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Posts posted by Runaro

  1. 17 hours ago, Droidz said:

    The problem with private servers, it is than objects has added by the creator of the servers (but I can try to use mangos or trinity database to add defaults map objects)

    And what are with objects that are not spawned via the server, because the bot get stucked by them too?

    But ye, that would be at least something and could improve the pathfinding a bit.

    I have access to fully spawned databases for all private server versions, so I'll hit you up for first with the Wotlk database via private message.

    Once you added it to the meshes for Wotlk and it really improved the pathfinding, then i'm glad to send you the Databases for the other private server versions. :wub:


  2. On 1/12/2017 at 8:44 PM, Droidz said:

    No only on official server at the moment

    I just came back to botting and would like to know, when we could expect a plugin for private servers? ( all versions )

    I created 1-max level Questing Profiles for Vanilla, TBC and Wotlk, but the stucks are making it almost impossible, to let it run without observing the bot 24/7.

  3. 1 hour ago, st4rrk said:

    Hey leute , kurz und knapp... wenn ich bezahlen möchte , hänge ich bei paypal fest , denn es wird nach einer neuen Zahlungsart gefragt. Obwohl ich eine angegeben habe und diese auch funktioniert. Gebe ich die selbe erneut an steht dort , dass diese zahlungsart schon vorhanden wäre. Jetzt meine frage: Wäre es möglich per Email zu bezahlen und eine manuelle freischaltung zu bekommen ? 

    Du benötigst einen verifizierten Paypal Account, dann funktioniert die Zahlung via Paypal problemlos.

  4. 4 hours ago, cgeorg13 said:

    So i was looking into some of the Honorbuddy profiles and was wondering if it was possible to convert some of their questing profiles. 

    I tried loading it up with Easy Quests Editor but it didnt work but I found a schema (.XSD) file that links to the profiles. I think this could be used to translate their profiles into usable ones for WRobot. I'm extremely new at this sort of thing so I may be completely wrong but figured it was worth a shot!

    Attached is the Schema file (along with the same file converted to a .txt for viewing purposes) and the quester profile I was looking into converting.

    Let me know if it is possible or if I'm a complete idiot for thinking this would be able to help in converting the two LOL





    [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick].xml


  5. 24 minutes ago, neah said:

    I really find Your post disrespectful towards the creator of this program and it seems You have coding knowledge also.

    It might be so, that You are annoyed with that many clicks, but for me I don't care.
    I bought this program knowing exactly what I can and can't do.

    It's like You are choosing to buy a car, You know exactly what You are buying.
    So after I bought it I'm unhappy because of XYZ.
    I don't go running to the car manufacturer and telling him what he has to change because I'm unhappy...that's not how it works!

    Oh well, just my opinion.

    A piece of software grows and improves with such suggestions, so i don't think it's disrespectful.

    I know exactly how he's feeling about the non existing API Documentation and the not user friendly Quest Editor. ( a friend created a improved version for me, so i was able to create more efficient quest profiles )

  6. 11 minutes ago, dblbacker2200 said:



    I am trying to tweak @chapperz Demon Hunter Tank fight class. I am talented so when I use Infernal Strike (the heroic leap type ability) it applies Sigil of Flame where I land.


    The issue I am having is the bot is performing Infernal Strike twice in a row (it has 2 charges) and then applies Sigil of flame, so it is basically applying Sigil of Flame 3 times in a row (and sadly the damage does not stack). I am ataching my altered fight class as well as a screen shot of the target buff settings. I tried to make a condition where it would only use Infernal Strike or Sigil of Flame if the target does not have the Sigil of Flame debuff. I hope i am just missing something simple.


    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Demon Hunter Tank.xml


    I don't play DH, so i have no idea about the spells...

    Edited the FightClass for you, so it only cast Sigil of Flame, if the target doesn't have the Debuff Sigil of Flame. ( not tested )


    Demon Hunter Tank - EDITED.xml

  7. 5 hours ago, mercomy said:

    Hi , i want to buy Wrobot for 10 year for pirate servers . I have some questions

    1. I buy bot for all version Wow? Wotlk Cata ... 

    2. When i go to buy they say it cost 49 eur and 49 eur for 10 year , When i must pay another 49 eur( 49 uero for 10 year) , after i buy? Or after 10 years? 

    P.s. Sorry for my Eng))

    If you buy this Version http://wrobot.eu/store/product/4-wrobot-unlimited-subscription/ you'll be able to use WRobot for the following WoW Versions:

    TBC ( 2.4.3 )

    Wotlk ( 3.3.5a )

    Cata ( 4.3.4 )

    MOP ( 5.4.8)

    WOD ( 6.4.2 )

    Legion ( current retail patch )

    After 10 years, you have to renew your WRobot Sub manually.

  8. Just now, SacredAnarchy said:

    i have two instances of wow running i am paired up in a party with two mages i have a macro set up ingame that makes mage B set mage A as the focus also follows and targets what mage A is targeting if i can get wrotation to trigger that i can have a automated mage alongside me


    Why don't you use the Party Product of WRobot?

  9. 13 minutes ago, mercomy said:

    What is Bot Sub?

    You have to pay for the bot.. sounds like, you're using a cracked version of it.

    The Object ID's are wrong in the profile itself, here are the correct ones:

    Solanian's Scrying Orb - 180510
    Scroll of Scourge Magic - 180511
    Solanian's Journal - 180512

  10. 29 minutes ago, mercomy said:

    Google translate


    Hello , I am writing profile, and got stuck on this quest "Solanian things " , a character suited to the objects , and immediately runs to the next. Probyval just one object to leave , then he just stands at the object. Here is the code :

    You just posted the pulse part, please upload / post the full profile.

    Btw. you should really separate every single objective, so if the bot needs to finish 3 objectives for a quest, then create 3 pulse parts.

    Ps. How do you want to use the quester product, without a Bot Sub? :blink:

  11. 3 hours ago, Reaper666 said:

    So I'm looking for some quester profiles for TBC, Cata, MoP, and WoD. Trying to play catch up from my long absence :P


    2 hours ago, BetterSister said:

    Why you mention me? :biggrin:

    The profiles ain't gonna be for free and the date for selling is still unknown. :ph34r:

  12. 10 hours ago, BetterSister said:

    good example is my azsuna quester profile. Not a single quest without anything custom :D because it's not doable othewise on Legion

    Indeed, creating a fail proof questing profile for legion, is really complicated to do.

    But the Argentum Tournament dailys isn't that complex and he really should look into the different existing pulse classes. ( it's possible to create all the argentum dailys, without a single RunCode )

  13. That sounds like me, at the beginning with WRobot. :biggrin:

    Once i started working with WRobot, i learned a lot from reading, talking to developers etc.

    I've looked into your profiles and you make them way too complicated, a lot of functions exist already and there's no need for RunCode. ( ofc. some "special" quests need RunCude )

    But yes Indeed, the Quest Editor is horrible and that's why i have my personal one, which made a friend for me. :wub:

    I asked for a improved version of the quest editor, after my first day with WRobot, but nothing really changed since then.


  14. 7 minutes ago, craine said:


    I know there is a way to use the MoveTo command in a RunCode step on quest profiles but, what is the exact sentences to move the bot on a specific hotspots ?

    Something like 


    should work but, how should i give the position of the hotspots ?

    Not sure, maybe like that?

    <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(38.23928f, 10.52102f, -4.297345f));" />

    Or just add a FollowPath with a IsCompleteCondition

    <IsCompleteCondition>return (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(-591.455, 4074.51, 93.8132)) &lt; 10);</IsCompleteCondition>


  15. 11 minutes ago, craine said:


    Since i start to make some quest profiles i wonder if it's possible to change settings while the bot is actualy doing a quest profile.


    i have a quest that need the bot to go far from the npc, use an item on a point, kill a mob, back to the npc.

    I would like to tell the bot to only use ground mount while using the item.

    Is there a way to change the mounts options in a middle of this profile (a plugin maybe)? And if yes, how can i do it ?



    Disable Flying Mount

    <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseFlyingMount = false" />

    Disable Ground Mount

    <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseMount = false" />


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