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Bug Report Comments posted by Runaro

  1. 11 minutes ago, DonaldMacRonald said:

    Thanks, I just saw that in Vanilla download link :P

    In that case is there any way to trigger a special timer or reset Serpent Sting timer when the target is finaly killed ?

    If you can't create yourself a c# FightClass with some lua syntax, then you have to use the TargetBuff condition in xml. ( and live with, that he'll not cast the Serpent Sting again, if there's another Serpent Sting debuff, from an other hunter )

    Or, you could simply use a timer, without a buff check. ( but that would mean, if the spell miss, he'll not recast it until the timer runs out )

  2. 4 hours ago, Droidz said:

    All maps of WRobot are update (for all versions of wrobot).

    Made some tests and the new meshes are working so far like a charm.

    Properly working paths can now get generated, where the bot stucked before all the time.

  3. Dynamic objects which are not saved in the .mpq files, but saved on the server itself, are not included in the WRobot meshes. ( Doors, Waggons, Benchs etc. )

    I really don't understand, why other bots have them included in their meshes and WRobot doesn't. ( Droidz just need to go ingame, record every single dynamic object with a tool and add them to the meshes )

    A more improved pathfinding system would be great, but ain't gonna happen. :sad:



  4. On 8/21/2016 at 11:59 AM, Droidz said:

    If you can wait next update and tell me if problem is resolved (I cannot completly ignore path in blacklisted zones, but I have improved it)

    The improved version is much better, but a function to blacklist a zone completely, so the bot will never enter it.. would be worth gold.

    Since the Pathfinding isn't the best, we have to get such a function implemented. ( the current meshes doesn't have all objects in, that's why the bot stucks at some places often )

  5. 16 hours ago, Droidz said:

    I'll release update, if you can tell me if problem is reolved.

    Are "old" profiles, without the 10 objective counts still gonna work, or do i have to add the other 5 objective counts to the profiles? ( even though they're not needed for the quest itself )

  6. 1 minute ago, Nikke said:

    Tried every fightclass on this site. Wotlk 3.3.5. What ive tried? everything.. There is other topic on this same problem and there is no answer. Need more info?

    Upload your Logfile and FightClass...

    That's what we need, otherwise no one can help you.

  7. 2 hours ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, to fix problem temporaly, increment fightclass range or add at spells condition "Target Distance" : "SmallerOrEqual" : Your range. add "c sharp code" condtion at your range spells with code: 

    ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance <= wManager.Wow.Helpers.CustomClass.GetRange

    I'll try to find solution (but this problem is amplify in wow 3.3.5, I ignore why).

    That temporarily solution works good, thanks!

    But i really hope, that the problem itself gonna get fixed, once you find the bug that it cause.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, to fix problem temporaly, increment fightclass range or add at spells condition "Target Distance" : "SmallerOrEqual" : Your range.

    I'll try to find solution (but this problem is amplify in wow 3.3.5, I ignore why).

    Works okay as a temporarily solution, i really hope you'll fix that problem. ( had to change now every caster FightClass, because of it :sad: )

    But thanks, for the temporarily fix.

  9. Just now, www said:

    it is impossible to make a profile on the dungeon  :sad:

    It's not impossible, you have to do this via the Quest Editor and that takes some time.

    That's why i wanted such kind of Dungeon Editor.

  10. 1 hour ago, Bugreporter said:

    No. it doesnt. Pistol Shot and Saber Slash have the same condition. Saberslash is before Pistol Shot. So Pistolshot should never be used.

    But it is !!! (and thats the bug.)


    That's not a bug.. It's just how a rotation works.

    First high priority and then the lower priority and ofc. checks which one is ready, does it have enough of the required thing. ( mana, energy, etc.. )

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