ain't done right u get the bot running into stuff. This is my problem. The bot run's into to stuff and u can tell its a bot does some really wired stuff and keeps running into walls trying to jump over it when it's to big to jump over. this part of the bot has became so much more buggy, got worse since febuary. [N] 10:14:43 - Load finish: C:\Users\test\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_25_41.tile I think the kalimdor Meashes are kinda screwy cause its happens all over kalimdor.... Keep's bugging out @ Mount Hyjal. doesn't fly up to go into area, Just hit's the side mountian @ Blackrock Mountian doesn't fly up or to go around the mountain happen's on some other's too. Bulidings doesn't fly around them, Just hit's the side's of mountian's, tree's ect... and they keep running into it thing's. It looks like I'm botting just really glitchy ever since i update the bot since i got back. never had a problem with it before. 10 Sep 2014 10H14.log.html Does anyone experiance these problem's I do?
  9. caramon

    d3d11 wont work

    d3d11 won't work I tried to reset of the d3d11 problems on the forums and i still get d3d11 I don't have direct x 11 only 9 do you have a program for direct x 9?
  10. here it is 29 Aug 2014 11H54.log.html
  11. all it wants to pick is dark soil's i have the product on grinder and krol npc id in the box still doesn't want to work for me.
  12. grinding Krol the blade and i get this when i don't have any nods to farm them and my bot wont attack the mob that i have in Npc list. I do have the same profile on desktop at home with no problem work's fine. now tried to recreate profile didn't work tried closing it restarting computer didn't work any new how to make it work?
  13. caramon

    Profile create

    wrobot.eu/topic/284-rules-for-help-and-support-required-to-read-before-posting/?p=966 goanna try this first post back to check up.
  14. caramon

    Profile create

    the tab blacklist, Npc and Others the option to add in the values are not there tried to re install and other things bringing my folder from my desktop which seems to work on and it doesn't wont to work on my laptop for some reason any clues to but in right direction
  15. caramon


    not sure what happened but another error here.
  16. so when I say that it's how you play. its what you do as you play to the different play style to the bot that's why ppl get banned on main account's. try acting like a bot in a city on your main account without bot program. running wow in 32 bit mode with click to move on you will get banned after two hours I bet. on other hand if you try to make the bot more like a player thinking system where it has rule's and commands it has to follow before the injection is executed might seem a little better system don't you think?
  17. is you toon have a class set to it on the general tab setting. happened to me check that out.
  18. why does the bot when on flying mount follow the path should be able to go any where. if I'm not mistaking last time I got banned the reason why is cause of the way I was playing. last bot I played did the same thing what can you do to fix this ez botting was a good bot and didn't do that. ( they in court that's why I moved over here)
  19. caramon

    mesh error

    error will flying between zones
  20. got some error will running achry
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