Version 1.0.0
Important!: This Plugin is only for Users who have and know how work Addon "Trade Skill Master". If you didn't have knowledge about Setup this Addon then please first learn manually how this work. What Plugin does?
After correctly configuration bot cancel all under cut items, after that get all items from mailbox and finally post items. Support: Only Legion(retail)
Fully configured TSM
Disable All Addons (Except TSM and Modules)
Done my Instruction before starting using them(5 minutes for configure this)
Configurable IDs Mailbox, Auctioner, Guild Bank and all Positions
Cancelling all items under cut(Automatic Detect when end)
Pickup mail(Automatic Detect when end)
Post Items (Automatic Detect when end)
Configurable Loop(enable/disable)
Deposit Gold to Guild Bank(enable/disable)
After buy please read PDF file with instruction!!