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Everything posted by craine

  1. I would like to keep pathfinder.
  2. Hello, I know there is a way to use the MoveTo command in a RunCode step on quest profiles but, what is the exact sentences to move the bot on a specific hotspots ? Something like wManager.Wow.Helpers.MovementManager.MoveTo should work but, how should i give the position of the hotspots ?
  3. Hello, Since i start to make some quest profiles i wonder if it's possible to change settings while the bot is actualy doing a quest profile. example: i have a quest that need the bot to go far from the npc, use an item on a point, kill a mob, back to the npc. I would like to tell the bot to only use ground mount while using the item. Is there a way to change the mounts options in a middle of this profile (a plugin maybe)? And if yes, how can i do it ?
  4. HO CRAP wrong file sorry Silver turnament - alliance2.xml
  5. I play on the cataclysm server of firestorm (easy to find). I use the /dump GetQuestID() command in tchat and i have 14076 in return. That seems to be the default ID (for this quest) BUT, i found something else interesting: i tried to take the quest 14112 (on the same npc) and use the previous command, nothing wrong happend, i still have 14112. But when i tried to make the bot take it, it takes the first one on the list (the 14076 ) and keep try to get the right quest. I don't know if it's a bug of my server or if i just simply miss something, but the way the bot manage the daily quest is strange (all experiences quest work well) here is the working file if needed (the pulse don't work, but i'm on it) Silver turnament - alliance - V1.0.xml
  6. i tested your file and it just not work, the bot stand still and switch between "Quester" and "Battle Pet" in the in game menu. I tried to copy your file on the original one and... it work ! i really don't know how and why but it work ! Thanks for the help !
  7. Hello, i tried to make a quest profile pour my daily quest on my cataclysm server. But, it didn't go has expected. The file only have 2 step in the quest order: PickUp > ChampBreakfast (my quest) pulse > ChampBreakfast unfortunately, the bot is stuck on the first step. He take the right quest but keep stay on the npc and try to take the quest over and over. No idea if it's because it's a daily quest or because it's cataclysm. You can found the file below Silver turnament - alliance.xml
  8. Bonjour, J'ai récemment regardé les ancienne news (j'ai du temps a perdre :p ) et j'ai remarqué que pour la plupart des build, il n'existe pas de lien pour télécharger une version précise de WRobot. Comme toute les mise a jour sont effectuer directement sur WRobot il n'es pas possible de télécharger une version précise (a part pour quelques update comme la 6.1.0 par exemple). Sera-t'il possible de télécharger d'autre version ? J'ai des amis qui s'amuse a wow mais sur serveur privé en 6.1.2 c'est pour cette raison que je me pose la question. Merci de votre réponse et du super travail que vous faite !
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