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  1. i've tried it, right now after 8 hrs of farming i have a full bag. i have tundra mount checked in tab and it does not get on my mammoth when the bags are full
  2. just noticed this today, the bot closes when bag space is full, it doesn't wait until there is a final stack of the ore / herb and no bag space before closing. thanks
  3. is this possible to be added? I would love to see this as my server has a horrible selection of people every BG and there is barely any healers if not any. Thanks!
  4. Hi and thanks for taking the item to read this! I was so happy to see that my idea for the wooly mammoth mount use for a vendor was considered and is (at least I think so) being implemented and you fixed every compliant I've had properly and correctly so thank you for that! Keep up the great work Droidz! Anyhoo, off to the newest idea I brewed up while watching my bot at work I use a profile to gather around the entire MoP continent and have found through gathering that I pick up a lot of quest items like Strange Relics, Confusing Treasure maps, Shiney Earrings and so forth. These items do not stack and cannot be sold and by the end of my run I could have 5 - 10 Strange Relics, 2 - 3 earrings, couple treasure maps and so forth all of which take up valuable space in my bags that I could use for Ore and herbs. Is there any possible way for you to implement a list system, similar to the one you have for Do not harvest objects but only for items that you do not want to pick up? I realize your system uses the auto loot idea which grabs all loot from the mob. I'm not too sure if it's possible to skip certain items in that aspect but maybe something could be figured out if you considered my idea. Thanks for reading!
  5. that sounds more like program issue then a profile issue, try uninstalling and reinstalling the bot and running this profile!
  6. have to agree with this one also, other then that beautiful update! keep them coming droidz!
  7. tried it out, worked great! i can't seem to find the "dont use mount if near node" option though edit: never mind found it in product settings
  8. Just a small suggestion after I bought a Wooly Mammoth Mount and noticed there are vendors on it! Anyway you could add support / check for use of the Wooly Mammoth Mount for selling items to vendors? this would be a great feature as it has repair and selling capabilities in one mount! thanks for reading!
  9. Version 1.0


    Hey! I've noticed the Fishbot profiles are lacking a lot, so I decided to submit my profile that I used to level my fishing from 1 to 600. It has a few minor parts where it gets stuck (Shipwreck Debris, it'll farm a few of them then continue to swim backwards at the boat only because there is no land for it to stand on for the ones further out in the water. Underneath a hut right in the beginning at times if you start it right there) but other then that this profile is very smooth! It's great for farming: - Reef Octopus - Krasarang Paddlefish - Emperor Salmon - Giant Mantis Shrimp - Sealed Crates (lots of motes of harmony and Black / White Trillium ore, if you're a miner you know how hard it is to find that stuff!) - Turtle mount (from fish pools) - Tiny Green Carp (these pets are pretty rare to drop but they sell for 3500 gold on my server) It also works beautiful for the fishing daily quests from The Anglers faction (gathering parts I'll make a profile for later) ALSO NOTE: At the time I made this profile, my faction was in control of Domination Point & Lion's Landing, depending on who is in control you may be attacked if you are the opposite faction of what's in control of the points. The screenshot is the closest that I remember to the path it follows also! Thanks! This is my first profile, if you have any serious issues with it or any problems at all leave a comment and I will try my best to fix it and update it!
  10. I've seen this happening a lot and being on a very high populated server I feel this bug should be addressed soon because it is quite sketchy to kill a mob (if you moved or got bounced back, or just generally moved away from the ore / herb node) and then mount if you're 2+ ft from the node and just land ontop of it and dismount. Also I feel if some ore / herb nodes are close enough together or in a general area where walking / ground mounting would be a suitable choice over using the flying mount it should be used unless the ore / herb is so and so distance away or up a mountain of some sort Thanks and I hope you consider fixing this issue!!
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